Was Boston Marathon Bombing Staged? This eyewitness says so!

Links to articles and videos of eyewitness, Ali Stevenson saying it might be a false flag.

The Resistance Report: Boston Marathon Bombing - The government can't protect you!

Since I saw the tragic incident yesterday, April 15, 2013, I cannot help but believe government officials know a lot more about the Boston Marathon explosions than they are admitting:

Very odd and funny that the explosions were immediately attributed to terrorist attack for a Marathon that began with fireworks: I think those explosions towards finish line of the Boston Marathon were either fireworks gone bad or carefully planned government events, just as were the cases of 911/2001, Hurricane Ike in Houston, 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake in Haiti in 2010, etc.

My condolences to the families and friends of the deceased, and to all affected by the unfortunate incidents during the Boston Marathon. About time we put an end to these sadistic events.
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Nothing unites the Sheep like a good ole fashioned False Flag Operation. That's been proven historically to be true. But i'll wait and reserve judgement on this one.
This kind of stuff makes me sick. You far right kooks think that the government is always behind a bombing or a terrorist attack. I heard some of you people saying 9/11 was staged. For the love of me I don't understand why there are people like this in my party. Really. If I kicked you in the face, would you blame the government? Did the government tell me to do it? Or did I just do it out of my own volition?

I don't like the government, but to keep using it as a scapegoat for the vile acts of a madman is stupid. How do you keep so many people quiet during planning of such a "staged" event? This kind of stuff is embarrassing to conservatives like me everywhere.


A coworker of mine is one of these nuts. He thinks the govt staged it to implement drones and to unleash Homeland Security SWAT teams.

I asked him about the new info today, that said the bombs were very basic, bare bones bombs, made of pressure cookers with supplies you get from the hardware store. I asked him, if the most powerful military in the world is at your hands, and you can only muster up a bullshit little bomb (relative to bigger ones), then what credit can you give to that theory?

His answer? "Well of course they made small, weak bombs, they had to make it look amateur to cover their tracks".

Yep. Of course "they" had to do it that way:cuckoo:
This kind of stuff makes me sick. You far right kooks think that the government is always behind a bombing or a terrorist attack. I heard some of you people saying 9/11 was staged. For the love of me I don't understand why there are people like this in my party. Really. If I kicked you in the face, would you blame the government? Did the government tell me to do it? Or did I just do it out of my own volition?

I don't like the government, but to keep using it as a scapegoat for the vile acts of a madman is stupid. How do you keep so many people quiet during planning of such a "staged" event? This kind of stuff is embarrassing to conservatives like me everywhere.


A coworker of mine is one of these nuts. He thinks the govt staged it to implement drones and to unleash Homeland Security SWAT teams.

I asked him about the new info today, that said the bombs were very basic, bare bones bombs, made of pressure cookers with supplies you get from the hardware store. I asked him, if the most powerful military in the world is at your hands, and you can only muster up a bullshit little bomb (relative to bigger ones), then what credit can you give to that theory?

His answer? "Well of course they made small, weak bombs, they had to make it look amateur to cover their tracks".

Yep. Of course "they" had to do it that way:cuckoo:

He has his opinion, you have yours. You don't know anything for sure either. How can you be certain it wasn't a False Flag Operation?
The worst thing about this attack is that we have a president who is a known liar, and no matter what he comes up with, there's always gonna be doubt as to whether he's telling the truth or not. I mean, look at what he did with Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Obamacare, the list goes on. He's a fucking liar and his word isn't worth a shit.
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I'm a former Airman....and when fucktards want to call people cowards while they hide behind their monitors spreading this shit, then slapping them with my service and how I reacted to a tragedy under another POTUS compared to how they are behaving now is more than a valid thing whack said fucktard with.

Oh, and this isn't a real argument. This is bullshit from the lying, lunatic fringe.

They deserve no respect and if you are going to defend them you deserve none as well.

Hope that clears things up.

Too bad you already failed in making your point, Airman. I don't want respect from such a superficial individual as yourself. Please by all means, take a hike. And work on your grammar while you're at it. Or, if you choose, speak one line at a time so people can understand what the hell you're blithering about.

You simply don't sit there bragging about your service. It's disgraceful. I never defended anyone. I simply called you down for flaunting your service in the Air Force. Sure, I commend you for your service, but then again that doesn't change the fact you acted like a complete prick here.

Oh and there you are, sitting behind your monitor, just like me. Take your liberal knight in shining armor crap somewhere else. Nobody's buying.

I wouldn't commend someone who thought about using a military fuck up as a moniker

Oh, so that's what Article 15 means.... I guess I won't.
This kind of stuff makes me sick. You far right kooks think that the government is always behind a bombing or a terrorist attack. I heard some of you people saying 9/11 was staged. For the love of me I don't understand why there are people like this in my party. Really. If I kicked you in the face, would you blame the government? Did the government tell me to do it? Or did I just do it out of my own volition?

I don't like the government, but to keep using it as a scapegoat for the vile acts of a madman is stupid. How do you keep so many people quiet during planning of such a "staged" event? This kind of stuff is embarrassing to conservatives like me everywhere.


A coworker of mine is one of these nuts. He thinks the govt staged it to implement drones and to unleash Homeland Security SWAT teams.

I asked him about the new info today, that said the bombs were very basic, bare bones bombs, made of pressure cookers with supplies you get from the hardware store. I asked him, if the most powerful military in the world is at your hands, and you can only muster up a bullshit little bomb (relative to bigger ones), then what credit can you give to that theory?

His answer? "Well of course they made small, weak bombs, they had to make it look amateur to cover their tracks".

Yep. Of course "they" had to do it that way:cuckoo:

Or it simply could have been just some kook with a vendetta against the world. We'll never know until we catch him/them.
This kind of stuff makes me sick. You far right kooks think that the government is always behind a bombing or a terrorist attack. I heard some of you people saying 9/11 was staged. For the love of me I don't understand why there are people like this in my party. Really. If I kicked you in the face, would you blame the government? Did the government tell me to do it? Or did I just do it out of my own volition?

I don't like the government, but to keep using it as a scapegoat for the vile acts of a madman is stupid. How do you keep so many people quiet during planning of such a "staged" event? This kind of stuff is embarrassing to conservatives like me everywhere.


A coworker of mine is one of these nuts. He thinks the govt staged it to implement drones and to unleash Homeland Security SWAT teams.

I asked him about the new info today, that said the bombs were very basic, bare bones bombs, made of pressure cookers with supplies you get from the hardware store. I asked him, if the most powerful military in the world is at your hands, and you can only muster up a bullshit little bomb (relative to bigger ones), then what credit can you give to that theory?

His answer? "Well of course they made small, weak bombs, they had to make it look amateur to cover their tracks".

Yep. Of course "they" had to do it that way:cuckoo:

He has his opinion, you have yours. You don't know anything for sure either. How can you be certain it wasn't a False Flag Operation?

None of us can be sure it wasn't green men from Mars either but a bit of perspective works wonders. The CT Movement should try it sometime.
Quote: Originally Posted by LoudMcCloud
Links to articles and videos of eyewitness, Ali Stevenson saying it might be a false flag.
The Resistance Report: Boston Marathon Bombing - The government can't protect you!

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT
Soooo ... did Ali see who planted the bombs?

I am assuming you don't believe in God because you never saw him.

I'll take that to mean you have nothing but Ali's opinion to support your CT and Ali has nothing but his opinion. Got it. Thanks.
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Too bad you already failed in making your point, Airman. I don't want respect from such a superficial individual as yourself. Please by all means, take a hike. And work on your grammar while you're at it. Or, if you choose, speak one line at a time so people can understand what the hell you're blithering about.

You simply don't sit there bragging about your service. It's disgraceful. I never defended anyone. I simply called you down for flaunting your service in the Air Force. Sure, I commend you for your service, but then again that doesn't change the fact you acted like a complete prick here.

Oh and there you are, sitting behind your monitor, just like me. Take your liberal knight in shining armor crap somewhere else. Nobody's buying.

I wouldn't commend someone who thought about using a military fuck up as a moniker

Oh, so that's what Article 15 means.... I guess I won't.
pretty much.
There is evidence that indicates the Boston Bomb Squad knew of the bombs prior to the event.
- there were bomb-sniffing dogs stationed at the start and finish line of the race!
- when the bombs went off, people were repeated told on a loudspeaker, "This is just a drill!"
- finding a third bomb over a mile away and detonating it within the span of an hour, does not happen.​

Now if they did have advance notice, there are two reasonable conclusions one can immediately draw from this...
1) Someone called in a warning and threatened to bomb the event, which is why the bomb squad was on scene.

2) The bomb squad carried out the bombing as a false flag operation to achieve a political goal (unleashing TSA on the streets, blaming right wingers, increasing the bomb squad budget, etc.).
When looking at our governments track history (Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq WMD's, Iran nukes, etc), the TSA reason looks to be the more probable.

No matter where your position is right now on this incident, the real proof will be in how Obama responds.

If he calls for TSA on the streets of America to “keep everybody safe” at sporting events, then it’s all clearly a false flag rolled out for a political purpose. It was all a pretext to justify a TSA lockdown.

If the bombing is used to frame and blame veterans, patriots or “right-wing extremists,” then it’s clearly a false flag, too. Veterans and patriots have been severely demonized by the Obama administration as well as the leftist media.

If the administration avoids using the bombings to roll out its political agenda, then it might have legitimately been a random terrorist attack by a deranged individual. We’ll have to wait and see what Obama calls for in reaction to the attacks in order to know their true political purpose.
So for now, we're going to have to wait and see how this plays out.
Links to articles and videos of eyewitness, Ali Stevenson saying it might be a false flag.

The Resistance Report: Boston Marathon Bombing - The government can't protect you!

I believe that if the obama regime wanted to stage this, they'd have used a AK-47, or an AR-15. A bomb doesn't seem to serve their needs right now.

it depends how you perceive their needs and the story is yet to unfold if its any one connected with liberty then it will serve his needs..if it some mentally ill loner with connections to the FBI it is all but certain it was orchastrated

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