Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

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"the agencies stage conflict, frame and kill people,"
So, good poster koshrgurl, how we comin' with your personal edition of the Lavoy Fincum shooting?
The one where he is 'snatching' at the bullet impacts? ...an not reaching into his shoulder holster?

I'm as curious as the rest of the forum to see your private version.....that apparently... looks quite a bit different than the one released to the media at the time.

Let's go. Show. Or go.

"...a riot ensued among a relatively few attending that day and that may possibly have been created by government operatives."

Umm, 'possibly created by government operatives'?

After you watched that posted reportage about the role the Proud Boys played in J6, are you now suggesting that the Proud Boys were those 'government operatives'?

But, if you don't think it was the Proud Boys, well then, who are the operatives, and do you have video evidence, testimony, confessions, of some of those operatives?

I ask -- so to do one of two things: See your proof. Or, without that, then to demonstrate to the forum that there are those here who are unprepared to participate in adult discussion.

ps.....see this reportage on your 'government agents(?)':

So, good poster koshrgurl, how we comin' with your personal edition of the Lavoy Fincum shooting?
The one where he is 'snatching' at the bullet impacts? ...an not reaching into his shoulder holster?

I'm as curious as the rest of the forum to see your private version.....that apparently... looks quite a bit different than the one released to the media at the time.

Let's go. Show. Or go.

Umm, 'possibly created by government operatives'?

After you watched that posted reportage about the role the Proud Boys played in J6, are you now suggesting that the Proud Boys were those 'government operatives'?

But, if you don't think it was the Proud Boys, well then, who are the operatives, and do you have video evidence, testimony, confessions, of some of those operatives?

I ask -- so to do one of two things: See your proof. Or, without that, then to demonstrate to the forum that there are those here who are unprepared to participate in adult discussion.

ps.....see this reportage on your 'government agents(?)':
He wasn't wearing a shoulder holster
"He wasn't wearing a shoulder holster"

No kidding?
So, he was trying to head-fake a policeman pursuing him and ordering him to stop?
Pretending he was as armed as the reputation that the Malhuer violators had earned?
He reached into his jacket with a sweeping motion as if he had a shoulder holster?
But he was faking it?

Oh boy, it would have been fatally idiotic if he DID have a shoulder holster?
But without one.....it is still fatal, but even more idiotic.

Lavoy Fincum is dead because of Lavoy Fincum.
"J6 Reichstag Fire"

I'm not at all sure, Crusader Frank, that that is the first time you've attempted to claim the January 6th attack was like the notorious Reichstag fire in Germany.

But, regardless if it is the first time or the 300th time.......why do you try to link one to the other?
What is your rationale?
What are the parallels that you see?
If you claim it is the same.....and do so on repeated occasions..... you must have a reason, and be able to articulate it.

So, will you responsibly participate in this forum by explaining yourself?

Thanks in advance.
No kidding?
So, he was trying to head-fake a policeman pursuing him and ordering him to stop?
Pretending he was as armed as the reputation that the Malhuer violators had earned?
He reached into his jacket with a sweeping motion as if he had a shoulder holster?
But he was faking it?

Oh boy, it would have been fatally idiotic if he DID have a shoulder holster?
But without one.....it is still fatal, but even more idiotic.

Lavoy Fincum is dead because of Lavoy Fincum.
That's a we hoke lot of crazy there lol.
No, he wasn't pretending to have a holster, lol.
They are responsible for their own deaths.

Babbitt refused to stop advancing through the window, Lavoy refused to surrender.
Do not expect Frank to be able to explain himself. He is not competent.
Babbit was being pushed ahead by cops with weapons drawn.
No evidence of that at all. Now you are liable after the fact for defaming the LEO.

Addendum: 16 to 17 on the poll, which is far more in favor of insurrection on the Board than I would have thought. Maybe so light down the tunnel of MAGA ignorance.
I'm not at all sure, Crusader Frank, that that is the first time you've attempted to claim the January 6th attack was like the notorious Reichstag fire in Germany.

But, regardless if it is the first time or the 300th time.......why do you try to link one to the other?
What is your rationale?
What are the parallels that you see?
If you claim it is the same.....and do so on repeated occasions..... you must have a reason, and be able to articulate it.

So, will you responsibly participate in this forum by explaining yourself?

Thanks in advance.
You just noticed what I’ve been saying for three years now?

You are Mazing!!!

Hitler lied about the Reichstag Fire; democrats lied about J6

Hitler used it to suspend the civil liberties of his enemies; democrats used J6 to suspend the civil liberties of Americans, democrat enemies.

A Dutch Communist allegedly started the Reichstag Fire; Pelosi and the FBI planned J6
What is your opinion? Was it an actual insurrection or a hoax on the American public?

There are no opinions. Only facts. Everybody that's not a deluded MAGA shit licker knows exactly what they saw.

Ask those losers sitting in prison that participated in it, what their opinion is.
No evidence of that at all. Now you are liable after the fact for defaming the LEO.

Addendum: 16 to 17 on the poll, which is far more in favor of insurrection on the Board than I would have thought. Maybe so light down the tunnel of MAGA ignorance.
I'm liable for what?
Defaming the goons isn't a crime. Heck they do it themselves more effectively than I can.
Honestly, you aren't making sense. I guess it's happy hour in your locale...
Why is it that you go to such lengths to twist what other posters are saying? I didn’t say there were no firearms at the insurrection because there were.

But nice of you to finally admit that it was an insurrection.
There were no firearms at the Capitol; the scene of the "insurrection"...Therefore, there was no insurrection, fool.

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