Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.
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He bolts because even the TelePrompter screen is covered with:


and since he's unable to say anything not on the prompter but he doesn't want to laugh out loud at himself he runs away. Like he runs away from doing anything about the little stuff like unemployment.
Normally I would say NO. But since libtards had an ejaculation when the shoe was thrown at President Bush I'll say today it was A okay and the damn question hit a deep exposed nerve in obama.. it was priceless.

why do libtards favor foreign workers over Americans?
Obama has no balls at all, He only wants to talk to People who support him. Why else do you think he only speaks before Union or College Crowds? He Can not stand seeing people not love him.

I say if the Son of a bitch thinks he is King, and Can rule by edict, Call reporters to announce it, then Bail with out taking Questions, I say Interrupt his ass every chance you get.

If I had been there, I would have asked why he said in 2011 that He was Bound By law, and could not just do it himself, and now he is doing it.

Was he just lying when he said he could not do it alone?

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Does Obama Actually think the 1 Million People who would get Work Permits under his plan, will not take a single Job from the 14 Million Unemployed Americans?


This Guy takes the Cake, I actually agree with the Idea of the Dream Act, but I sure has hell do not agree with Obama's Idea that he is King and can simply pick and choose which laws to enforce.

He is the President, the Presidents job is not to make law, or Interpret law, His job is to FUCKING enforce the law.
Getting back to work, or 'bolting' to some, is unusual after 8 years of the lounger in Chief, yes. (The worst thing about Romney is....................many of his supporters.)
Does Obama Actually think the 1 Million People who would get Work Permits under his plan, will not take a single Job from the 14 Million Unemployed Americans?


This Guy takes the Cake, I actually agree with the Idea of the Dream Act, but I sure has hell do not agree with Obama's Idea that he is King and can simply pick and choose which laws to enforce.

He is the President, the Presidents job is not to make law, or Interpret law, His job is to FUCKING enforce the law.

Yep. and IF Congress had any BALLS? They'd call him on it. Add him in contempt with Erich Holder.

[Yes, I spelled ERIC wrong and on purpose].
Now that they have work permits, you know the next step is to demand jobs. Created jobs just for them.
Is it my imagination or did he just basically repeat the same thing 15 times. He could have shortened that speech to about 3 minutes... damn, he loves his own voice.

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

Muddie, you don't know what you're talking about here. It isn't amnesty but I would be just as happy if it were.

Of course Fox would cut out the exchange, Obama told his ass off. Monroe should have kept his mouth shut and listened to the announcement just like everyone else. Monroe is with that little bitch Tucker Carlson who has a chip on his shoulder because he just could never make it in Washington.

These idiots are rude and have no respect.

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