Was Moore banned from a local mall due to his inappropriate activities?

So the mall manager from 1981 to 1998 who became friends with Moore his say so doesn't count in this whacked out witch hunt? But rumor and gossip does. Better pray none of you accusing Moore without any evidence never get accused of anything. Karma will be a bitch.

"A former manager of the mall, who began working there in the late eighties, confirmed the existence of a ban list, but did not recall Moore being on the list during the manager’s tenure there. Barnes Boyle, who is eighty-six, also managed the mall, from 1981 to 1998. His wife, Brenda, told me that Moore was a longtime acquaintance of his—they went to the Y.M.C.A. together often—and that he planned to vote for him. The recent allegations against Moore, the Boyles thought, are likely liberal propaganda and, as Brenda put it, “a sign of the times."

Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall
It appears that another 2 women from that mall have come forward saying that Moore made repeated advances on them, and confirming that he was well known in the mall as a creep who was trolling for high school girls.

Come on, you know that in every one of these stories, more jump on the bandwagon once it hits the media. Women seem to come out of the woodwork. Everybody loves the limelight.
Roy Moore, now a Republican Senate candidate, was known for “badgering teenage girls” at an Alabama mall in the 1980s, The New Yorker reports.

Reporter Charles Bethea spoke with over a dozen people who worked or spent time at the Gadsden Mall during that time. They said there were many rumors that Moore was on a list of people banned from the establishment.

Greg Legat, who worked at the mall in the 1980s, told Bethea that he remembers Moore was banned from the shopping center starting around 1979. Legat recalled that the mall was often “filled” with unchaperoned teens.

A local police officer, J.D. Thomas, reportedly often asked Legat to keep an eye out for Moore. ”‘If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him,’” Legat remembers Thomas telling him, according to The New Yorker.

Alabama journalist Glynn Wilson reported Sunday that he had heard similar allegations: “Sources tell me Moore was actually banned from the Gadsden Mall and the YMCA for his inappropriate behavior of soliciting sex from young girls.”

Other people who frequented the mall during the 1980s told The New Yorker they believed Moore had been banned for “trying to pick up younger girls.”

Two police officers who worked in the area at the time also told Bethea that Moore was known for hanging around the mall to find dates.

“The general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates,” one officer said. “I was told by a girl who worked at the mall that he’d been run off from there, from a number of stores. Maybe not legally banned, but run off.”

Roy Moore May Have Been Banned From A Mall For Harassing Teen Girls In 1980s | HuffPost

Usually when I read about these sex scandals--especially from decades ago, I'm skeptical to believe any of them. I didn't believe all this stuff about Moore either because again, no evidence to support the case of the women making the accusations.

If this report has any validity, I think I will change my mind on this. If there are records showing Moore was banned from the mall due to the activities he's now being accused of, it's an open and shut case as far as I'm concerned.

I realize there are dozens of posts about Moore, but this is a game changer which is why I posted it.
there would need to be some file in the police department with his name on it. someone should pull that file. let's really see. otherwise this is just more cheap ass trash. I see cops in this report. so pull the file and let's see the reports.

I don't know if police would have anything on file over a ban. The mall would have had to take a legal action of some kind. Even if there were a file on it, how long would they have kept it? It' been 37 years now.

Mall manager was a friend of Moore's and he said there was no ban.

Well my friends say I never drank a beer and drove a car in my life. :badgrin::badgrin:
Even having concrete evidence will not sway people. There is a yearbook of a 15 year old signed by Moore and people ignored it because he writes his Y different now than he did 40 years ago.

As long as Moore has an (R) in front of his name some people will not every believe anything about him no matter how much evidence.
It will certainly sway most people if it is proved not be a forgery. Some people have brought valid concerns about the signature.

I don't know how much is true about this scandal, but it appears that at minimum Moore dated girls still in high school when he was in his thirties.
So the mall manager from 1981 to 1998 who became friends with Moore his say so doesn't count in this whacked out witch hunt? But rumor and gossip does. Better pray none of you accusing Moore without any evidence never get accused of anything. Karma will be a bitch.

"A former manager of the mall, who began working there in the late eighties, confirmed the existence of a ban list, but did not recall Moore being on the list during the manager’s tenure there. Barnes Boyle, who is eighty-six, also managed the mall, from 1981 to 1998. His wife, Brenda, told me that Moore was a longtime acquaintance of his—they went to the Y.M.C.A. together often—and that he planned to vote for him. The recent allegations against Moore, the Boyles thought, are likely liberal propaganda and, as Brenda put it, “a sign of the times."

Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

Do you actually buy that Moore had zero interest in teenaged girls at that time and it is all completely made up?

The evidence is overwhelming, denial can only get you so far

I can see someone arguing that this was 40 years ago, Roy has changed, there are no reports remotely recent and that immature, inappropriate behavior should be forgiven

But why are you still in denial?
It appears that another 2 women from that mall have come forward saying that Moore made repeated advances on them, and confirming that he was well known in the mall as a creep who was trolling for high school girls.

Come on, you know that in every one of these stories, more jump on the bandwagon once it hits the media. Women seem to come out of the woodwork. Everybody loves the limelight.

It seemed to be common knowledge in Gadsden. Roy was a horn dog in his youth and people just kept quiet about it
You think women enjoy this?
No. Another article I had actually quoted the mall manager not gossip. For heaven's sakes he was the DDA of the town. No records at all.
all i'm reading are "may have" in headlines from news sources.

THIS is why i believe nothing anymore. what someone MAY HAVE DONE is not news. reporters need to go do their fucking homework and have proof of allegations but no - simple unnamed sources and "may have" is now worthy of people's claws.

people are fucking stupid.
Yes, they are, iceberg. And the reporters have done their homework and have built a strong circumstantial case to supplement the accusations.

You don't like it? OK.
Yes, they are, iceberg. And the reporters have done their homework and have built a strong circumstantial case to supplement the accusations.

You don't like it? OK.
doing your homework does not lead to MAY HAVE headlines where you ruin a mans life for a "may have".

he either did it or he did not. "may have" is not news, it's a witch hunt.

jake, you "may have" felched a dozen hamsters years ago. i think you were banned from a local pet store 10 years ago..."

not news, not factual, and certainly not headlines.
You are placing a "may have" on accusations and circumstantial evidence.

The women are more believable that Moore.

That's enough.
You are placing a "may have" on accusations and circumstantial evidence.

The women are more believable that Moore.

That's enough.
i'm talking about the whole mall thing being a MAY HAVE in the damned headlines son.

you don't HEADLINE MAY HAVE unless you have an axe to grind. you don't even report MAY HAVE cause it's NOT news, it's gossip. if you're into that die your hair blue, drink hot tea with whiskey hidden in it and shine up your bingo cards but don't call it news or factual.
I have no skin in this game, but there is absolutely nothing that has been verified. nothing. The yearbook thing if fake destroys this immediately. so, let's post ponned the vote, get that yearbook to a neutral party and have it analyzed for ink and hand writing. Nothing else can be verified. The other problem I have is that these women all appear to be from the same year, and what, the guy goes silent for 38 years? Too funny, statistically that isn't consistent with a pedophile. Just isn't.
iceberg, son :) (grow up), your opinion is only that. You are, I think, in the small minority who feel as you do. Your opinion is of no real import other than that is how you feel. The court of public opinion is not in Moore's corner, it seems.
iceberg, son :) (grow up), your opinion is only that. You are, I think, in the small minority who feel as you do. Your opinion is of no real import other than that is how you feel. The court of public opinion is not in Moore's corner, it seems.
well again, let's nip this in the bud and get the yearbook to a neutral party for analysis. Refusal to turn it over, ends this game. Seems simple.

I would say for most educated people there is an issue between the writing and the signature. the 7's especially, and the age of the ink.

It can all be over one way or another with an analysis.
I guess it would depend on the reliability of documentation. I would like to see concrete evidence of course, and as stated, if there are legitimate records of this, I would have to side with the accusers on this one. If not, then I'll continue to support Moore and believe the MSM is full of ship.
I'm not familiar with the official way to "ban" someone from a place of business, but since he was a D.A., I'm pretty sure there was no "legal" paperwork on the issue. Security may have had a talk with him and threatened something official if he didn't cooperate, but my guess is that due to his station, you will find no "proof" this happened except hearsay. Pretty convenient for him.

Where was the elected District Attorney that Moore worked for during all of this? Did it ever occur to the boss that he might want to rein in an employee acting so outrageously?

Wouldn't the simpler explanation be that there is no evidence because it didn't happen?

If there is no record a ban occurred, when business would keep records of people that are banned from the premises, it seems more likely that no ban occurred then they just failed to document it in this case.

And if it was so wide known why couldn't Luther Strange and countless other opponents obtain this information during decades of state and national attention?
Nope, it means that no official record was kept, but that does not mean he was not banned. In the lack of records, thus, the memories of the individuals suffice. And in those memories, Moore had been banned from the mall.

Avatar4321 has put forth a fallacy of false standard of proof.
I have no skin in this game, but there is absolutely nothing that has been verified. nothing. The yearbook thing if fake destroys this immediately. so, let's post ponned the vote, get that yearbook to a neutral party and have it analyzed for ink and hand writing. Nothing else can be verified. The other problem I have is that these women all appear to be from the same year, and what, the guy goes silent for 38 years? Too funny, statistically that isn't consistent with a pedophile. Just isn't.

Last I heard Allred refuses to let the year book be examined.

Strange reaction if the allegation I true
Nope, it means that no official record was kept, but that does not mean he was not banned. In the lack of records, thus, the memories of the individuals suffice. And in those memories, Moore had been banned from the mall.

Avatar4321 has put forth a fallacy of false standard of proof.

I have yet to meet a retail establishment that fails to keep a record of who is banned. In fact, they often write letters to show as evidence that the banned individual had notice that they were banned. Otherwise they can't prosecute.

So we have no evidence of a ban other than rumor. We have the statement of the mall manager saying it didn't happen.

But we should just assume he is guilty and they didn't keep records.
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Avatar, your experience is not the standard of proof.

The public accepts the comments of those involved who said he was banned.

That is the only determinant in this matter.
Avatar, your experience is not the standard of proof.

The public accepts the comments of those involved who said he was banned.

That is the only determinant in this matter.
Who made you king?
I think the fact that the Mall manager was his friend and a direct witness to the lack of a ban being in effect as being very pertinent.

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