1981 PATCO Strike

Wait, he was not elected as the President of the Screen Actors Guild on two different occasions? Exactly what Unions did he destroy?

Come on, give us some facts and do not just parrot propaganda.

From 1960 to 2000 the percentage of workers in the United States belonging to a labor union fell from 30% to 13%, almost all of that decline being in the private sector. This is despite an increase in workers expressing an interest in belonging to unions since the early 1980s. (In 2005, more than half of unionized private-sector workers said they wanted a union in their workplace, up from around 30% in 1984.)

According to one source—Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class, Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson—a change in the political climate in Washington DC starting in the late 1970s "sidelined" the NLRA. Much more aggressive and effective business lobbying meant "few real limits on ... vigorous antiunion activities. ... Reported violations of the NLRA skyrocketed in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Meanwhile, strike rates plummeted, and many of the strikes that did occur were acts of desperation rather than indicators of union muscle."
From 1960 to 2000 the percentage of workers in the United States belonging to a labor union fell from 30% to 13%, almost all of that decline being in the private sector. This is despite an increase in workers expressing an interest in belonging to unions since the early 1980s. (In 2005, more than half of unionized private-sector workers said they wanted a union in their workplace, up from around 30% in 1984.)

According to one source—Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class, Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson—a change in the political climate in Washington DC starting in the late 1970s "sidelined" the NLRA. Much more aggressive and effective business lobbying meant "few real limits on ... vigorous antiunion activities. ... Reported violations of the NLRA skyrocketed in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Wow, what a slew of contradictory claims you have just made.

OK, first of all you say it started in 1960. Then you talk about it starting in the 1970s. President Reagan did not take office until 1981.

So let's get this correct. He was President for 8 years, yet you are blaming him for things that happened over three decades. Not only that, the first decade was before he even took office. Yet somehow, that is his fault?

You see, that is what "applying critical thinking skills" is like. A lot of it is not simply accepting what you are told to believe, but actually analyzing it to see if it even makes sense. And I am fascinated that you think what you just said makes a lick of sense. Even trying to place blame on multiple things on somebody who was not even President at the time is silly to the extreme.
You see, that is what "applying critical thinking skills" is like. A lot of it is not simply accepting what you are told to believe, but actually analyzing it to see if it even makes sense. And I am fascinated that you think what you just said makes a lick of sense. Even trying to place blame on multiple things on somebody who was not even President at the time is silly to the extreme.
LOL, you shouldn't even bring up "critical thinking skills", your original argument was about Reagan being President of the SAG, as though that makes any difference. :laugh:


A union busting President who started the ball rolling, clearly you have no concept of this, and never will.

I don't know your age, but you don't know much, so I'll just assume you don't have much life experience, cause you sure aint got much knowledge about life in general.
A union busting President who started the ball rolling

And exactly how did he "start the ball rolling", it if was already rolling for over a decade before he took office?

As for my age, let's just say that I am as old as the movie that my profile pic is referencing. And that I only recently retired from the military, having first joined during the first Reagan Administration.

So once again, you have shown that you really have no idea what you are talking about.

Still waiting for an explanation how he is responsible for something a decade before he took office. And attacking somebody simply because they question contradictions in your claim is the sure sign that you really have nothing to offer but nonsense.
Reagan initiated the war on workers unions, and it has been downhill for unions ever since.

This was the Ft. Sumpter of the assault on unions. You do your own research and see how union busting has gone since 1981, or you can stay ignorant.
you said he targeted unions.....what other union did he bust?...PATCO got what they deserved...
I work in public transit and we are also covered under the Taylor Law. If we struck, our entire union board would be jailed! And again I ask, would you want your cops, paramedics (if employed by the City) or firefighters striking?
why do you think i would be for them striking?....what gave you that idea?..
I spent 29 years in a labor union, not some bloodsucking public sector union. Those unions can give every union a bad name, depending on their level investment.

I've seen police, firefighter and government pensions almost bankrupt a nearby Republican city, infact, they had a yearly payment that everyone had to pay, it was something like $30-40 yearly, for three years, and all those payments went to the public sector unions until they figured out a way to restructure the raises so that over 80% of property taxes were not going to pay for these union retirements.
there democratic cities in California doing the same dam thing....
LOL, you shouldn't even bring up "critical thinking skills", your original argument was about Reagan being President of the SAG, as though that makes any difference. :laugh:


A union busting President who started the ball rolling, clearly you have no concept of this, and never will.

I don't know your age, but you don't know much, so I'll just assume you don't have much life experience, cause you sure aint got much knowledge about life in general.
and what was the reason he supposedly started the ball rolling?.....PATCO fucked themselves.....the fear about him coming after your union was started by your fucking political party....thats all we heard ever since PATCO....reagan is coming for your union from the fucking democrats....yet it never happened.....
no he doesnt....the board of governors is who he answers too....and not once in all the contract negotiations i have been through has any president or congress person dictated anything....

Not up front.

And this is a bigger problem at the State level, especially with the Teacher's unions.
And exactly how did he "start the ball rolling", it if was already rolling for over a decade before he took office?

As for my age, let's just say that I am as old as the movie that my profile pic is referencing. And that I only recently retired from the military, having first joined during the first Reagan Administration.

So once again, you have shown that you really have no idea what you are talking about.

Still waiting for an explanation how he is responsible for something a decade before he took office. And attacking somebody simply because they question contradictions in your claim is the sure sign that you really have nothing to offer but nonsense.
That you knew nothing about the Reagan administration and its hostility toward unions until I told you about it, and your defense being Reagan was President of the SAG while in Hollywood, really shows you never had any clue to begin with.

And still don’t,
and what was the reason he supposedly started the ball rolling?.....PATCO fucked themselves.....the fear about him coming after your union was started by your fucking political party....thats all we heard ever since PATCO....reagan is coming for your union from the fucking democrats....yet it never happened.....
Reagan was the head of the Republican Party, busting unions was only the beginning, whether that would be the main focus of his economic agenda or "off shoring" was the main focus, the facts show that this all ramped up iover his 8 years in office, and it never slowed down.

Union participation has plummeted and been on a steady decline since your boy was President.
That you knew nothing about the Reagan administration and its hostility toward unions until I told you about it, and your defense being Reagan was President of the SAG while in Hollywood, really shows you never had any clue to begin with.

And still don’t,

Once again, you are attacking me and making claims. Yet, amazingly despite being challenged multiple times to stop attacking me and to actually validate your claims, you continue doing the exact same thing.

Stop this childish behavior, and actually give us examples of where he attacked other unions. Other unions he destroyed. Because you are not proving your claim at all, you are actually doing quite the opposite.

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