Was Hunter Biden worth the $$$ to Burisma?

Does not matter one iota if he did anything for that money or not.
If he got the money because of what is dad could do for the company is a diffrent matter.


If Mr. Biden was peddling influence, and not his business acumen in the field of natural gas, this is a problem.

And all that the Presidents of America and Ukraine were discussing is whether it was suspicious enough to look into.

The squealing of the libs upon just hearing the conversation tells me that the two leaders have hit a nerve here.

Looks to me like the right are bunch of squealing pigs and jealous of what he made. Are you also jealous of what the trump kids make for some of their dirty dealings?
Libs state it is self obvious, young Master Biden was worth every penny. Even questioning such a proposition is an impeachable offense.

Even though Mr. Biden is a crack head with no experience whatsoever in Burisma's country or line of business, it absurd and criminal even to examine the question.

Would the libs here use their own money to pay an inexperienced crackhead a million a year to direct their enterprise as a director?

Ukraine to review investigations into owner of company that employed Biden's son

Fuck dude, are you really this stupid? He did not direct their enterprise

Do yourself a favor and learn what it is a Board of Directors actually do. Trust me, they do not "direct" the company.

Why are there so many ignorant fucking partisans on this forum?

A "director" directs, its right there is the title of the job.

But it really doesn't matter what a director does, but whether an inexperienced crack head is worth paying a million bucks a year to do it.

You are funny you really don't know what the board of director's really do. The question you should be asking is "Who all was on the board of director's" and go from there. I made a similar comment many years ago to an ex boss and he said what business is of mine what someone makes? After much thought I saw his point I should be concerned with what I make and not be concerned what another makes. Now I'm up there and do practically nothing but make quite bit.

Good for you, and when you run for President , we'll want to take a look at it. Till then, it isn't the business of the public
Does not matter one iota if he did anything for that money or not.
If he got the money because of what is dad could do for the company is a diffrent matter.


If Mr. Biden was peddling influence, and not his business acumen in the field of natural gas, this is a problem.

And all that the Presidents of America and Ukraine were discussing is whether it was suspicious enough to look into.

The squealing of the libs upon just hearing the conversation tells me that the two leaders have hit a nerve here.

Looks to me like the right are bunch of squealing pigs and jealous of what he made. Are you also jealous of what the trump kids make for some of their dirty dealings?

I don't care what Hunter makes, as long as he isn't peddling government influence.
Libs state it is self obvious, young Master Biden was worth every penny. Even questioning such a proposition is an impeachable offense.

Even though Mr. Biden is a crack head with no experience whatsoever in Burisma's country or line of business, it absurd and criminal even to examine the question.

Would the libs here use their own money to pay an inexperienced crackhead a million a year to direct their enterprise as a director?

Ukraine to review investigations into owner of company that employed Biden's son

Fuck dude, are you really this stupid? He did not direct their enterprise

Do yourself a favor and learn what it is a Board of Directors actually do. Trust me, they do not "direct" the company.

Why are there so many ignorant fucking partisans on this forum?

A "director" directs, its right there is the title of the job.

But it really doesn't matter what a director does, but whether an inexperienced crack head is worth paying a million bucks a year to do it.

You are funny you really don't know what the board of director's really do. The question you should be asking is "Who all was on the board of director's" and go from there. I made a similar comment many years ago to an ex boss and he said what business is of mine what someone makes? After much thought I saw his point I should be concerned with what I make and not be concerned what another makes. Now I'm up there and do practically nothing but make quite bit.

Good for you, and when you run for President , we'll want to take a look at it. Till then, it isn't the business of the public

You and your comrades are jealous of Biden made, why aren't you jealous of the trumpturd kids?
Libs state it is self obvious, young Master Biden was worth every penny. Even questioning such a proposition is an impeachable offense.

Even though Mr. Biden is a crack head with no experience whatsoever in Burisma's country or line of business, it absurd and criminal even to examine the question.

Would the libs here use their own money to pay an inexperienced crackhead a million a year to direct their enterprise as a director?

Ukraine to review investigations into owner of company that employed Biden's son

Fuck dude, are you really this stupid? He did not direct their enterprise

Do yourself a favor and learn what it is a Board of Directors actually do. Trust me, they do not "direct" the company.

Why are there so many ignorant fucking partisans on this forum?

A "director" directs, its right there is the title of the job.

But it really doesn't matter what a director does, but whether an inexperienced crack head is worth paying a million bucks a year to do it.

You are funny you really don't know what the board of director's really do. The question you should be asking is "Who all was on the board of director's" and go from there. I made a similar comment many years ago to an ex boss and he said what business is of mine what someone makes? After much thought I saw his point I should be concerned with what I make and not be concerned what another makes. Now I'm up there and do practically nothing but make quite bit.

Good for you, and when you run for President , we'll want to take a look at it. Till then, it isn't the business of the public

You and your comrades are jealous of Biden made, why aren't you jealous of the trumpturd kids?

I'm not jealous of Biden at all,where did you get that line of crapola?
Are any of these CEO Assholes worth their Seven and Eight Figure Salaries?

Don't tell me you right wingers are suddenly concerned about executive compensation, because the six figure salary that Hunter was making seems rather paltry.
He's worth what they DECIDE to pay him.

Unless they can show he did something illegal in that capacity (and they can't) ...they're just engaging in baseless character assasination

And how did they come to that decision?

How did they place this value on his services and calculate that their investment of this sum in him would repay itself to them, with a profit, as is the calculus with any for-profit entity.

It is a very reasonable question actually.
If Hunter Biden was worth a million a year to Burisma, more power to him as well as his employer.

All that I'm suggesting, as well as what the Presidents of our two countries are suggesting, is that Mr. Biden and the folks at Burisma explain why he was worth so much and why it was money well spent.

If it wasn't just a case of peddling influence, they can make their explanation to investigators. Burisma and Biden should welcome the probe, it will give them a chance to prove their innocence.

I know inexperienced crackheads who would be interested in the gig.

Maybe I'll give them the heads up that Burisma is hiring, after all, Mr. Biden reportedly just quit Burisma.
Nevermind the fake libertarian....He's outed himself as a good little jackboot polishing apparatchik for The State.

Prolly angling for a nice Capo job in the "re-education camps".
A "director" directs, its right there is the title of the job.

But it really doesn't matter what a director does, but whether an inexperienced crack head is worth paying a million bucks a year to do it.
Remember that Peloski's and Lurch Kerry's worthless loser sons are mixed up in this too.

Like I said, this whole thing has the stench of a money laundering and payola operation.

Democrats pay US taxpayers money to Ukraine and Ukraine gives it to an energy company who then gives it back to the Democrats.
Same shit Obama did with companies like Solyndra
Are any of these CEO Assholes worth their Seven and Eight Figure Salaries?

Don't tell me you right wingers are suddenly concerned about executive compensation, because the six figure salary that Hunter was making seems rather paltry.
He's worth what they DECIDE to pay him.

Unless they can show he did something illegal in that capacity (and they can't) ...they're just engaging in baseless character assasination

And how did they come to that decision?

How did they place this value on his services and calculate that their investment of this sum in him would repay itself to them, with a profit, as is the calculus with any for-profit entity.

It is a very reasonable question actually.
Maybe he had a good line on where to score the best blow...Even Ukrainian oligarchs like to party.
Libs state it is self obvious, young Master Biden was worth every penny. Even questioning such a proposition is an impeachable offense.

Even though Mr. Biden is a crack head with no experience whatsoever in Burisma's country or line of business, it absurd and criminal even to examine the question.

Would the libs here use their own money to pay an inexperienced crackhead a million a year to direct their enterprise as a director?

Ukraine to review investigations into owner of company that employed Biden's son
How do you know Biden in a crack head? Disparaging and demonizing is what you people do when you have nothing intelligent to articulate.

All corporations place people on their boards for name recognition and access to connections for opening doors and setting up appointments with important people for their business.
Are any of these CEO Assholes worth their Seven and Eight Figure Salaries?

Don't tell me you right wingers are suddenly concerned about executive compensation, because the six figure salary that Hunter was making seems rather paltry.
Ceo’s get money from people buying the product, Bidens used my tax money to get rich
Libs state it is self obvious, young Master Biden was worth every penny. Even questioning such a proposition is an impeachable offense.

Even though Mr. Biden is a crack head with no experience whatsoever in Burisma's country or line of business, it absurd and criminal even to examine the question.

Would the libs here use their own money to pay an inexperienced crackhead a million a year to direct their enterprise as a director?

Ukraine to review investigations into owner of company that employed Biden's son
How do you know Biden in a crack head? Disparaging and demonizing is what you people do when you have nothing intelligent to articulate.

All corporations place people on their boards for name recognition and access to connections for opening doors and setting up appointments with important people for their business.

Mr. Biden was thrown out of the US Navy for cocaine abuse.

"Access to connections" sounds a lot like influence peddling. But in any case, all that President Trump is asking for is for the matter to be investigated and for the Bidens to get a fair chance to prove their innocence. The former Ukrainian government is highly suspected of trying to fix the 2016 election and providing foreign interference, and the current President of that tremendous nation wants to look into it.
If Hunter Biden was worth a million a year to Burisma, more power to him as well as his employer.

All that I'm suggesting, as well as what the Presidents of our two countries are suggesting, is that Mr. Biden and the folks at Burisma explain why he was worth so much and why it was money well spent.

If it wasn't just a case of peddling influence, they can make their explanation to investigators. Burisma and Biden should welcome the probe, it will give them a chance to prove their innocence.

If we are going to ask that question, let's ask questions about all of Trump's financial dealings before he became president, including Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, his attempts to buy an NFL Franchise, and every other dodgy deal he was involved in.
Are any of these CEO Assholes worth their Seven and Eight Figure Salaries?

Don't tell me you right wingers are suddenly concerned about executive compensation, because the six figure salary that Hunter was making seems rather paltry.

If you think Mr. Biden was worth every dime that Burisma was paying him, make the case. That's the only thing is question here.

What's wrong with merely asking the question?

Why is it an impeachable act just to make an inquiry? It looks suspicious to me.
Because Biden's dad is running for president. The Federal Election Commission made rules about abusing power during a campaign.
A "director" directs, its right there is the title of the job.

But it really doesn't matter what a director does, but whether an inexperienced crack head is worth paying a million bucks a year to do it.
Remember that Peloski's and Lurch Kerry's worthless loser sons are mixed up in this too.

Like I said, this whole thing has the stench of a money laundering and payola operation.
It's how the wealthy and powerful roll in the USA have you not noticed?
If Hunter Biden was worth a million a year to Burisma, more power to him as well as his employer.

All that I'm suggesting, as well as what the Presidents of our two countries are suggesting, is that Mr. Biden and the folks at Burisma explain why he was worth so much and why it was money well spent.

If it wasn't just a case of peddling influence, they can make their explanation to investigators. Burisma and Biden should welcome the probe, it will give them a chance to prove their innocence.

If we are going to ask that question, let's ask questions about all of Trump's financial dealings before he became president, including Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, his attempts to buy an NFL Franchise, and every other dodgy deal he was involved in.

President Trump has been investigated on all those things already, ad infinitum.

But none of Trump's deals had to do with possible influence peddling, and this is a question of not an investment or a deal, but instead a JOB that Hunter Biden was hired for.
Libs state it is self obvious, young Master Biden was worth every penny. Even questioning such a proposition is an impeachable offense.

Even though Mr. Biden is a crack head with no experience whatsoever in Burisma's country or line of business, it absurd and criminal even to examine the question.

Would the libs here use their own money to pay an inexperienced crackhead a million a year to direct their enterprise as a director?

Ukraine to review investigations into owner of company that employed Biden's son

Just for FUN, Mr. Asshole......Should we delve a bit into what the Trump mafia family kids are doing to earn their millions?

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