Was the Afghanistan Tragedy Avoidable?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Was the Afghanistan Tragedy Avoidable?​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran

Democrats are defending Joe Biden’s actions that led to the debacle in Afghanistan by pretending the debate is about whether he was right or wrong in ending “The Forever War.” That’s a strawman argument. Very few people are arguing we shouldn’t have left Afghanistan. Most are arguing we should have left long ago.
The real debate about the tragedy in Afghanistan is whether competent leadership could have avoided it.
Biden defended his administration by pointing the finger at everyone else. It’s Trump’s fault because he “left a bare cupboard” in Afghanistan. Apparently, there was no plan by the Trump administration to evacuate from the Kabul airport if the Taliban took over.
Why there should have been a plan in the first place is a question that goes unanswered — especially since the endgame envisioned by most American policymakers during the Trump years was a gradual drawdown of American troops while the Afghan army “stood up” to replace them. That drawdown would have taken place simultaneously with the conclusion of a negotiated agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Biden’s rush to withdraw American troops gave the Taliban absolutely no incentive to negotiate. They attacked thanks to the opening given them by the Biden administration. The Afghanistan national army, seeing that they had been abandoned by the United States, realized the hopelessness of their plight and skedaddled.
Why would Biden expect that Afghan army to stand and fight when he had signaled loud and clear to the Taliban that the U.S. would politely step aside and let the Taliban pass?
Biden did not face Hobson’s choice on Afghanistan withdrawal. There were several possible outcomes — all of which were predicated on the U.S. not cutting and running while leaving the Afghan army, government, and people to fend for themselves.
Perhaps most concerning of all is that “The Biden Doctrine” of surrender and panicked retreat might give some other bad actors in the world ideas.
The world has seen a President portraying surrender as an act of political courage, and retreat as strategic wisdom. As we write this, the world’s rogues are looking for ways to give him a chance to deliver a similar speech about other parts of the world.​
It’s a long way to 2024 and the American people have short memories — especially when it comes to our humiliations. But whatever claims that Biden could have made of being superior in intelligence and political skills to Donald Trump have been blown up by his fumbling in Afghanistan.

Not to be left out, the Quisling Media has a big hand in this Afghanistan tragedy. They pimped the s.o.b. Joey Xi Bai Dung, now look at what we have. Joey has made the aspirations of both China and Russia now real.
China and Russia plans can now go fully into motion.

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Was the Afghanistan Tragedy Avoidable?​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran

Democrats are defending Joe Biden’s actions that led to the debacle in Afghanistan by pretending the debate is about whether he was right or wrong in ending “The Forever War.” That’s a strawman argument. Very few people are arguing we shouldn’t have left Afghanistan. Most are arguing we should have left long ago.
The real debate about the tragedy in Afghanistan is whether competent leadership could have avoided it.
Biden defended his administration by pointing the finger at everyone else. It’s Trump’s fault because he “left a bare cupboard” in Afghanistan. Apparently, there was no plan by the Trump administration to evacuate from the Kabul airport if the Taliban took over.
Why there should have been a plan in the first place is a question that goes unanswered — especially since the endgame envisioned by most American policymakers during the Trump years was a gradual drawdown of American troops while the Afghan army “stood up” to replace them. That drawdown would have taken place simultaneously with the conclusion of a negotiated agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Biden’s rush to withdraw American troops gave the Taliban absolutely no incentive to negotiate. They attacked thanks to the opening given them by the Biden administration. The Afghanistan national army, seeing that they had been abandoned by the United States, realized the hopelessness of their plight and skedaddled.
Why would Biden expect that Afghan army to stand and fight when he had signaled loud and clear to the Taliban that the U.S. would politely step aside and let the Taliban pass?
Biden did not face Hobson’s choice on Afghanistan withdrawal. There were several possible outcomes — all of which were predicated on the U.S. not cutting and running while leaving the Afghan army, government, and people to fend for themselves.
Perhaps most concerning of all is that “The Biden Doctrine” of surrender and panicked retreat might give some other bad actors in the world ideas.
The world has seen a President portraying surrender as an act of political courage, and retreat as strategic wisdom. As we write this, the world’s rogues are looking for ways to give him a chance to deliver a similar speech about other parts of the world.​
It’s a long way to 2024 and the American people have short memories — especially when it comes to our humiliations. But whatever claims that Biden could have made of being superior in intelligence and political skills to Donald Trump have been blown up by his fumbling in Afghanistan.

Not to be left out, the Quisling Media has a big hand in this Afghanistan tragedy. They pimped the s.o.b. Joey Xi Bai Dung, now look at what we have. Joey has made the aspirations of bothe China and Russia now real.
China and Russia plans can now go fully into motion.


Trump didn't talk to the Afghani government or ,military.. He was negotiating with the Taliban.

China has been successful in Afghanistan for over a decade.. Port Gwadar and its railroad hub is long finished and now there's market access for Afghani resources to get to markets in Asia.

Was the Afghanistan Tragedy Avoidable?​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran

Democrats are defending Joe Biden’s actions that led to the debacle in Afghanistan by pretending the debate is about whether he was right or wrong in ending “The Forever War.” That’s a strawman argument. Very few people are arguing we shouldn’t have left Afghanistan. Most are arguing we should have left long ago.
The real debate about the tragedy in Afghanistan is whether competent leadership could have avoided it.
Biden defended his administration by pointing the finger at everyone else. It’s Trump’s fault because he “left a bare cupboard” in Afghanistan. Apparently, there was no plan by the Trump administration to evacuate from the Kabul airport if the Taliban took over.
Why there should have been a plan in the first place is a question that goes unanswered — especially since the endgame envisioned by most American policymakers during the Trump years was a gradual drawdown of American troops while the Afghan army “stood up” to replace them. That drawdown would have taken place simultaneously with the conclusion of a negotiated agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Biden’s rush to withdraw American troops gave the Taliban absolutely no incentive to negotiate. They attacked thanks to the opening given them by the Biden administration. The Afghanistan national army, seeing that they had been abandoned by the United States, realized the hopelessness of their plight and skedaddled.
Why would Biden expect that Afghan army to stand and fight when he had signaled loud and clear to the Taliban that the U.S. would politely step aside and let the Taliban pass?
Biden did not face Hobson’s choice on Afghanistan withdrawal. There were several possible outcomes — all of which were predicated on the U.S. not cutting and running while leaving the Afghan army, government, and people to fend for themselves.
Perhaps most concerning of all is that “The Biden Doctrine” of surrender and panicked retreat might give some other bad actors in the world ideas.
The world has seen a President portraying surrender as an act of political courage, and retreat as strategic wisdom. As we write this, the world’s rogues are looking for ways to give him a chance to deliver a similar speech about other parts of the world.​
It’s a long way to 2024 and the American people have short memories — especially when it comes to our humiliations. But whatever claims that Biden could have made of being superior in intelligence and political skills to Donald Trump have been blown up by his fumbling in Afghanistan.

Not to be left out, the Quisling Media has a big hand in this Afghanistan tragedy. They pimped the s.o.b. Joey Xi Bai Dung, now look at what we have. Joey has made the aspirations of bothe China and Russia now real.
China and Russia plans can now go fully into motion.

No. Wouldn't have mattered when it was done. It was doomed to be a failure from the word "Go". The only correct choice was not to go..or sweep the Taliban out and get out of dodge. Let the country return to its feudal roots.
But I think it's laughable that you are worried about China and Russia here. Russia's already had their turn in the barrel in Afghanistan and....what is China going to invest in there anyway???? :)
Biden's total bewilderment concerning this outcome tells me he's unfit to lead. No President has ever been more wrong than this guy.

Was the Afghanistan Tragedy Avoidable?​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran

Democrats are defending Joe Biden’s actions that led to the debacle in Afghanistan by pretending the debate is about whether he was right or wrong in ending “The Forever War.” That’s a strawman argument. Very few people are arguing we shouldn’t have left Afghanistan. Most are arguing we should have left long ago.
The real debate about the tragedy in Afghanistan is whether competent leadership could have avoided it.
Biden defended his administration by pointing the finger at everyone else. It’s Trump’s fault because he “left a bare cupboard” in Afghanistan. Apparently, there was no plan by the Trump administration to evacuate from the Kabul airport if the Taliban took over.
Why there should have been a plan in the first place is a question that goes unanswered — especially since the endgame envisioned by most American policymakers during the Trump years was a gradual drawdown of American troops while the Afghan army “stood up” to replace them. That drawdown would have taken place simultaneously with the conclusion of a negotiated agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Biden’s rush to withdraw American troops gave the Taliban absolutely no incentive to negotiate. They attacked thanks to the opening given them by the Biden administration. The Afghanistan national army, seeing that they had been abandoned by the United States, realized the hopelessness of their plight and skedaddled.
Why would Biden expect that Afghan army to stand and fight when he had signaled loud and clear to the Taliban that the U.S. would politely step aside and let the Taliban pass?
Biden did not face Hobson’s choice on Afghanistan withdrawal. There were several possible outcomes — all of which were predicated on the U.S. not cutting and running while leaving the Afghan army, government, and people to fend for themselves.
Perhaps most concerning of all is that “The Biden Doctrine” of surrender and panicked retreat might give some other bad actors in the world ideas.
The world has seen a President portraying surrender as an act of political courage, and retreat as strategic wisdom. As we write this, the world’s rogues are looking for ways to give him a chance to deliver a similar speech about other parts of the world.​
It’s a long way to 2024 and the American people have short memories — especially when it comes to our humiliations. But whatever claims that Biden could have made of being superior in intelligence and political skills to Donald Trump have been blown up by his fumbling in Afghanistan.

Not to be left out, the Quisling Media has a big hand in this Afghanistan tragedy. They pimped the s.o.b. Joey Xi Bai Dung, now look at what we have. Joey has made the aspirations of bothe China and Russia now real.
China and Russia plans can now go fully into motion.

We were there for 20 years.

Calling it rushed is idiotic.
No. Wouldn't have mattered when it was done. It was doomed to be a failure from the word "Go". The only correct choice was not to go..or sweep the Taliban out and get out of dodge. Let the country return to its feudal roots.
But I think it's laughable that you are worried about China and Russia here. Russia's already had their turn in the barrel in Afghanistan and....what is China going to invest in there anyway???? :)

China has already invested in a railroad, power plants and mining operations.. Afghanistan is very rich in natural resources.

They have also completed Port Gwadar and the railroad hub to the far east. Afghanistan's future is very bright if they can stop the warlords and the Haqqani Mafia.
We were there for 20 years.

Calling it rushed is idiotic.
Watching those people trying to get on to aircraft and the Americans left there was incompetence to the max. The way we left is questionable. Not that we left. Progs love death and carnage.
Watching those people trying to get on to aircraft and the Americans left there was incompetence to the max. The way we left is questionable. Not that we left. Progs love death and carnage.
That’s your complaint? People jumped onto a moving plane?

Was the Afghanistan Tragedy Avoidable?​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Rick Moran

Democrats are defending Joe Biden’s actions that led to the debacle in Afghanistan by pretending the debate is about whether he was right or wrong in ending “The Forever War.” That’s a strawman argument. Very few people are arguing we shouldn’t have left Afghanistan. Most are arguing we should have left long ago.
The real debate about the tragedy in Afghanistan is whether competent leadership could have avoided it.
Biden defended his administration by pointing the finger at everyone else. It’s Trump’s fault because he “left a bare cupboard” in Afghanistan. Apparently, there was no plan by the Trump administration to evacuate from the Kabul airport if the Taliban took over.
Why there should have been a plan in the first place is a question that goes unanswered — especially since the endgame envisioned by most American policymakers during the Trump years was a gradual drawdown of American troops while the Afghan army “stood up” to replace them. That drawdown would have taken place simultaneously with the conclusion of a negotiated agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Biden’s rush to withdraw American troops gave the Taliban absolutely no incentive to negotiate. They attacked thanks to the opening given them by the Biden administration. The Afghanistan national army, seeing that they had been abandoned by the United States, realized the hopelessness of their plight and skedaddled.
Why would Biden expect that Afghan army to stand and fight when he had signaled loud and clear to the Taliban that the U.S. would politely step aside and let the Taliban pass?
Biden did not face Hobson’s choice on Afghanistan withdrawal. There were several possible outcomes — all of which were predicated on the U.S. not cutting and running while leaving the Afghan army, government, and people to fend for themselves.
Perhaps most concerning of all is that “The Biden Doctrine” of surrender and panicked retreat might give some other bad actors in the world ideas.
The world has seen a President portraying surrender as an act of political courage, and retreat as strategic wisdom. As we write this, the world’s rogues are looking for ways to give him a chance to deliver a similar speech about other parts of the world.​
It’s a long way to 2024 and the American people have short memories — especially when it comes to our humiliations. But whatever claims that Biden could have made of being superior in intelligence and political skills to Donald Trump have been blown up by his fumbling in Afghanistan.

Not to be left out, the Quisling Media has a big hand in this Afghanistan tragedy. They pimped the s.o.b. Joey Xi Bai Dung, now look at what we have. Joey has made the aspirations of bothe China and Russia now real.
China and Russia plans can now go fully into motion.

Afghan tragedy?

Wtf is that?
Watching those people trying to get on to aircraft and the Americans left there was incompetence to the max. The way we left is questionable. Not that we left. Progs love death and carnage.

They sure were joyful running down the tarmac. Did you see their faces?
With the Afghan government and military being filled with cowards and collaborators this was always going to happen. Just about everyone is astonished by how useless they turned out to be. They were ones who were supposed to make the pullout work but they ran away like pussies. Blame them. Our "friends" abandoned us and betrayed their own countrymen.
China has already invested in a railroad, power plants and mining operations.. Afghanistan is very rich in natural resources.

They have also completed Port Gwadar and the railroad hub to the far east. Afghanistan's future is very bright if they can stop the warlords and the Haqqani Mafia.
Thank you. Their Belt and Road Program is in effect in many countries, especially Afghanistan to extend their Silk road aspirations.
That’s your complaint? People jumped onto a moving plane?
That the Progressive Socialists who battered the previous guy and whined and cried and made slander the norm of the media propaganda did not see that this would happen. Those people were trying to leave for a reason. This could have went a bit more calmly. Americans are still there and we will get many of the Afghanistan people here and most likely be Prog voters like most of the illegals at the border. When we go down, the game is over for the planet.

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