Was it possible hillary was using a chinese server

No, she had her own server with crappy security. Derp!

It was probably a Microsoft server OS because..stupid! :auiqs.jpg:
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

Is it possible? Sure.

It's also possible tRump gave Putin a blow job in those private meetings.

Do you think either one is very likely?

Since the clintons have a long history of taking bribes from the Chinese and selling American Strategic assets and technology to them, the possibility that she allowed China to use her illegal server is almost 100%....

dOnald tRump's long history of sucking off Russian men is every bit as well established as the Clinton's reputation for taking Chinese bribes.

You're a silly leftist shill. Stupid, too.
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

Is it possible? Sure.

It's also possible tRump gave Putin a blow job in those private meetings.

Do you think either one is very likely?

Since the clintons have a long history of taking bribes from the Chinese and selling American Strategic assets and technology to them, the possibility that she allowed China to use her illegal server is almost 100%....

dOnald tRump's long history of sucking off Russian men is every bit as well established as the Clinton's reputation for taking Chinese bribes.

You're a silly leftist shill. Stupid, too.

Riiiight, that really addresses my post.

Use yer head for something besides a blunt instrument for change Marie, there is a point to my post. See if you can find it.
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

Is it possible? Sure.

It's also possible tRump gave Putin a blow job in those private meetings.

Do you think either one is very likely?

Since the clintons have a long history of taking bribes from the Chinese and selling American Strategic assets and technology to them, the possibility that she allowed China to use her illegal server is almost 100%....

dOnald tRump's long history of sucking off Russian men is every bit as well established as the Clinton's reputation for taking Chinese bribes.

You're a silly leftist shill. Stupid, too.

Riiiight, that really addresses my post.

Use yer head for something besides a blunt instrument for change Marie, there is a point to my post. See if you can find it.

Yeah! My eyes see the point on your head now, doofus.
Is it possible? Sure.

It's also possible tRump gave Putin a blow job in those private meetings.

Do you think either one is very likely?

Since the clintons have a long history of taking bribes from the Chinese and selling American Strategic assets and technology to them, the possibility that she allowed China to use her illegal server is almost 100%....
dOnald tRump's long history of sucking off Russian men is every bit as well established as the Clinton's reputation for taking Chinese bribes.

You're a silly leftist shill. Stupid, too.
Riiiight, that really addresses my post.

Use yer head for something besides a blunt instrument for change Marie, there is a point to my post. See if you can find it.

Yeah! My eyes see the point on your head now, doofus.
Sorry, I guess I expected too much.

Have a nice day kid.
Since the clintons have a long history of taking bribes from the Chinese and selling American Strategic assets and technology to them, the possibility that she allowed China to use her illegal server is almost 100%....
dOnald tRump's long history of sucking off Russian men is every bit as well established as the Clinton's reputation for taking Chinese bribes.

You're a silly leftist shill. Stupid, too.
Riiiight, that really addresses my post.

Use yer head for something besides a blunt instrument for change Marie, there is a point to my post. See if you can find it.

Yeah! My eyes see the point on your head now, doofus.
Sorry, I guess I expected too much.

Have a nice day kid.

Whatever, pointy-headed tard. Like it's my fault your corrupt bitch used Microsoft Server '08, fucktard.
dOnald tRump's long history of sucking off Russian men is every bit as well established as the Clinton's reputation for taking Chinese bribes.

You're a silly leftist shill. Stupid, too.
Riiiight, that really addresses my post.

Use yer head for something besides a blunt instrument for change Marie, there is a point to my post. See if you can find it.

Yeah! My eyes see the point on your head now, doofus.
Sorry, I guess I expected too much.

Have a nice day kid.

Whatever, pointy-headed tard. Like it's my fault your corrupt bitch used Microsoft Server '08, fucktard.
Calm down kid, I'm not gonna ask any more hard questions.
Oh for God sakes...you want to stir up the JFK assassination as well?

Maybe look at who really shot Lincoln?

If it really was that Jesus guy on the cross way back when?

Threads like this scream out: 'I am desperate to deflect from Trump...so let's focus on a woman who has NOTHING to do with politics any more'.

Says the bot deflecting from Hillary Clinton . . .
You're a silly leftist shill. Stupid, too.
Riiiight, that really addresses my post.

Use yer head for something besides a blunt instrument for change Marie, there is a point to my post. See if you can find it.

Yeah! My eyes see the point on your head now, doofus.
Sorry, I guess I expected too much.

Have a nice day kid.

Whatever, pointy-headed tard. Like it's my fault your corrupt bitch used Microsoft Server '08, fucktard.
Calm down kid, I'm not gonna ask any more hard questions.

You're not capable of asking any real questions, faggot. If you were, you wouldn't be such a leftist cocksucker.
Last edited:
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

For those too young to remember, China was one of the biggest campaign contributors to bill, the rapist, and his wife hilary......they were pouring money into the bank accounts of bill, the rapist, and hilary in the 90s, getting access to state secrets for the money......

Credible link?

Just one of the many Chinese bag men taking money to the clintons

The Clintons' Chinese Bagmen Are Baa-aack | Investor's Business Daily

The defendant is a major Clinton fundraiser named Ng Lap Seng, aka "Mr. Wu." He and Clinton pal Charlie Trie visited the White House several times in the 1990s, snapping photos with both Bill and Hillary.

Federal investigators are charging him with lying to agents about why he brought more than $4.5 million into the U.S. over the last two years, including a suitcase full of $400,000 in cash to New York.

Hillary's campaign office is claiming ignorance. But isn't it funny how suddenly the Clintons' old Chinese bagmen are popping up again, lugging around bags full of cash, just as the Clintons make another run at the White House?

Recall that in her 2008 bid for the White House, Hillary had to return hundreds of thousands of dollars raised by another Chinese bagman, Norman Hsu, who happened to be a criminal fugitive. Hsu bundled $1 million for the Clinton campaign through straw donors. He was busted for laundering foreign cash.

The pattern of corruption may be repeating with the re-emergence of Ng.

In 1998, Ng was ID'd in a Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through Little Rock restaurant owner Trie. A top Clinton donor, Trie would later face charges in the Chinagate fundraising scandal for violating campaign finance laws.

Ng has close ties to the Chinese communist government and is listed as a member of a senior advisory group, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Through Trie, Ng bought access to the White House ostensibly on behalf of Beijing, which the FBI said at the time was running an influence operation against the Clinton administration.

At the time, Chinese missiles couldn't hit the side of a barn. But thanks to Clinton missile-technology transfers, Beijing can now hit any city in the U.S. And thanks to his opening up the nuclear weapons labs to Chinese scientists, Beijing "stole" the designs to every nuke in the U.S. arsenal.

The Chicoms also sought a beachhead in our hemisphere and got it, when Clinton in 1997 allowed Chinese front companies to take over the Panama Canal, a strategic waterway linking the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. Beijing now effectively controls key naval shipping lanes in our backyard.


Clinton Donor Riady Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy Charge

You bring up crap from 99? What an idiot.

Moron...that was when bill, the rapist, was the President of the United States......and they came back when she was running for office...you moron....and because of them, the Chinese advanced their ballistic missle program and took over the Panama canal.....

Sure thing Bubba. Was that in conjunction with those green shape shifting space aliens or not?
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

We HAVE actually been told that her server was breached by "several" foreign intel services. And one report has a sophisticated Chinese malware that COPIED all correspondence to a Chinese agency...

I'll watch the videos, Tony Schaeffer has been right about a lot of things and has the credentials...

Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.

I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

LET'S CUT TO THE CHASE AND JUST STATE THE OBVIOUS: The Clintons have been acting as Chinese foreign agents for 25 years.

Some countries execute such people.

Democrats run them for president THREE times.

Tramp owes the bank of China and the bank is in his tramp tower. I'm sure when his loan is forgiven the tariffs will be decided.
How, then, to consider the backroom discussions between federal officials and Walgreens Boots Alliance, one of the largest pharmacies in the world? Through its brand Duane Reade, it is the highest-paying tenant in Trump's skyscraper at 40 Wall Street in New York, with $3.2 million in annual rent, according to a 2015 prospectus. In October 2015, Walgreens Boots Alliance announced a $9.4 billion merger with rival Rite Aid, requiring a sign-off from antimonopoly regulators. After the deal failed to secure approval under President Obama, it then fell to the Trump administration, which arrived in Washington during the first quarter of 2017. According to federal disclosures, that was the same quarter Walgreens Boots Alliance began directly lobbying the White House on "competition policy issues." In September, despite objections by one of the two commissioners at the Federal Trade Commission, Trump's tenant got the green light for a slimmed-down, $4.4 billion version of the deal. In January, Trump announced he would nominate the commissioner who supported the deal, Maureen Ohlhausen, to be a federal judge.

How much, if at all, did the business relationship affect the government's decision? It's inherently impossible to measure. Walgreens Boots Alliance says there was no connection whatsoever and that their lobbying was not specific to the deal. But even if Trump tried to rule without any personal favor, or if this was decided without his direct input, the appearance of a conflict of interest is unavoidable. The companies know their landlord is the president. And it's hard to get into the heads of regulators, however well-intended or removed from the White House, who serve a president famously obsessed with personal loyalty.

Consider banks. Capital One rents space for an estimated $1 million at the bottom of Trump's Park Avenue condo building--while the Justice and Treasury departments investigate the bank's anti-money-laundering program. Four years ago, the Department of Justice reached a nearly $17 billion settlement--the largest ever of its kind--with Bank of America, the biggest tenant (an estimated $18 million a year) at the 555 California Street complex in San Francisco, where Trump owns a 30% stake. Like all big banks, BofA remains under scrutiny by federal officials. In December, Trump tenants UBS, Barclays and JPMorgan, plus Trump lender Deutsche Bank, got waiver extensions from the Department of Labor that allow them to avoid part of their punishment for illegally manipulating interest rates and foreign exchange rates.

The overlapping interests stretch beyond the financial world. Take any hot-button issue of the past year, and there's a good chance Trump's tenants lobbied the federal government on it, either in support of or in opposition to the administration's position. Nutritional-supplements giant GNC, which rents retail space from the president in New York City, advocated on health care reform. Nike, which pays an estimated $13 million in annual rent to Trump, spoke up on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Starbucks, with locations in three Trump buildings, weighed in on immigration. Microsoft on net neutrality. Columbia University on the federal budget. There are even three law firms that are tenants and have lobbying divisions that push various client interests--while the firms pay the president a combined $4.1 million each year for rent.

The constitutional issues surrounding a landlord-in-chief transcend the foreign Emoluments Clause. Three months after Trump became president, the U.S. Postal Service, part of the executive branch, started a new lease in a Brooklyn housing development where Trump owns a 4% stake, according to his financial-disclosure report. While he's in process of selling the stake--his lawyer Garten says that Trump's business has no day-to-day control over properties where it holds minority investments--the president and his partners continue to collect an estimated $25,000 in annual rent from the federal government, whose founding charter, the Constitution, appears to prohibit the president from getting any government compensation except for his salary.

Shortly before President Trump's inauguration, one of his lawyers, Sheri Dillon, stood inside Trump Tower with the soon-to-be commander-in-chief and revealed his plans to maintain his business interests while insulating his presidency from foreign influence. "President-elect Trump has decided, and we are announcing today," the lawyer said, "that he is going to voluntarily donate all profits from foreign government payments made to his hotels to the United States Treasury. This way, it is the American people who will profit."

Left unsaid: The Trump Organization makes more money from the Chinese bank alone than it ever could expect from hotel visits by members of a foreign government. And the president has made no pledge to hand over that money. Or the incoming rent from the state-owned Bank of India, which leases space in San Francisco, part of a deal that expires in 2019.

The point of anticorruption laws is to prevent the possibility of outside influence, so that no one has to wonder, after the fact, whether it happened. Yet one of the country's primary conflict-of-interest laws doesn't apply to the president. By holding on to his assets, Trump has chosen to test whether the Emoluments Clause follows suit (he got one case dismissed in January; two others are active). So the president remains in business with the world's two most populous countries. Even if he tries to avoid a bias, there's a clear feeling in foreign capitals that currying favor with his business can't hurt. It's a global perception problem, at best. "He does not forget his friends," said Emin Agalarov, who helped broker the infamous Russia campaign meeting in Trump Tower, according to Donald Trump Jr. When President Trump announced a travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries, it was hard to miss that the ban excluded Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates--all places where he had previously pursued business deals. In May the prime minister of Georgia made a visit to the White House, where, according to two of Trump's former business partners, the president asked about his old project in the former Soviet republic.

In the U.S., Trump's foreign tenants, even ones without official government ties, can pose diplomatic complications. Gucci rents a Fifth Avenue retail space at Trump Tower for an estimated $21 million a year, paying the Trump Organization more than any other tenant in the president's portfolio. That creates a potential headache with the Italian government, which is reportedly investigating whether Gucci dodged $1.5 billion in taxes. The company said it is working with authorities and "is confident" about its operations. French insurance giant AXA pays an estimated $41 million to rent space in a New York skyscraper in which Trump holds a 30% interest. According to a prospectus filed in November, the French firm may have to disclose business with Iranian entities, which could open it up to U.S. sanctions, at the discretion of the president of the United States, who just so happens to take in an estimated $12 million from AXA each year. And so on.

Despite all this, Trump does not seem to think ongoing rental payments from foreign entities pose a problem. Quite the opposite. "No new foreign deals will be made whatsoever during the duration of President Trump's presidency," his lawyer said in that January press conference. Apparently, the Trump team defined "foreign deals" strictly as projects not on U.S. soil, because one year later, with no fanfare, the signs in the windows of a couple Trump properties revealed new tenants: yoga retailer Lululemon and sandwich shop Pret A Manger, based in Canada and Great Britain, respectively.

It could soon get more complicated. Just around the corner from Trump Tower sits Niketown, which, after opposing Trump on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and NFL protests, announced it was leaving the building this spring, even though it still had years left on its lease. The roughly 65,000-square-foot space should command about $13 million in rent per year, and Donald Trump owns it debt-free. Whoever steps in has the chance to make annual payments to the president, at whatever price they want, and the public will have no foreseeable way to know how that compares with market rates.

The tragedy of this $175 million mess is that it was completely avoidable. Right after Trump was elected, most assumed the septuagenarian would divest his assets and engage in the biggest job in the world with clean hands. Since his company basically consists of assets and management deals, he could have set in motion a liquidation process. His iconic towers would still carry his name. And when he left office, he could surely take that cash hoard to again buy properties or leverage his higher profile to yet more and better licensing deals. Shortly after the election, he tweeted: "Legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The Presidency is a far more important task!"

By "completely out," the president meant letting his sons run it, and this creature of habit keeps his full ownership, along with the scores of payments that come with it. Among them: Rupert Murdoch's media empire, which appears to be paying Trump $50,000 a year or so to lease an antenna atop a New York skyscraper and whose far-flung assets include the New York Post, a newspaper founded by the person who saw the problem coming two centuries ago, Alexander Hamilton.
Trump's Biggest Potential Conflict Of Interest Is Hiding In Plain Sight

$21 million in rent for retail space? $13 million? ROFLMAO!

If that's the kind of information you are using, you need some serious help!

Even if it was true, that's a drop in the bucket compared to the sum total of his interests.
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

We HAVE actually been told that her server was breached by "several" foreign intel services. And one report has a sophisticated Chinese malware that COPIED all correspondence to a Chinese agency...

I'll watch the videos, Tony Schaeffer has been right about a lot of things and has the credentials...

Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.

I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.

Please tell what Trump has done.
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

For those too young to remember, China was one of the biggest campaign contributors to bill, the rapist, and his wife hilary......they were pouring money into the bank accounts of bill, the rapist, and hilary in the 90s, getting access to state secrets for the money......

Credible link?

Just one of the many Chinese bag men taking money to the clintons

The Clintons' Chinese Bagmen Are Baa-aack | Investor's Business Daily

The defendant is a major Clinton fundraiser named Ng Lap Seng, aka "Mr. Wu." He and Clinton pal Charlie Trie visited the White House several times in the 1990s, snapping photos with both Bill and Hillary.

Federal investigators are charging him with lying to agents about why he brought more than $4.5 million into the U.S. over the last two years, including a suitcase full of $400,000 in cash to New York.

Hillary's campaign office is claiming ignorance. But isn't it funny how suddenly the Clintons' old Chinese bagmen are popping up again, lugging around bags full of cash, just as the Clintons make another run at the White House?

Recall that in her 2008 bid for the White House, Hillary had to return hundreds of thousands of dollars raised by another Chinese bagman, Norman Hsu, who happened to be a criminal fugitive. Hsu bundled $1 million for the Clinton campaign through straw donors. He was busted for laundering foreign cash.

The pattern of corruption may be repeating with the re-emergence of Ng.

In 1998, Ng was ID'd in a Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through Little Rock restaurant owner Trie. A top Clinton donor, Trie would later face charges in the Chinagate fundraising scandal for violating campaign finance laws.

Ng has close ties to the Chinese communist government and is listed as a member of a senior advisory group, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Through Trie, Ng bought access to the White House ostensibly on behalf of Beijing, which the FBI said at the time was running an influence operation against the Clinton administration.

At the time, Chinese missiles couldn't hit the side of a barn. But thanks to Clinton missile-technology transfers, Beijing can now hit any city in the U.S. And thanks to his opening up the nuclear weapons labs to Chinese scientists, Beijing "stole" the designs to every nuke in the U.S. arsenal.

The Chicoms also sought a beachhead in our hemisphere and got it, when Clinton in 1997 allowed Chinese front companies to take over the Panama Canal, a strategic waterway linking the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. Beijing now effectively controls key naval shipping lanes in our backyard.


Clinton Donor Riady Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy Charge

What 2 has stated is actual FACT, not fantasy like the Lefts collusion/delusion!

And 2, why don't you tell them about their GREAT Joe Biden, and his son Hunter! About how Hunter got a 1.5 BILLION dollar infusion into his hedge fund from the CHINESE, went out, and purchased an AMERICAN DEFENSE manufacturer, then had his hedge fund keep only 49% of the company! This ALSO needed clearance from our government, from the oversite committee that...……..guess who sat on? Why Hillary, ROTTEN Clinton!

And who/whom controls the other 51% of the company?

Why, I will give you Leftists 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count!

Oh heck, you would never guess since it is so hard, so I will just tell you------------> THE CHINESE!

And of course, you people are soooooooooo patriotic, you want to talk about a deal Trump was talking about doing, building a skyscraper in Russia. Meanwhile, back at the ranch----------->your people are ACTUALLY selling defense manufacturers, the damn Chinese.

Seriously...…….HOW, DUMB, ARE YOU!
Peter Strok was briefed on it 3 times and refused to act. John Brennan was briefed on it and refused to act.

We HAVE actually been told that her server was breached by "several" foreign intel services. And one report has a sophisticated Chinese malware that COPIED all correspondence to a Chinese agency...

I'll watch the videos, Tony Schaeffer has been right about a lot of things and has the credentials...

Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.

I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.

Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.
We HAVE actually been told that her server was breached by "several" foreign intel services. And one report has a sophisticated Chinese malware that COPIED all correspondence to a Chinese agency...

I'll watch the videos, Tony Schaeffer has been right about a lot of things and has the credentials...

Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.
I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.
We HAVE actually been told that her server was breached by "several" foreign intel services. And one report has a sophisticated Chinese malware that COPIED all correspondence to a Chinese agency...

I'll watch the videos, Tony Schaeffer has been right about a lot of things and has the credentials...

Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.
I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.

Wrong...if it was obstruction he would have indicted.....he didn't find it, so he didn't do it.....you moron.
Riiiight, that really addresses my post.

Use yer head for something besides a blunt instrument for change Marie, there is a point to my post. See if you can find it.

Yeah! My eyes see the point on your head now, doofus.
Sorry, I guess I expected too much.

Have a nice day kid.

Whatever, pointy-headed tard. Like it's my fault your corrupt bitch used Microsoft Server '08, fucktard.
Calm down kid, I'm not gonna ask any more hard questions.

You're not capable of asking any real questions, faggot. If you were, you wouldn't be such a leftist cocksucker.
Aaaand here come the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so deep in the closet you may never see daylight again

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