Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

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No wonder Babbitt died quickly, koshergurl has her being filled with lead by multiple shooters.
As said before, kosher has videos the rest of the world hasn't seen yet.


And then back to the "execution" of Lavoy Fincum.

Now kosher is attempting to inform the forum that when we all thought we saw Fincum reaching into his vest to his shoulder-holster, well, we didn't see that.

Rather, the 'reaching' was only Lavoy 'plucking' at the bullet hitting him.

Who knew?

Maybe some alert poster can post up the widely distributed video of the shooting...and what we thought was an imprudent 'reach'.

And then, maybe koshergurl can post up her private video that depicts this 'plucking' action?
I watched it many, many, many times. I listened to the car being shot at before they approached the roadblock (denied until it was determined the shooters picked up their shell casings and lied about it.. )
I knew the first time I saw the film of Lavoy thst he was feeling his wounds.
But our enemies lie.
There is a cure for that...
What is your opinion? Was it an actual insurrection or a hoax on the American public?
This wil be on advertisements every day if Trump is nominated. Forget Biden. The election will be about Trump's treason and women's right 24/7. This is your fault MAGAs.
I got the feeling from the start that there were agent provocateurs there, who got some of the crowd going.

Well, when I watched the event unfold live on the telly, I personally, didn't even think about 'agent provocateurs'. I gotta admit I was gobsmacked to see the violence and the hours long attempt to savagely beat uniformed police. I'm still amazed by what happened that terrible day for America.

But, back to buttercup's 'feeling' of provocateurs in the crowd.
Well, subsequent investigations, arrests, trials, convictions seem to bear out buttercup's 'feelings'.
And so does competent professional reporting of the events.

In fact, in the link below is an excellent expose' of these very 'agent provocateur's'. One of which in the very opening of the reportage looks us in the eye and tells us that was his and his co-conspirators intention.....to provoke.

Here, see for yourself:

I watched it many, many, many times. I listened to the car being shot at before they approached the roadblock (denied until it was determined the shooters picked up their shell casings and lied about it.. )
I knew the first time I saw the film of Lavoy thst he was feeling his wounds.
But our enemies lie.
There is a cure for that...
Don't even think it. The cure will be put on MAGA if necessary, without a moment's hesitation or regret or mercy. You modern day conservative Democrats can't handle what you are doing.
This wil be on advertisements every day if Trump is nominated. Forget Biden. The election will be about Trump's treason and women's right 24/7. This is your fault MAGAs.
No it's because the agencies stage conflict, frame and kill people, and you applaud.
Eradicate the agencies and every goon that defends them. And their families as well. Send them to China.
What is your opinion? Was it an actual insurrection or a hoax on the American public?
There was no insurrection, intended insurrection, even considered insurrection.

It was a legally permitted rally with the hope that VP Pence would delay certification until the investigations could be completed. VP Pence wisely concluded he did not have constitutional authority to do that once all the states had certified their individual elections.

Because of some malicious idiots, a riot ensued among a relatively few attending that day and that may possibly have been created by government operatives. We may or may never know that for sure.
"I knew the first time I saw the film of Lavoy that he was feeling his wounds."

Show us your video of the 'feeling-his-wounds'.


Or go.

Not my rule kosher, it is the way the responsible adult world works. It's Adult Swim now.
Silly those are just props, handed out/provided by the feds.just like they provided the antifa scum with bricks.
Yes they did. The Proud Boys were armed and had caches of weapons to bring in after Trump declared martial law.

You don't have the first clue as to what they brought. And you've never paid attention to any of the evidence. You just go along with whatever FOX tells you.
So you admit that there were no firearms at the "insurrection".

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