1981 PATCO Strike

Once again, you are attacking me and making claims. Yet, amazingly despite being challenged multiple times to stop attacking me and to actually validate your claims, you continue doing the exact same thing.

Stop this childish behavior, and actually give us examples of where he attacked other unions. Other unions he destroyed. Because you are not proving your claim at all, you are actually doing quite the opposite.
Reagan didn't destroy the unions. Membership had been declining for some time before he 2ven entered office. The opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway accelerated the demise of heavy industry, not Republican policy.
Reagan didn't destroy the unions. Membership had been declining for some time before he 2ven entered office. The opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway accelerated the demise of heavy industry, not Republican policy.

I am aware of this, and the one I am responding to has even posted references and made claims to back that up. Which is why I challenge them, but they have yet to actually validate their claims. Instead, they resort to repeating themselves and attacking me.

I mean, for goodness sakes. In one of his first attempts to prove that he discussed how Union membership had been declining since 1960. President Reagan entered office in 1981. So what in the hell did he have to do with the prior 21 years?
Once again, you are attacking me and making claims. Yet, amazingly despite being challenged multiple times to stop attacking me and to actually validate your claims, you continue doing the exact same thing.

Stop this childish behavior, and actually give us examples of where he attacked other unions. Other unions he destroyed. Because you are not proving your claim at all, you are actually doing quite the opposite.

I'm a nice guy, and I always try and educate the ignorant. You can get started here, and continue your research on your own. Good luck!

Before Reagan became President, the five members of the NLRB tended to be career government lawyers. Reagan broke that mold by stacking the Board with individuals who had spent their careers representing management. The Reagan NLRB aggressively reversed precedents, and narrowed workers’ rights, and workers are still feeling the effects of a number of key decisions made by the Reagan appointees. This is largely due to agency norms that have only been eroded in recent years. In litigation before the Board, the NLRB’s General Counsel controls the theory of the case, and prior to the Trump Administration, the General Counsel wouldn’t authorize a complaint if conduct was lawful under existing precedent. The Board’s current General Counsel, Jennifer Abruzzo, still adheres to that practice. While she has argued that the Board should reconsider some anti-worker precedents, she will not authorize a complaint where the employer has not committed any violation under current Board law. Moreover, since these cases have been followed for forty years, they have acquired an air of legitimacy that presents an additional obstacle to overruling them.
they signed the same paper i had to about striking.....they knew that they could be fired,they foolishly listened to their union......dont feel sorry for them.....
I was then an affected Pilot plus as a Broker Realtor I had PATCO clients. I lived close to where PATCO operates the Traffic Center called Oakland. PATCO tried to strong arm Reagan. But he kicked their asses. It impacted on me as a Pilot because the ATC I used was short handed. It took time to recover. Reagan cleaned up that mess. PATCO workers were not underpaid. I will say this since I had them as clients. They worked messed up schedules. I don't know why but they were not working normal weeks. The could go to work on a Monday and next show up Wednesday.
I'm a nice guy, and I always try and educate the ignorant. You can get started here, and continue your research on your own. Good luck!

And once again, by your own claim and reference this is a trend that had started in freaking 1960! How in the hell was he affecting the Labor Movement and causing membership to decline over two decades before he became President?

And once again, you resort to petty insults. Stop it with the insults, and actually discuss the facts. This childish ad nauseum attacks are really silly.
I was then an affected Pilot plus as a Broker Realtor I had PATCO clients. I lived close to where PATCO operates the Traffic Center called Oakland. PATCO tried to strong arm Reagan. But he kicked their asses. It impacted on me as a Pilot because the ATC I used was short handed. It took time to recover. Reagan cleaned up that mess. PATCO workers were not underpaid. I will say this since I had them as clients. They worked messed up schedules. I don't know why but they were not working normal weeks. The could go to work on a Monday and next show up Wednesday.
And therein lies the rub. Unions have forever intimidated politicians into doing their bidding, hence the overly redundant regulations on the books.
Reagan was the head of the Republican Party, busting unions was only the beginning, whether that would be the main focus of his economic agenda or "off shoring" was the main focus, the facts show that this all ramped up iover his 8 years in office, and it never slowed down.

Union participation has plummeted and been on a steady decline since your boy was President.
sorry i didnt vote for regan...you must have me mixed up with someone else....and regan didnt destroy the unions like you claimed he did...that was fear thrown at union people by that party you worship...
And therein lies the rub. Unions have forever intimidated politicians into doing their bidding, hence the overly redundant regulations on the books.
PATCO was well aware of Government rules. Their union rules did not matter one bit.
And once again, by your own claim and reference this is a trend that had started in freaking 1960! How in the hell was he affecting the Labor Movement and causing membership to decline over two decades before he became President?

And once again, you resort to petty insults. Stop it with the insults, and actually discuss the facts. This childish ad nauseum attacks are really silly.
You know, you and facts don't seem to get along very well. For some reason I can't understand, you won't accept them even when someone presents them to you, preferring instead to cry that you are being mistreated.

And you were in the military? Oh man, the military must have changed since I served in it.
And another one who is fact averse decides to chime in.

And it's spelled "Reagan".
PATCO destroyed itself. I am a pilot and was pleased with Reagan putting down the AR15 against PATCO.
I already did back it up, what the hell else do you want me to do?

Instead of expecting me to educate you, try educating yourself.
reagan only busted one union who deserved what they got....and you blame reagan for starting the anti union shit just for doing his job?....people being anti union isnt reagans fault....
reagan only busted one union who deserved what they got....and you blame reagan for starting the anti union shit just for doing his job?....people being anti union isnt reagans fault....
Did you bother to read the link I included? Did you read the bolded font I posted? Just start there, it wasn't just this barrage at Ft. Sumpter, it was an administration openly hostile to organized labor. These people were on Reagan's staff for a reason, he picked them and he appointed them.

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