Was Boston Marathon Bombing Staged? This eyewitness says so!

Its a conspiracy that a eyewitness says it looked staged? Funny. This country is in for a rude awakening.

This forum allows you to cuss all day long. But if you say, mom, in a sentence you get banned.

I love logic.
I acted like a complete prick to a guy being a complete prick and I'm proud that I did. My point was also made quite succintly. I'm ok with using my service to make it and I'll sleep just fine, thank you.

Don't like it? Tough shit, fucktard.

you had a point ?...and it was.. what ?

That someone calling someone who enlisted in reaction to an attack on our soil a coward while hiding behind a monitor spreading propaganda in reaction to a terrorist attack outrageous stupidity from subhuman fucktard.....like you.

bravery is hardly defined by being in the armed services and joining in a terror attack on two other sovereign nations because of 9/11 does not score any hero points in my book either
Its a conspiracy that a eyewitness says it looked staged? Funny. This country is in for a rude awakening.

This forum allows you to cuss all day long. But if you say, mom, in a sentence you get banned.

I love logic.
I post article in this forum and nobody reads them. They just start talking crap with nothing to back it up.

I post on other forums and get lots of traffic. Out of all the forums I am active in, this one has the most retards.

They can barely read.
that someone calling someone who enlisted in reaction to an attack on our soil a coward while hiding behind a monitor spreading propaganda in reaction to a terrorist attack outrageous stupidity from subhuman fucktard.....like you.

take a long look in the mirror when you say that.

*checks mirror*

Yup....still wicked handsome.

Its hilarious that you think your cool. I know I am not cool. I am a wicked person who tries to do good. Man. I feel sorry for you.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10Q40sjL6g0]TERROR FACTORY: Inside The FBI's Manufactured War On Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]
all they had to do was check garbage cans at the finish line
Preventing terrorism is not Obama's priority.
It is however DHS jobs., a simple search of the area around the finish line would have prevented this. Don't you think the area would have been searched if obama had been their?

This question bears repeating. What if the cans were empty at the time of the original sweep?
preventing terrorism is not obama's priority.
it is however dhs jobs., a simple search of the area around the finish line would have prevented this. Don't you think the area would have been searched if obama had been their?

this question bears repeating. What if the cans were empty at the time of the original sweep?

its not rocket science ..security does not do one sweep you do a constant patrol route around the area throughout the day while stationary guards watch the main event area
Preventing terrorism is not Obama's priority.
It is however DHS jobs., a simple search of the area around the finish line would have prevented this. Don't you think the area would have been searched if obama had been their?

This question bears repeating. What if the cans were empty at the time of the original sweep?

Have you seen a TSA entry point? Once you go in you are searched, before anyone is allowed in the area it should be searched. The you have an entry point that before entry people are searched, this isn't something new this is what TSA does.
I post article in this forum and nobody reads them. They just start talking crap with nothing to back it up.

I post on other forums and get lots of traffic. Out of all the forums I am active in, this one has the most retards.

They can barely read.

Excuse me?
It is however DHS jobs., a simple search of the area around the finish line would have prevented this. Don't you think the area would have been searched if obama had been their?

This question bears repeating. What if the cans were empty at the time of the original sweep?

Have you seen a TSA entry point? Once you go in you are searched, before anyone is allowed in the area it should be searched. Then you have an entry point that before entry people are searched, this isn't something new this is what TSA does.

Then why are we blaming them for the bombing? Are we expecting them to be perfect each and every time? Plus, "a federal law enforcement official told CNN that both bombs were small, and initial tests showed no C-4 or other high-grade explosive material, suggesting the packages used in the attack were crude devices." Meaning that they were probably not easily picked up by bomb sniffing dogs, and could have easily enough slipped by TSA inspectors. You have to remember how small the bombs were. If there were no existing protocol for this when it happened, there sure as heck is now.
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