Was it possible hillary was using a chinese server

Yeah! My eyes see the point on your head now, doofus.
Sorry, I guess I expected too much.

Have a nice day kid.

Whatever, pointy-headed tard. Like it's my fault your corrupt bitch used Microsoft Server '08, fucktard.
Calm down kid, I'm not gonna ask any more hard questions.

You're not capable of asking any real questions, faggot. If you were, you wouldn't be such a leftist cocksucker.
Aaaand here come the homoerotic fantasies.

You kids are so deep in the closet you may never see daylight again

Doesn't change the fact you're as deep as a sidewalk mudpuddle in Miami on a hot summer day.

Go evaporate, bitch!
Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.
I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.

Wrong...if it was obstruction he would have indicted.....he didn't find it, so he didn't do it.....you moron.

Again, you didn't read the report, did you?
Diane Crimescene paid a Chinese spy to drive her around and copy papers, eavesdrop. Ignorant loon had no clue?

Is the point of thread Killary had Chinese spyware in he insecure server?
I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.

Wrong...if it was obstruction he would have indicted.....he didn't find it, so he didn't do it.....you moron.

Again, you didn't read the report, did you?
You didn't either, you had Trump guilty from day one. With no evidence.
We HAVE actually been told that her server was breached by "several" foreign intel services. And one report has a sophisticated Chinese malware that COPIED all correspondence to a Chinese agency...

I'll watch the videos, Tony Schaeffer has been right about a lot of things and has the credentials...

Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.
I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.

Not many of those are actually important or actionable or EVER proven.. For instance several of them apparently are one-sided testimony from liars like Cohen.... And DISCUSSING removing Mueller isn't even obstruction.. Obstruction would be preventing the Special Counsel operation from continuing it's work or citing exec priviledge.

100s of hours from WH lawyers, including McGahn. 1.3MILLION documents turned over.. Not one case of citing executive privilege --

As with the dead Russia Russia Russia witch hunt, this thing is also deceased. All this whining and noise is just a need to lean on Barr NOT to investigate the stuff the MUELLER PURPOSELY omitted and didn't explain about the spying and intel contacts with those Trump associates and attempting to STING THEM as "an insurance policy"... And the WHOLE ORIGIN of the FBI/Intel investigation that Mueller took a pass on..

It's just intermission.. Grab the fucking popcorn and some Prep H, because the ending to this show is leave you in crumpled heap...
Hillary's career is a dead horse, it's time to quit beating up on her and move on. This attempt to distract from your criminal president is obvious and pathetic.

Excuse me... If you could possibly let her know that her Horse is dead it might save you from being embarrassed by her in the future...

Hillary Clinton critical of Trump in Vegas, says 'this president obstructed justice'

Bill and Hillary Clinton preach to a pure blue choir in Seattle

Clintons talk political division, Russia in Las Vegas visit

Fresh off the tour they were on, Bill's wife thought it was necessary to go to New Hampshire for a cozy little talk at Dartmouth.

Hillary Clinton politically candid in Upper Valley visit

Don't call the rendering plant or slaughterhouse just yet, there just might be some life in the old nag...
Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.

Wrong...if it was obstruction he would have indicted.....he didn't find it, so he didn't do it.....you moron.

Again, you didn't read the report, did you?
You didn't either, you had Trump guilty from day one. With no evidence.

Wrong. I assumed it was likely that he was guilty, but said all along I would wait for Muller's report to make that determination. Muller outlined and documented 10 examples of Trump's obstruction, but pointed out the DOJ policy not to indict a sitting president. Yes I read the report.
Sure, you were told that, but were any of the people that told you that sane when they said it, or were they just repeating the same Hannity/Limbaugh/Jones lies. I would love to see a credible link to show any of your claims actually happened.
I really do think it wouldn't make a difference to you. Party over country with you.

Nope. Country over obese orange fool. I noticed no credible link though.
Please tell what Trump has done.

Lots of stuff but we can start with the 10 cases of obstruction listed and documented in Mueller's report.

Not many of those are actually important or actionable or EVER proven.. For instance several of them apparently are one-sided testimony from liars like Cohen.... And DISCUSSING removing Mueller isn't even obstruction.. Obstruction would be preventing the Special Counsel operation from continuing it's work or citing exec priviledge.

100s of hours from WH lawyers, including McGahn. 1.3MILLION documents turned over.. Not one case of citing executive privilege --

As with the dead Russia Russia Russia witch hunt, this thing is also deceased. All this whining and noise is just a need to lean on Barr NOT to investigate the stuff the MUELLER PURPOSELY omitted and didn't explain about the spying and intel contacts with those Trump associates and attempting to STING THEM as "an insurance policy"... And the WHOLE ORIGIN of the FBI/Intel investigation that Mueller took a pass on..

It's just intermission.. Grab the fucking popcorn and some Prep H, because the ending to this show is leave you in crumpled heap...

You crazy right wingers can't acknowledge the reality that Russia interfered in our election. Not surprising that you would make up excuses for all the other crazy things Trump has done.
Since the clintons have a long history of taking bribes from the Chinese and selling American Strategic assets and technology to them, the possibility that she allowed China to use her illegal server is almost 100%....

Oh they have loved the Chinese since Who Flung Dung... Remember when all this bullshit went down?

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History - www.independentsentinel.com

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia

And the best political answer was given by algore… "We did not do anything wrong regarding our campaign finances and we are making sure we never do it again"...

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