Why vote for Biden again?

Of course it did. First, it went way down after 22 million people lost their jobs and tens of millions others started working remote. That's an insane number of people who suddenly no longer commuted. Then gas started going up as millions got jobs again. Then gas went up after the vaccines came out and companies started bringing their employees back to the office.

All of that, covid related.
Another IQ 10 answer…
Dummy, just because you can imagine something doesn’t mean there is actual evidence it is so.

Prosecutor was notoriously corrupt, living lavish lifestyle on gov salary because he WASN’T prosecuting rich and powerful in Kiev. He was sitting on Burisma case for two years with no movement and it was only AFTER he got removed that the case against its owner finally advanced.

Republicans even sent a letter of concern to Ukrainian parliament about the need to reform prosecutor’s office…yet when VP goes over to actually get it done you are sure it’s done for some ulterior motives.

Not because you have any evidence, but because you are a cool aid chuging politico.

Republicans looked into the matter, found no evidence of Biden acting corruptly and said so in their report, which you obviously have no interest in reading.
There was no reason to interfere with an investigation in the Ukraine except Hunter was making money for the family over there. $83,000 a month for knowing nothing about the business. The Big Guy got his commission. Then, there was the China deal…and we ended up with COVID19. The corruption began with Obama and Biden.
That’s just dumb with an IQ of 10. Why would Joey get involved with corruption in the Ukraine unless his son would get caught with the family corruption? It doesn’t matter if Joey thought there was a corrupt Prosecutor. The current AG and other DAs in The U.S. are extremely corrupt. Corruption happens enough in the country not to worry about something in the Ukraine. Terrible excuse by Democrat apologists.

Cleaning up corruption in Ukraine was U.S. policy, along with other countries, including Ukraine. At any rate, Hunter Biden was never investigated by Shokin or anyone else there as he was never suspected of committing a crime. So you're flat out wrong there. And Shokin is on record for helping the owner of Burisma evade prosecution by a British court for a year. Followed up the following year by not prosecuting Burisma's owner.
There was no reason to interfere with an investigation in the Ukraine except Hunter was making money for the family over there. $83,000 a month for knowing nothing about the business. The Big Guy got his commission. Then, there was the China deal…and we ended up with COVID19. The corruption began with Obama and Biden.

You're thoroughly confused. Biden didn't interfere with any investigation over there. An investigation into corruption by Burisma's owner was opened in 2012. It remained stagnant for 4 years until Shokin was kicked to the curb in 2016.
You have to go back to early 2007 to find a time in which a greater proportion of working age adults have jobs than right now.
why did you stop at 2 yrs old??

why not 6 months old and make those lazy bastards work too??

when you wish to have a rational discussion let me know,,
I agree with you that expanding the term "unemployed" to mean anyone not working makes no sense. Luckily we can use the BLS definition instead.
if you are going to call it an unemployment number you need to count everyone,,

if they want to call it a number based on only people looking for work thats fine,, just call it that and not an unemployment number,,
No, you don't. See your apt point about how dumb it would be to count an infant as unemployed.
if they said up front that its the only based on people looking for work you can lay that number beside all the working age adults then you have a more accurate number,,

it also creates the conversation of why the others arent looking anymore,,

thats what they want to avoid,, so many have just given up,,

why did they give up??
is it because the job market is limited to low skill workers??
or is it due to switching to welfare beings in some cases can amount to 30-50K a yr depending on the state and how many different programs you sign up for,,

they want us to believe the rate is low to make it look like the economy is good and itt isnt,,

its either exactly right or its wrong,, and specifics matter,,
if you are going to call it an unemployment number you need to count everyone,,

if they want to call it a number based on only people looking for work thats fine,, just call it that and not an unemployment number,,

What purpose does it serve to count people who choose not to work, including retirees, some wealthy, some students, stay at home moms or dads, etc...?
if they said up front that its the only based on people looking for work you can lay that number beside all the working age adults then you have a more accurate number,,

All of this is tracked. As I just said, the proportion of prime age adults with a job is the highest today that it's been in 17 years.

Nope, there's no need to measure people who choose not to work and lump them in with those who are looking to work. Your way doesn't give us any indication of the strength of the workforce. It's just a dumbed down number for low intelligence people.
The leader can by controlling who gets to sell their products and flood the world. Trump did not allow Iran or OPEC control the price. Nor Russia either. Biden’s executive order did and under Biden, oil is 100% and more higher than under Trump. And food necessities are up 50% because of the cost to transport the goods.
Bullshit we are producing more oil now then when shitpants was in office. Biden has handed out more then 7000 permits that big oil isn't taking advantage of because if they did it would lower the price of oil. When big oil and big anything can control the price of a product by just not making more then every issue of antitrust is a joke. And it is a joke.
The leader can by controlling who gets to sell their products and flood the world. Trump did not allow Iran or OPEC control the price. Nor Russia either. Biden’s executive order did and under Biden, oil is 100% and more higher than under Trump. And food necessities are up 50% because of the cost to transport the goods.
By the way even your point is shit and stupid.

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