Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

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The video I saw she was shot in the face, but maybe the goons behind her shot her too. When the goons target ppl they generally all shoot, then lie about it.
Good on this. I saw her shot from the front. I would like to see some facts for Bob's assertion she was shot from behind.
A tour requires an invitation or a ticket.

Does this video show the Cult Members breaking through the OUTSIDE barriers which clearly said 'Area Closed'.

They arrived at their position by ILLEGALLY breaking though Barriers, which were marked 'Area Closed'
The video shows a peaceful crowd, standing around, when the Capitol police attack them with flash bangs....

Watch all 3 of the videos you dumb shit...

I knew who it was. I was just saying he's not a Trumper, right? So he can't be accused of being a partisan, because as you implied, he's one of the very few who actually puts principle first.

I, for one, don't even acknowledge accusations of partisanship.

Accusations like that are just meaningless pablum, given the pathetic state of so-called representation.

I have little respect for ''bipartisanship'' these days, because they're all on the same team, for the most part. All ''bipartisanship'' really means at that level of politics these days is you have an elephant nailing you in the ass while the donkey rams it down your throat good and hard while they high five each other.
YUP, so True.
But that was after the FACT that these criminals broke through Barrier (1), then Barrier (2) after passing through Warning Signs saying Area Closed.
But never mind this FACT, these criminals advanced, and met the Barriers closest to the Capitol, and they broke through, ILLEGALLY, and advanced on the Capitol. which you can see from the Jan. 6 video.

This ^^^ all happened before 1:00pm.

They SHOULD have Fired Bullets at these idiots.
I'm SAD they didn't.

Nope....at the time of the attack by the Capitol police, they were not in motion, they were milling around peacefully.....then the capitol police attacked them with flash bangs, without warning...

The video I saw was from her side of the window and she literally fell into the arms of cops
People can fall forward shot from the front and from the back. If she were leaning forward through an open space, was shot, and fell, it makes sense she goes to the floor with the window bottom ledge pushing the falling body out and forward.
The video shows a peaceful crowd, standing around, when the Capitol police attack them with flash bangs....

Watch all 3 of the videos you dumb shit...

Remember the Malheur Refuge? The pile of weapons? The outrage over someone leading target practice? Remember how they denied firing on the car with two women in it, before Lavoy bailed and was executed?
16 of the 30 ppl at the refuge were feds. The pile of weapons were brought in by the feds. The guy giving lessons.. a fed.
Scumbags. One and all. America's SS.
I, for one, don't even acknowledge accusations of partisanship.

Accusations like that are just meaningless pablum, given the pathetic state of so-called representation.

I have little respect for ''bipartisanship'' these days, because they're all on the same team, for the most part. All ''bipartisanship'' really means at that level of politics these days is you have an elephant nailing you in the ass while the donkey rams it down your throat good and hard while they high five each other.

Oh man.... I actually lol'd at the colorful way you put that. But yeah, I agree, and unfortunately so many people being stuck in that partisan mindset just benefits the ones who want to keep it that way, to keep the attention off of the ones pulling the strings.
People can fall forward shot from the front and from the back. If she were leaning forward through an open space, was shot, and fell, it makes sense she goes to the floor with the window bottom ledge pushing the falling body out and forward.
I don't know, she fell back and 4-6 pigs grabbed her.
They were herded in there and then a goon or multiple goons got to fulfill their wet dream of killing an unarmed woman.
Oh man.... I actually lol'd at the colorful way you put that. But yeah, I agree, and unfortunately so many people being stuck in that partisan mindset just benefits the ones who want to keep it that way, to keep the attention off of the ones pulling the strings.

Hey, I just tell it like it really is these days, Buttercup.

Somebody's gotta.

The video shows a peaceful crowd, standing around, when the Capitol police attack them with flash bangs....

Watch all 3 of the videos you dumb shit...

You are such a Nostra simpleton.
Do you continue to deny the FACT that the CULT broke through 2 previous barriers, each marked 'area closed'

These signs are there for a reason, your CULT broke through and entered ILLEGALLY.
Nope....at the time of the attack by the Capitol police, they were not in motion, they were milling around peacefully.....then the capitol police attacked them with flash bangs, without warning...

They DID attack the intruders, the intruders that ILLEGALLY broke through Barriers (2) and ignored request to retreat.
Just Like Traitor Babbitt.
On one hand Democrats wanted the election certified asap which essentially muted all reasonable investigations of the multitudes of obvious election irregularities.

On the other hand they blame Trump for wanting to investigate the election irregularities before the election was certified.

Damned if you do and Damned if you don’t where Trump is concerned.🤔

I’m thinking that if Pence had delayed the certification as Trump reasonably recommended.

Democrats would have shown us what a real insurrection looks like. Riots, rapes, arson, looting, death and mayhem .. all proven and often employed Democrat specialties and tactics no doubt.
None of that is legal.
The legal deadline for contesting the election results was in December. The law dictates how, when and by whom the electors are counted and processed by congress. Not Trump.
"...before Lavoy bailed and was executed?"
You know, Kosher, you are fast becoming one of my avatar's favs.
Babbit shot in the back of the head by one of her co-conspirators?
And now Lavoy Fincum 'assassinated'?
I love this bar!

Hey, gurl, didja see the police video of Fincum reaching into his vest?
The police did.
And he got shot for that reach.
Bad decision.
Not on the cop's part.

On Lavoy's part.
I watched the shooting.

The LEO gave him every chance to give up, but the dork had to wave a gun around and then stick his hand inside his vest.

MAGAs are relentlessly stupid.
The cowardly subhuman murdering cri9minal piece of shit, Officer Byrd, who fired the shot that murdered Ms. Babbitt, was located behind her, some distance away.

That piece of shit deserves to die.
You’re either deliberately lying or just plain dumb.
Byrd was on the opposite side of the barricaded doors at the front of the crowd. Babbit was shot, from the front, as she attempted to cross through that barricade.
You know, Kosher, you are fast becoming one of my avatar's favs.
Babbit shot in the back of the head by one of her co-conspirators?
And now Lavoy Fincum 'assassinated'?
I love this bar!

Hey, gurl, didja see the police video of Fincum reaching into his vest?
The police did.
And he got shot for that reach.
Bad decision.
Not on the cop's part.

On Lavoy's part.
He was shot in the side it exited behind his opposite shoulder. He was plucking at gun shots. I saw the autopsy.
I never said Babbitt was shot from behind. I know the feds are killers and liars.
They were busted in lie, after lie, after lie, and nothing has changed.
All the agencies need to go.

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