Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

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How Dekster makes connections is puzzling.

Irrational behavior is what it is. I don't try to pick and chose among it for political reasons. I saw a January 6 type event as an inevitable outcome of the Tea Party dynamic. (and I don't think you have seen the last of it. people be cray cray. It is just a matter of details of what their obsession is)
Irrational behavior is what it is. I don't try to pick and chose among it for political reasons. I saw a January 6 type event as an inevitable outcome of the Tea Party dynamic. (and I don't think you have seen the last of it. people be cray cray. It is just a matter of details of what their obsession is)
That's what an insurrection is. Irrational behavior.

I gave you the facts, I gave you the video...from 3 different angles. When I can find the video where it shows the flash bang hittin the guy in the crowd and knocking him down, bloody....I will post that too...
What is your opinion? Was it an actual insurrection or a hoax on the American public?
Too soon. Just wait till Feb 8, 2024. The great day for Red or Blue or the third? No one can see the future. But I do believe most American voters will definitely make their decisions by comparing the costs and benefits of different options( Red or Blue or the third ) and choosing the one that offers the greatest net benefit. This involves weighing the potential gains and losses associated with each option. :)

Trump Colorado Ballot Ban Appeal Will Be Heard by Supreme Court - Bloomberg – Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Trump Colorado Ballot Appeal
It was a riot. Trumps retribution against Congress after his final "Hail Mary' play fell apart.

The attempted insurrection, the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, the plot using the VP to throw out EC votes and substitute the forged certifications from several states had fallen apart because Pence just didn't play ball.
They were nothing but a bunch of whining, ignorant jerkoffs who resorted to violence at the behest of their Dear Leader Trump, a slimeball who wasen't & still isn't man enough to take the loss like a man.

They rot in prison as Trump runs around the country on his private airliner spreading his usual bullshit, playing the victim.
Babbitt was NOT shot in the back.

She was shot from behind. Whether the bullet struck her in the shoulder, or in the part generally thought of in the back, or in the head, or in the hip, or anywhere, is irrelevant to what is usually understood to be meant by “shot in the back”

The point of the phrase is that she was facing away from the cowardly subhuman criminal piece of shit that murdered her, at the time she was shot.
She was shot from behind. Whether the bullet struck her in the shoulder, or in the part generally thought of in the back, or in the head, or in the hip, or anywhere, is irrelevant to what is usually understood to be meant by “shot in the back”

The point of the phrase is that she was facing away from the cowardly subhuman criminal piece of shit that murdered her, at the time she was shot.
You're a liar. She was shot as she attempted to climb thru a shattered window after being warned numerous times by the officer to back off.

Wanna blame somebody? Look at your orange knuckle dragger & Babbit herself for resorting to violence at the urging of that psychopath, Trump.
You're a liar. She was shot as she attempted to climb thru a shattered window after being warned numerous times by the officer to back off.
Wanna blame somebody? Look at your orange knuckle dragger & Babbit herself for resorting to violence at the urging of that psychopath, Trump.

Like I give a shit about the opinions of a long discredited and defunct Clinton-error attempt at tyranny.

You've been rendered completely irrelevant since long before this forum existed.
It will go down as the greatest milling about and opportunity for a great selfie in U.S. history!
"The point of the phrase is that she was facing away ......, at the time she was shot."
Umm, no.
She was not.
She was charging towards uniformed police who had erected barriers to prevent her ...and others...from harming our elected Representatives.

The video is clear. She was attacking. Whether she knew it or not.

Now, good poster Bob, if you will show the forum an autopsy report that states she was shot in the back, we will consider it.

In the meantime, we gotta go by what the video show us. Duh
Umm, no.
She was not.
She was charging towards uniformed police who had erected barriers to prevent her ...and others...from harming our elected Representatives.
The video is clear. She was attacking. Whether she knew it or not.
Now, good poster Bob, if you will show the forum an autopsy report that states she was shot in the back, we will consider it.
In the meantime, we gotta go by what the video show us. Duh

The video is clear that she was trying to climb through a broken window, not charging at anyone or anything. And that the shot that killed her came from behind.

And that she was in a tight crowd of people, very likely not even specifically targeted by that shot; but rather, the shot was just randomly fired at that crowd, and she was the one that it hit.

The video leaves no doubt at all, that she was murdered, in the most careless and cowardly way possible. The cowardly, murderous piece subhuman of shit that fired that shot deserves to be put to death for it.

I don't think there are any circumstances under which it is legal or justifiable for an officer of the law to fire a shot randomly into a crowd of people that are facing away from him. And shooting any unarmed person in the back has always been regarded as just flat-out cowardly. That piece of shit needs to die by comparable violence to that by which he murdered Ms. Babbitt.
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And that the shot that killer her came from behind.
Ummm, nope. But......
...but if it did, then one of her own fellow attackers shot her.

Is that what poster Bob Blaylock is suggesting here?
That it wasn't the policeman.....that it was another rioter who shot her in the back?

Color me skeptical.
Cause it sure looked like she was attacking the police, and it was a single policeman in front of her who shot her.
Anyway, that's the way I see the various videos.

The video leaves no doubt at all,
Ummm, which videos are you referring to?

Poor, now dead, Babbitt was attacking the police (after all, after being warned, she chose to charge in their direction, she didn't back away, she didn't retreat).....she charged forward. Now she is dead for attacking police. Not the first time that kind of thing has happened. No?
...but if it did, then one of her own fellow attackers shot her.

Is that what poster Bob Blaylock is suggesting here?
That it wasn't the policeman.....that it was another rioter who shot her in the back?

The cowardly subhuman murdering cri9minal piece of shit, Officer Byrd, who fired the shot that murdered Ms. Babbitt, was located behind her, some distance away.

That piece of shit deserves to die.
The video is clear that she was trying to climb through a broken window, not charging at anyone or anything. And that the shot that killed her came from behind.

And that she was in a tight crowd of people, very likely not even specifically targeted by that shot; but rather, the shot was just randomly fired at that crowd, and she was the one that it hit.

The video leaves no doubt at all, that she was murdered, in the most careless and cowardly way possible. The cowardly, murderous piece subhuman of shit that fired that shot deserves to be put to death for it.

I don't think there are any circumstances under which it is legal or justifiable for an officer of the law to fire a shot randomly into a crowd of people that are facing away from him. And shooting any unarmed person in the back has always been regarded as just flat-out cowardly. That piece of shit needs to die by comparable violence to that by which he murdered Ms. Babbitt.
Bob, her shooter was in the chamber, the way she was facing when climbing through window opening after being warned many times she would be shot if she so did.

She did.

She was shot from within the chamber into whcih she was climbing.
January 6 is a government exaggeration on a par with demanding a full arm cast for a hangnail.
Officer Byrd, who fired the shot that murdered Ms. Babbitt, was located behind her, some distance away.

After folks have seen the video, well....who else here wishes to state that poor Babbitt was retreating away from the police when one of 'em shot her in the back?

I'd be curious who else saw what Bob saw.
Curious, because I didn't think that is what I saw.

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