Was Obama incompetent or did he intentionally try to destroy the US


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Was Obama INCOMPETENT Or Did He INTENTIONALLY Try To Destroy The U.S.?

Is he Machiavelli? Or Just Steve Urkel?

We’ve all seen the smoking crater that is Obama’s legacy.

Even his crowning achievement — Obamacare — is already circling the toilet.

Iowa just lost it’s last Obamacare carrier:

Tens of thousands of individual health policy consumers in Iowa could be left with no health insurance options if the last carrier for most of the state stops selling such policies, as it suggested Wednesday.

Medica, a Minnesota-based health insurer, released a statement suggesting it was close to following two larger carriers in deciding not to sell such policies in Iowa for 2018, because of instability in the market. –USA Today

If you don’t like USA today, you could read FORBES or CNN saying the same things.

If that was his crowning achievement, and it sucks so badly, his lesser achievements — including his open-border policy — must be that much worse.

Considering he promised to Fundamentally Transform America…


Regan said we spent money we didn't even have all the way back then, yet we still have the dumbest idiots of society who can't figure out how or why we are going into an economic collapse..

Those who doubt will believe it all when it hits though and those will be the smartasses who thought it was all a joke and never prepared or took precautions

They traded our freedom for bs security Obama is a gawd damn loser..
So is Bush
So is Clinton,
So was Ford they all sold us out and now TRUMP tries to UNDO it all and he gets rolled right over because we have such dumbasses in today's world who don't even get economic history, still live in mamma's basement ........... and the list goes on and on.
The only way to understand Obama is to know that he was three things in one:


The first and third should be so obvious they need no further explanation.

A Traitor is one who swears to "faithfully execute" the laws of the United States, then invites and abets a Mexican Invasion of our country; refuses to use the duly enacted laws to stop it; and does so to further his Marxist political goal of undermining the very country he swore to protect.

Fuck him. Fuck his legacy. Fuck his memory.
It was fully intentional. That's why the Democrats have gone psychowobbly since the election. They fully expected to have Hillary to finish the job. Now they may lose a half-century of "progress".

With a little luck, they may never from this juncture get back on track.
Was Obama INCOMPETENT Or Did He INTENTIONALLY Try To Destroy The U.S.?

Is he Machiavelli? Or Just Steve Urkel?

We’ve all seen the smoking crater that is Obama’s legacy.

Even his crowning achievement — Obamacare — is already circling the toilet.

Iowa just lost it’s last Obamacare carrier:

Tens of thousands of individual health policy consumers in Iowa could be left with no health insurance options if the last carrier for most of the state stops selling such policies, as it suggested Wednesday.

Medica, a Minnesota-based health insurer, released a statement suggesting it was close to following two larger carriers in deciding not to sell such policies in Iowa for 2018, because of instability in the market. –USA Today

If you don’t like USA today, you could read FORBES or CNN saying the same things.

If that was his crowning achievement, and it sucks so badly, his lesser achievements — including his open-border policy — must be that much worse.

Considering he promised to Fundamentally Transform America…


Regan said we spent money we didn't even have all the way back then, yet we still have the dumbest idiots of society who can't figure out how or why we are going into an economic collapse..

Those who doubt will believe it all when it hits though and those will be the smartasses who thought it was all a joke and never prepared or took precautions

They traded our freedom for bs security Obama is a gawd damn loser..
So is Bush
So is Clinton,
So was Ford they all sold us out and now TRUMP tries to UNDO it all and he gets rolled right over because we have such dumbasses in today's world who don't even get economic history, still live in mamma's basement ........... and the list goes on and on.

Bitch please!!
Question? Obama left office with a 56% approval ratings...do tell us what damage had he left Trump after leaving office? Be specific or shut the fuck up dumb bitch!!

He's not stupid.

Obamacare was designed to fail.

Hillary was to replace it with Godvernment healthcare when she got into office.

Fortunately for the country, things didn't work out for the Demonrats the way they intended.

He's not stupid.

Obamacare was designed to fail.

Hillary was to replace it with Godvernment healthcare when she got into office.

Fortunately for the country, things didn't work out for the Demonrats the way they intended.

Right on the money.
Was Obama incompetent or did he intentionally try to destroy the US

Come on. That's the question you should be asking Bush and the GOP.
Supposed lame duck presidency has been tremendously underestimated

The writing is on the wall.

President Obama in concert with his puppet master George Soros have been turning up the heat on the deteriorating conditions resulting from the United States and the EU’s strategic collapse of the global economy for the last 7 years.

Like we keep telling you demorats---------------- The plan is to get TRUMP out and if that fails they will use the ECONOMY to try and get him out so they can blame TRUMP for the STOCK MARKET CRASH.. watch before Trump gets out be it his four years are up or these losers in office creating false information watch as they will constantly blame Trump.

TO many idiots do not understand this game going on they can't see past their Democratic heroes who are not heroes but wanting to bring this Country to it's knees.
The only person that I can speak for here is Steve Urkel. He was an accident prone person, yes, but he always took responsibility for everything that he did. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. One of my most favorite episodes of that Family Matters show was when Steve blew the Winslows' TV through the ceiling of their family room in season seven and to get the damage paid for, he went to work as a performer at a jazz club. Of course when he was at that place, he was the Stephan character because the place was not interested in Steve's most favorite music which of course was polka. :D :D :D
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Question? Obama left office with a 56% approval ratings...do tell us what damage had he left Trump after leaving office? Be specific or shut the fuck up dumb bitch!!
------------------------------------------------- SPECIFIC , well it simply means that 56 percent of the USA population are dummies TRed !!
So much better than just competent. A measure of that is how much he accomplished in spite of the Repubs obstruction. Even now, we read on this hoard open treason from the RWNJ Pootarian traitors who are in favor of Russia over their own country.


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So much better than just competent. A measure of that is how much he accomplished in spite of the Repubs obstruction. Even now, we read on this hoard open treason from the RWNJ Pootarian traitors who are in favor of Russia over their own country.


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----------------------------------------------- I'm not in favor of Russia over the USA . I see no reason though that the USA and Russia can't get together on fighting some muslim enemies if that alliance is good tor Russia and the USA . Afterall , Russia and the USA are both predominantly Christian countries so we could work together Luddley !!
Supposed lame duck presidency has been tremendously underestimated

The writing is on the wall.

President Obama in concert with his puppet master George Soros have been turning up the heat on the deteriorating conditions resulting from the United States and the EU’s strategic collapse of the global economy for the last 7 years.

Like we keep telling you demorats---------------- The plan is to get TRUMP out and if that fails they will use the ECONOMY to try and get him out so they can blame TRUMP for the STOCK MARKET CRASH.. watch before Trump gets out be it his four years are up or these losers in office creating false information watch as they will constantly blame Trump.

TO many idiots do not understand this game going on they can't see past their Democratic heroes who are not heroes but wanting to bring this Country to it's knees.

All those US jobs, financial/economic recovery here and around the world - just two of the obvious signs that Prez Barry was working to bring down the US.

And Soros? Gives away most of the money he earns to help the less fortunate.

Good for you for catching this.

Meanwhile, true American trumpery consorts with our ally Russia, hires only illegals and foreigners,manufactures all of shitty products in other countries, hires Goldman Sachs, K Street lobbyists and billionaires to stop any and all progress for the working class and works to enrich the 1%.

Thanks for this heads up, just in the nick of time sime Prez Barry left office months ago.

Yep, MindWars is brilliant to catch this. I suggest naming chemTrails in his honor.


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Obama is a hardcore Marxist with a racist anti-American agenda.

But thankfully he was about 20 pay grades above his abilities.

So he wasn't successful in destroying the country as we know it

Although he came close. ...... :cool:
Obama is a hardcore Marxist with a racist anti-American agenda.

But thankfully he was about 20 pay grades above his abilities.

So he wasn't successful in destroying the country as we know it

Although he came close. ...... :cool:

Another brilliant RWNJ traitor ...

I wouldn't worry about Obama doing the country long term harm though. Even as we speak, Repubs and Emperor Pussy Grabber are hard at work to take away our health care, education, drinkable water, safe work places and, most of all jobs.


All is not lost.


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