We are living through the latest example of democracy eventually failing.

Trolls don't have rational arguments. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Maybe I shouldn't of changed my original name from Master Debator because it probably summed me up pretty well. :laugh:
Trolls always end up casting aspersions and ad homs. You are more interested in insults than discussion. That's your pattern.
Trolls always end up casting aspersions and ad homs. You are more interested in insults than discussion. That's your pattern.
Everyone casts aspersions and ad homs, it's the rational argument part of the equation you dumb Bingos usually forget.
No I didn't you illiterate moron. If you think I did then quote it. Now you're imagining my comments like you imagine having natural rights.

So I'm not actually saying it. You're inferring it because you can't actually even explain what a natural right is.
I have repeatedly explained what natural rights are. You have either denied them, and when highlighted how silly you sound. Called natural rights “biological”
I have repeatedly explained what natural rights are. You have either denied them, and when highlighted how silly you sound. Called natural rights “biological”
You have not explained what they are. You can't even describe what utility they have. You tried to equate its utility to being alive but simply being alive is a sign of the chemical and physical processes that make up biology not natural rights.
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No I didn't you illiterate moron. If you think I did then quote it. Now you're imagining my comments like you imagine having natural rights.

So I'm not actually saying it. You're inferring it because you can't actually even explain what a natural right is.
A natural right is what you are born with, how many times do I have to explain that? It’s biology
You have not explained what they are. You can't even describe what utility they have. You tried to equate its utility to being alive but simply being alive is a sign of the chemical and physical processes that make up biology not natural rights.
I literally just did
I have said from the begging that I don't know what the fuck you think that means. I am alive. I know what being alive is as opposed to what being dead is. I don't know what a right to life is. Things that are dead don't need a right to anything and things that are alive don't need the confirmation. That's the meaning behind "I think therefore I am." So what utility does this right have to me that I should want it?
Do you think someone can take your life? Do you not think you have a right to educate yourself? Buy property? Better your self? Exist?
A natural right is what you are born with, how many times do I have to explain that? It’s biology
That's not an explanation you dumb Bingo. That's simply a claim. Biology explains where babies come from. You can't explain where natural rights come from or what utility they have.
I literally just did
You literally just made a claim. That's all. Does your dumb ass know the difference between a claim and an explanation?
Do you think someone can take your life?
Yes. People take other peoples lives all the time. A person took my friends life in high-school when he shot him. Some home invaders took my uncles life in Jamaica when they shot him and robbed his house. Some other thieves in Jamaica took my aunts life when they stabbed her a bunch of times as she was getting in her car so they could steal it. And I've been shot at and had guns pointed at my face on occasion so I've actually had to confront that possibility personally. Do think there's a magical forcefield around you where you're impervious to bullets or blunt force trauma?
Do you not think you have a right to educate yourself?
After my aunt taught me how to read, write, add, subtract, multiple and divide I've pretty much had the ability to educate myself. I don't know what right you're talking about. I know that some southern State made it illegal to teach black people how to read and write so they didn't have the legal right to education but as to natural rights I still don't know what the fuck that means because you haven't explained it.
Buy property? Better your self? Exist?
Property is a manifestation of legal rights and I don't need the natural right to exist. I already do. Apparently the phrase, "I think therefore I am" went over your simple head. :laugh:
That's not an explanation you dumb Bingo. That's simply a claim. Biology explains where babies come from. You can't explain where natural rights come from or what utility they have.

You literally just made a claim. That's all. Does your dumb ass know the difference between a claim and an explanation?

Yes. People take other peoples lives all the time. A person took my friends life in high-school when he shot him. Some home invaders took my uncles life in Jamaica when they shot him and robbed his house. Some other thieves in Jamaica took my aunts life when they stabbed her a bunch of times as she was getting in her car so they could steal it. And I've been shot at and had guns pointed at my face on occasion so I've actually had to confront that possibility personally. Do think there's a magical forcefield around you where you're impervious to bullets or blunt force trauma?

After my aunt taught me how to read, write, add, subtract, multiple and divide I've pretty much had the ability to educate myself. I don't know what right you're talking about. I know that some southern State made it illegal to teach black people how to read and write so they didn't have the legal right to education but as to natural rights I still don't know what the fuck that means because you haven't explained it.

Property is a manifestation of legal rights and I don't need the natural right to exist. I already do. Apparently the phrase, "I think therefore I am" went over your simple head. :laugh:
That's not an explanation you dumb Bingo. That's simply a claim. Biology explains where babies come from. You can't explain where natural rights come from or what utility they have.

You literally just made a claim. That's all. Does your dumb ass know the difference between a claim and an explanation?

Yes. People take other peoples lives all the time. A person took my friends life in high-school when he shot him. Some home invaders took my uncles life in Jamaica when they shot him and robbed his house. Some other thieves in Jamaica took my aunts life when they stabbed her a bunch of times as she was getting in her car so they could steal it. And I've been shot at and had guns pointed at my face on occasion so I've actually had to confront that possibility personally. Do think there's a magical forcefield around you where you're impervious to bullets or blunt force trauma?

After my aunt taught me how to read, write, add, subtract, multiple and divide I've pretty much had the ability to educate myself. I don't know what right you're talking about. I know that some southern State made it illegal to teach black people how to read and write so they didn't have the legal right to education but as to natural rights I still don't know what the fuck that means because you haven't explained it.

Property is a manifestation of legal rights and I don't need the natural right to exist. I already do. Apparently the phrase, "I think therefore I am" went over your simple head. :laugh:
Yea it’s clear you don’t believe you were born free

Yea it’s clear you don’t believe you were born free
Great argument. I don't know what you mean by born free. Where black slaves in America born free? Sally Hemings was born a slave. What use to her where natural rights when the law didn't give a shit?
Great argument. I don't know what you mean by born free. Where black slaves in America born free? Sally Hemings was born a slave. What use to her where natural rights when the law didn't give a shit?
Well do you or don’t you?

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