Zone1 was i wrong about Zelensky seeming to be a totalitarian corrupt man?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
i'm confused (only slightly though), and stuck in a web/maze of choices surrounding Ukraine :
do we as NATO want to freeze all border changes on a global scale?
do we keep supporting Zelensky, even though his ascent to power was arranged by NATO and the EU, and the fact that there have been a great many victims in the Ukranian population too, that could have been avoided by being more reasonable in negotiations with Russia over their hold of the Black Sea?
do we as NATO want to take over the world? that unipolarism, isn't that group-based meglanomania?
does Zelensky get to keep his true-hero status in western mass media reports?

i may have additional questions on this topic.
and would greatly appreciate any facts / insights / historians' conclusions that will ease my burden...
i'm confused (only slightly though), and stuck in a web/maze of choices surrounding Ukraine :
do we as NATO want to freeze all border changes on a global scale?
do we keep supporting Zelensky, even though his ascent to power was arranged by NATO and the EU, and the fact that there have been a great many victims in the Ukranian population too, that could have been avoided by being more reasonable in negotiations with Russia over their hold of the Black Sea?
do we as NATO want to take over the world? that unipolarism, isn't that group-based meglanomania?
does Zelensky get to keep his true-hero status in western mass media reports?

i may have additional questions on this topic.
and would greatly appreciate any facts / insights / historians' conclusions that will ease my burden...
Here is a thought, let the Ukrainians decide what they want to do and, if reasonable, we support them. Oh wait, that is what we are doing. Nevermind.
i'm confused (only slightly though), and stuck in a web/maze of choices surrounding Ukraine :
do we as NATO want to freeze all border changes on a global scale?
do we keep supporting Zelensky, even though his ascent to power was arranged by NATO and the EU, and the fact that there have been a great many victims in the Ukranian population too, that could have been avoided by being more reasonable in negotiations with Russia over their hold of the Black Sea?
do we as NATO want to take over the world? that unipolarism, isn't that group-based meglanomania?
does Zelensky get to keep his true-hero status in western mass media reports?

i may have additional questions on this topic.
and would greatly appreciate any facts / insights / historians' conclusions that will ease my burden...

The problem here is the "Sunk-Cost" fallacy. Ukraine can't negotiate a treaty that involves ceding any territory to Russia. And Putin can't withdraw at this point after having lost so much blood and treasure. Both countries have taken losses that FAR exceed any practical gains they might achieve at this point.

Blaming NATO for Zelensky is kind of stupid. Did NATO cause the Orange Rebellion? Nope, that was the idiot Russian Stooge who decided the best way to deal with protestors was to shoot them.

My solution would be to cede the Donbas and Crimea to Russia in exchange for returning the occupied Oblasts of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia and allowing Ukraine to join NATO and the EU to prevent further Russian aggression. But I can afford to be reasonable, I haven't lost anything in this war.
i'm confused (only slightly though), and stuck in a web/maze of choices surrounding Ukraine :
do we as NATO want to freeze all border changes on a global scale?
do we keep supporting Zelensky, even though his ascent to power was arranged by NATO and the EU, and the fact that there have been a great many victims in the Ukranian population too, that could have been avoided by being more reasonable in negotiations with Russia over their hold of the Black Sea?
do we as NATO want to take over the world? that unipolarism, isn't that group-based meglanomania?
does Zelensky get to keep his true-hero status in western mass media reports?

i may have additional questions on this topic.
and would greatly appreciate any facts / insights / historians' conclusions that will ease my burden...

You have a view of NATO that I do not share .
It is very low on funds and has precious few weapon reserves
The conflict is overwhelmingly in Russia’s favour and the outlook for Kyiv is bleak .
They will largely be obliged to Russia’s demands .
Moscow could settle based on forecast moves in theME . If they see fast major escalation then they could want a faster resolution over Ukraine as pragmatic .
You have a view of NATO that I do not share .
It is very low on funds and has precious few weapon reserves
The conflict is overwhelmingly in Russia’s favour and the outlook for Kyiv is bleak .
They will largely be obliged to Russia’s demands .
Moscow could settle based on forecast moves in theME . If they see fast major escalation then they could want a faster resolution over Ukraine as pragmatic .
WW2 cost "only" 6 trillion in inflation-adjusted modern capital.
20yrs of War on Terror cost 8 trillion.
and we can build more weapons factories over here in the west.
we're not nearly as weak as we want to appear.
i don't know, and no longer care, why that is so.
I think releasing Crimea to Russia officially in return for the four Oblasts returned to Ukraine and that it will join NATO is acceptable. But Zelensky does not listen to me much.

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