Was the Columbus, OH., police officer justified shooting the knife wielding girl? (poll)

Do you support the police officer shooting the knife wielding girl protecting the unarmed girl?

  • Yes, the shooting was justified.

    Votes: 111 94.1%
  • No, I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 7 5.9%

  • Total voters
Ma'Khia Bryant was having an argument over housekeeping before she got into a fight and a police officer fatally shot her in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, her foster mom said.
It is not clear exactly what followed. Somebody — it's unclear who — called 911, telling dispatchers that somebody was trying to stab them.
They cannot even admit to who called the police?!?!?!
Why is that?
Why didn't they stay in the house until the police arrived? Also the officer had no way of knowing who the individuals were when he arrived, he had to react to the situation he was witnessing.


There's nothing more you need to know than just the fact that death or deaths at a crime scene is police failure.

Hundreds more comments on this thread are not going to change that fact.

Reitterating over and over again by Americans that that is the desired outcome is just window dressing.

The reasons why it's desired is of interest here.

You are a fucking idiot. The officer didn't create the situation, he had to react to it.

He's just another nosey foreigner that DOES NOT BELONG in America's internal discourse. Folks like him do not belong on a forum dedicated to American politics and I don't know why so many of you bother arguing with them. There is plenty to deal with internally without some foreigner offering their useless input into our affairs.
Put them on ignore

I've never put anyone on ignore, probably never will. Keeping up on attempted foreign influence is more important to me.

You are a fucking idiot. The officer didn't create the situation, he had to react to it.


Your fellow Americans will be close to unanimous that I'm a fuking idiot.

Police action at a crime scene or potential crime scene that results in death or deaths, is police failure.

Repeating the same fucking lie has no effect on intelligent people, and you're still a fucking idiot.

Anyone but especially police can use deadly force to protect themselves and others from immanent bodily harm or death. This particular office had less than 10 seconds to assess the situation and act. What he saw was a large individual wheedling a butcher knife attacking two individuals. What would you have done in that situation?
The contrarian cranks offer no answers. Did you ever think you would see the day where shooting someone
about to drive a knife through a helpless victim would be controversial?

A percentage of the country is out of their minds. We must insure that percentage remains small.
I never thought the day would come when stabbing an innocent person was acceptable and not to be stopped.

No stabbing occurred and none was likely to occur if police had not arrived either.
Nor is shooting a teen 4 times with hollow point .40S&W the best way to stop it.
It sure seemed to work.
Why didn't they stay in the house until the police arrived? Also the officer had no way of knowing who the individuals were when he arrived, he had to react to the situation he was witnessing.


There's nothing more you need to know than just the fact that death or deaths at a crime scene is police failure.

Hundreds more comments on this thread are not going to change that fact.

Reitterating over and over again by Americans that that is the desired outcome is just window dressing.

The reasons why it's desired is of interest here.

You are a fucking idiot. The officer didn't create the situation, he had to react to it.

He's just another nosey foreigner that DOES NOT BELONG in America's internal discourse. Folks like him do not belong on a forum dedicated to American politics and I don't know why so many of you bother arguing with them. There is plenty to deal with internally without some foreigner offering their useless input into our affairs.
Put them on ignore

I've never put anyone on ignore, probably never will. Keeping up on attempted foreign influence is more important to me.

I have most of the foreigners on iggy. I have ZERO interest in their opinions. And a few board trolls like candyass
And the girl shot was the victim being attacked by the gang,
That's not what happened when LE arrived. There were no physical attacks going on when they rolled up.
I beg to differ. As soon as they got out of the police car the gal with the knife knocked another girl down and then went after the girl wearing pink. Watch the videos again.

She was getting close to her head area with the knife when the police shoots her to stop it.

How can you miss the obvious Rigby5?

It was on over hand grip, swinging side to side.
That would be impossible to reach the head area, and she never got close.

The only way a knife attack could be deadly is un underhand grip, a direct lunge below the ribcage, pointed upward.
Nothing else really had any chance of being deadly.
An the knife wielder never looked at all like she was intending any real harm.
It was all theatrics.
She could easily have made contact, but never actually tried.
Stop posting nonsense. Here is a photo showing the murder in-progress, until the cop stopped her.
View attachment 483123

The sharp edge of the knife is to the right.
If this swing to the left tried to contact the neck, it would have had to have been with dull backside of the blade.
This is a side ways swring.
Nothing remotely deadly appearing at all.

And only M'Kia lived there and had the right of defense.
The girl in pink is one of the trespassing attackers.

You are suggesting that casual non threatening unarmed "trespasser" carrying a cat in her arms should be slashed?

Really are you on drugs today? your tortured rationalizations have gotten stupider by the thread page.

It is EASY to stab anyone who is trapped by a car, you must never have handled a knife in your life because you are trying the impossible in saying knife held the way that girl help can't stab anyone.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Holding a knife out to the side is winding up for a wild roundhouse swing. It is not the way you prepare for a direct lunge, which is the only really threatening way to use a knife in an attack.
Nor did the woman in pink have a cat.
Four fatal shots is an escalation from a possible slash.
Not saying it was terrible, but not the best possible outcome, and 4 shots was overkill.
Bad training.
But good marksmanship.

You are full of shit!

You have yet to show she shouldn't be shot to prevent a stabbing that was a second ot two away from being real.

The girl screamed that she was going to stab her and it is easy to do that with a long knife, you are trying to conjure proof out of thin air, the VIDEO utterly destroys everything you say.

She was still alive after the first shot you idiot, that is why he kept firing, besides who give a shit if she had 1 or 4 bullets in her body, she is DEAD!

Here is the link to much better video of the incident
You just really get past your ignorant dogma. In Canada or maybe even in America, a police officer would admit that death of a citizen by his gun would be his failure as a police officer.

Police action at a crime scene or potential crime scene that results in death or deaths, is police failure.
No he wouldn't.
Yes. And No. I know. It is I the cop hater. At least that is what the replies from certain people will claim.

Yes. Shooting a weapon wielding individual is justified to save life.

The problem is totality of the situation. Nobody was hearing the commands of the cop. He wasn’t the loudest voice there. The fighting girls didn’t even see him. Not because they were black. Nor because they were girls.

The term is situational awareness. It takes training to avoid the normal human tendency to focus on one thing. The tunnel vision. A vast majority of you will never have experienced it. But with training you can avoid that deadly mistake.

The girls fighting were seeing nothing but their enemies. Totally normal human reaction. They were not hearing anything. Much less the sounds of the cop shouting.

This is where you need something to startle them. Something to get their attention. A shot into the grass as one example. I watched the video once. My mind screamed fire a shot into the ground. It will startle the girls out of the tunnel.

When the cop fired. At that moment he had a choice. Let another person get stabbed. Wounded. Possibly killed. Or shoot.

I don’t find fault with the shooting at the time it happened. But here again is where my often advocated position comes in. A study into the totality of events. Alternatives that can be thought of. Alternatives that may be available to the next cop in the next situation. Alternatives that may save a life later. And there are always alternatives. There are always lessons to be learned.

The biggest thing is think. It is hard to think in a stressful situation. The ability to do so is invaluable. This is where training comes in. Teaching people to think when the stress is on. Teaching them to avoid that tunnel vision.

The more you know. The better you are. We should milk incidents like this for every ounce of information.

It was a justified shooting IMO. It was still regrettable. And I would like to think of ways to avoid it if possible next time. I don’t want to see anyone die. Cop or civilian. If it can possibly be avoided.

You know why you don't fire into the ground? One word: ricochet.

Also, startling someone who's already swinging a knife at someone is an excellent way to make them lurch forward and CONTINUE THE SWING. Ever hear of momentum? Ever get startled by a loud, unexpected sound behind you? Did you freeze, or did you jump? Moron.

Maybe YOU should try thinking before flapping your gob about things you clearly know nothing about.

You convinced me. The shooting was absolutely not justified. Try and convict him for murder.

Awww, is your feewings hurt? I guess you showed me by your vicious decision to "think" something at me. I am cut to the quick by your incisive willingness to hold opinions based on whether or not someone is nice to you about your ignorance, rather than based on facts.

Actually, I'd be really glad that I upset you with my utter lack of respect for you as a sentient being . . . if it wasn't for the fact that I don't respect you enough to give a shit either way.

Oh god no. What happened is again a Rabid Right Wing idiot spoke up. Want to know why Chauvin was convicted. Idiots like you who opposed every change. No matter how minor.

Idiots like you who oppose any reform insured that the cops would not lead the effort like they should have. No. No changes. So instead the cops are being fired and charged with crimes and sent to prison. The changes came no matter how much morons like you opposed them. Now. The changes are resulting in cops going to prison.

So for twenty years I’ve argued for common sense reforms. For that long I’ve written letters and talked to people. Those common sense reforms are about to appear in the rear view mirror. Radical changes are coming. And more cops are going to prison.

It isn’t my fault. It’s yours that the thin blue line wants their members to go to prison. It isn’t BLM or Antifa. It’s you blistering idiots on the right who act like the smallest change to anything is right out of the communist playbook.

So fuck them. Let the cops go to jail and prison. It don’t affect me. I live way out in the country. Let you and the rest of the Suburbanites find yourselves overwhelmed by your own hatred. First you’ll blame the blacks. Then you’ll blame the brown. The Jews. And before long you’ll be drawing up lines based on religious affiliation. You idiots with tiny minds always do.

Next it is Kyle Rittenhouse who is headed to Prison. After him the McMichaels. And it is the fault of idiots just like you.
Ma'Khia Bryant was having an argument over housekeeping before she got into a fight and a police officer fatally shot her in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, her foster mom said.
It is not clear exactly what followed. Somebody — it's unclear who — called 911, telling dispatchers that somebody was trying to stab them.
They cannot even admit to who called the police?!?!?!
Why is that?
Why does it matter?
Ma'Khia Bryant was having an argument over housekeeping before she got into a fight and a police officer fatally shot her in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, her foster mom said.
It is not clear exactly what followed. Somebody — it's unclear who — called 911, telling dispatchers that somebody was trying to stab them.
They cannot even admit to who called the police?!?!?!
Why is that?

It's not relevant to the situation the officer witnessed when he arrived.

So if the cop allows the assailant to murder someone it is then a success as long as not by a cop.

Fucking lunacy!!!!

Confusion on the intent of the topic, resulting in useless spam.

Due to lower intelligence than required on this topic?
Or political frustration that is resuting in frothing at the mouth with hate?

What? Dude are you having an emotional/mental episode? I am actually very liberal, but for christ sake what's right is right. You are obviously disturbed (1 of my favorite bands) or an idiot!!!
It was a justified use of DPF.


That is a legal point.
How about the more practical discussion on whether or not it was optimal?
Could fewer shots have been less deadly?
Should the police use hollow points, which actually are like little buzz saws?
Should police be trained to fire warning shots or just shoot once and see?

Not for anything, but it’s so easy to quarterback this officers actions from a keyboard. None of us were there in that moment. All we have is a video that looks like a split second decision to prevent a stabbing.

How about we discuss the girls failure to follow a lawful order instead of dissecting a lawful shoot with the intention of castigating his use of DPF.

Yup, mike drop right there!!!
And the girl shot was the victim being attacked by the gang,
That's not what happened when LE arrived. There were no physical attacks going on when they rolled up.
I beg to differ. As soon as they got out of the police car the gal with the knife knocked another girl down and then went after the girl wearing pink. Watch the videos again.

That is just the tail end of the video.
Watch the whole thing.
The knife weilder was the innocent victim who actually lived there, trying to defend herself from a mob.
The girl with the knife in the air going for the girl in pink's neck was justifiably shot.
The girl with the knife is the murderer, the girl in pink's life was saved.
The cop is a hero.

We see a wind up to the right for a swing that then have to be horizontal to the left.
And with the overhand grip, it would have been impossible to reach as high as the neck.

The girl in pink was part of the gang of attackers who did not live there and had no right of defense in their attack on the M'Kia. They were deliberately trespassing.
Spare us. You're no Sherlock Holmes. Not even close.
The poll has it 89-6 as a "justified shooting" by the cop. The (6) losers are just clueless, yes, that includes you.
The girls were foster kids, they were there to have a birthday party for their foster mom. An argument ensued when one accused the other of shitty housekeeping. That escalated to the attempted murder by knife.
The cop isn't the problem, the black-on-black murders is the problem.
IMHO there is no justification for the police to allow anyone to murder an unarmed person.
The girl with the knife is attempting to murder an unarmed girl, totally unacceptable.
Anyone who blames the cop for anything other than doing his job "protecting" the unarmed girl is a racist gaslighting POS.

The public sees this largely as an unfair fight.

If the police officer would have pulled out a knife to stop the assailant, it wouldn't have been as bad.

It would have been at least a fair fight. In this situation, a gun vs. a knife, totally unfair.
The policeman has to follow the law.
The Ohio LAW says that a policeman is required to use deadly force to protect his own life or that of a 3rd party.
In this reality, the cop did his job perfectly. The unfair fight was the unarmed gal wearing pink, vs the one with the knife. The cop stopped a murder. That's a good thing. "Fair or not".
I fully understand that my replies here don't speak to the question posed by the OP.

They are my attempt to speak above and beyond the question. Perhaps this can explain why there's so much extremist frothing at the mouth by 93% of Americans?

Police action at a crime scene or potential crime scene that results in death or deaths, is police failure.
Not for anything, but it’s so easy to quarterback this officers actions from a keyboard. None of us were there in that moment. All we have is a video that looks like a split second decision to prevent a stabbing.

How about we discuss the girls failure to follow a lawful order instead of dissecting a lawful shoot with the intention of castigating his use of DPF.

Police action at a crime scene or potential crime scene that results in death or deaths, is police failure.

If any of you want a rational discussion on the topic then that's the simple premise on which I base my arguments.

I suspect that in the 'real' America beyond this ignorant clusterfk, most police officers fully understand that they have failed if the outcome is death at their hand.

I understand that, but:

Police action at a crime scene or potential crime scene that results in death or deaths, is police failure.

This premise is an oversimplification.

No, the premise is asinine. It is an unattainable standard. Thus it is, at its core, irrational.
Yes. And No. I know. It is I the cop hater. At least that is what the replies from certain people will claim.

Yes. Shooting a weapon wielding individual is justified to save life.

The problem is totality of the situation. Nobody was hearing the commands of the cop. He wasn’t the loudest voice there. The fighting girls didn’t even see him. Not because they were black. Nor because they were girls.

The term is situational awareness. It takes training to avoid the normal human tendency to focus on one thing. The tunnel vision. A vast majority of you will never have experienced it. But with training you can avoid that deadly mistake.

The girls fighting were seeing nothing but their enemies. Totally normal human reaction. They were not hearing anything. Much less the sounds of the cop shouting.

This is where you need something to startle them. Something to get their attention. A shot into the grass as one example. I watched the video once. My mind screamed fire a shot into the ground. It will startle the girls out of the tunnel.

When the cop fired. At that moment he had a choice. Let another person get stabbed. Wounded. Possibly killed. Or shoot.

I don’t find fault with the shooting at the time it happened. But here again is where my often advocated position comes in. A study into the totality of events. Alternatives that can be thought of. Alternatives that may be available to the next cop in the next situation. Alternatives that may save a life later. And there are always alternatives. There are always lessons to be learned.

The biggest thing is think. It is hard to think in a stressful situation. The ability to do so is invaluable. This is where training comes in. Teaching people to think when the stress is on. Teaching them to avoid that tunnel vision.

The more you know. The better you are. We should milk incidents like this for every ounce of information.

It was a justified shooting IMO. It was still regrettable. And I would like to think of ways to avoid it if possible next time. I don’t want to see anyone die. Cop or civilian. If it can possibly be avoided.

You know why you don't fire into the ground? One word: ricochet.

Also, startling someone who's already swinging a knife at someone is an excellent way to make them lurch forward and CONTINUE THE SWING. Ever hear of momentum? Ever get startled by a loud, unexpected sound behind you? Did you freeze, or did you jump? Moron.

Maybe YOU should try thinking before flapping your gob about things you clearly know nothing about.

You convinced me. The shooting was absolutely not justified. Try and convict him for murder.

Awww, is your feewings hurt? I guess you showed me by your vicious decision to "think" something at me. I am cut to the quick by your incisive willingness to hold opinions based on whether or not someone is nice to you about your ignorance, rather than based on facts.

Actually, I'd be really glad that I upset you with my utter lack of respect for you as a sentient being . . . if it wasn't for the fact that I don't respect you enough to give a shit either way.

Oh god no. What happened is again a Rabid Right Wing idiot spoke up. Want to know why Chauvin was convicted. Idiots like you who opposed every change. No matter how minor.

Idiots like you who oppose any reform insured that the cops would not lead the effort like they should have. No. No changes. So instead the cops are being fired and charged with crimes and sent to prison. The changes came no matter how much morons like you opposed them. Now. The changes are resulting in cops going to prison.

So for twenty years I’ve argued for common sense reforms. For that long I’ve written letters and talked to people. Those common sense reforms are about to appear in the rear view mirror. Radical changes are coming. And more cops are going to prison.

It isn’t my fault. It’s yours that the thin blue line wants their members to go to prison. It isn’t BLM or Antifa. It’s you blistering idiots on the right who act like the smallest change to anything is right out of the communist playbook.

So fuck them. Let the cops go to jail and prison. It don’t affect me. I live way out in the country. Let you and the rest of the Suburbanites find yourselves overwhelmed by your own hatred. First you’ll blame the blacks. Then you’ll blame the brown. The Jews. And before long you’ll be drawing up lines based on religious affiliation. You idiots with tiny minds always do.

Next it is Kyle Rittenhouse who is headed to Prison. After him the McMichaels. And it is the fault of idiots just like you.
Chauvin was railroaded by an angry black mob. No one is swallowing this horseshit that the whiteman is responsible.
PROGS think in fair terms, so long as it edges them. In the case of this incident the cop is supposed to yell TIME-OUT.
Yes. And No. I know. It is I the cop hater. At least that is what the replies from certain people will claim.

Yes. Shooting a weapon wielding individual is justified to save life.

The problem is totality of the situation. Nobody was hearing the commands of the cop. He wasn’t the loudest voice there. The fighting girls didn’t even see him. Not because they were black. Nor because they were girls.

The term is situational awareness. It takes training to avoid the normal human tendency to focus on one thing. The tunnel vision. A vast majority of you will never have experienced it. But with training you can avoid that deadly mistake.

The girls fighting were seeing nothing but their enemies. Totally normal human reaction. They were not hearing anything. Much less the sounds of the cop shouting.

This is where you need something to startle them. Something to get their attention. A shot into the grass as one example. I watched the video once. My mind screamed fire a shot into the ground. It will startle the girls out of the tunnel.

When the cop fired. At that moment he had a choice. Let another person get stabbed. Wounded. Possibly killed. Or shoot.

I don’t find fault with the shooting at the time it happened. But here again is where my often advocated position comes in. A study into the totality of events. Alternatives that can be thought of. Alternatives that may be available to the next cop in the next situation. Alternatives that may save a life later. And there are always alternatives. There are always lessons to be learned.

The biggest thing is think. It is hard to think in a stressful situation. The ability to do so is invaluable. This is where training comes in. Teaching people to think when the stress is on. Teaching them to avoid that tunnel vision.

The more you know. The better you are. We should milk incidents like this for every ounce of information.

It was a justified shooting IMO. It was still regrettable. And I would like to think of ways to avoid it if possible next time. I don’t want to see anyone die. Cop or civilian. If it can possibly be avoided.

You know why you don't fire into the ground? One word: ricochet.

Also, startling someone who's already swinging a knife at someone is an excellent way to make them lurch forward and CONTINUE THE SWING. Ever hear of momentum? Ever get startled by a loud, unexpected sound behind you? Did you freeze, or did you jump? Moron.

Maybe YOU should try thinking before flapping your gob about things you clearly know nothing about.

You convinced me. The shooting was absolutely not justified. Try and convict him for murder.

Awww, is your feewings hurt? I guess you showed me by your vicious decision to "think" something at me. I am cut to the quick by your incisive willingness to hold opinions based on whether or not someone is nice to you about your ignorance, rather than based on facts.

Actually, I'd be really glad that I upset you with my utter lack of respect for you as a sentient being . . . if it wasn't for the fact that I don't respect you enough to give a shit either way.

Oh god no. What happened is again a Rabid Right Wing idiot spoke up. Want to know why Chauvin was convicted. Idiots like you who opposed every change. No matter how minor.

Idiots like you who oppose any reform insured that the cops would not lead the effort like they should have. No. No changes. So instead the cops are being fired and charged with crimes and sent to prison. The changes came no matter how much morons like you opposed them. Now. The changes are resulting in cops going to prison.

So for twenty years I’ve argued for common sense reforms. For that long I’ve written letters and talked to people. Those common sense reforms are about to appear in the rear view mirror. Radical changes are coming. And more cops are going to prison.

It isn’t my fault. It’s yours that the thin blue line wants their members to go to prison. It isn’t BLM or Antifa. It’s you blistering idiots on the right who act like the smallest change to anything is right out of the communist playbook.

So fuck them. Let the cops go to jail and prison. It don’t affect me. I live way out in the country. Let you and the rest of the Suburbanites find yourselves overwhelmed by your own hatred. First you’ll blame the blacks. Then you’ll blame the brown. The Jews. And before long you’ll be drawing up lines based on religious affiliation. You idiots with tiny minds always do.

Next it is Kyle Rittenhouse who is headed to Prison. After him the McMichaels. And it is the fault of idiots just like you.
Chauvin was railroaded by an angry black mob. No one is swallowing this horseshit that the whiteman is responsible.

Chauvin IS guilty of Manslaughter. Once Floyd was in his custody he is then responsible for Floyds well being. After being informed that Floyd had no pulse he should have immediately begun rendering aid. There was a paramedic there, and they were prevented from helping Floyd. That action alone is manslaughter. Choose the cops you support carefully. This dude is a bad apple very much akin to the asshole who murdered Babbitt.
Yes. And No. I know. It is I the cop hater. At least that is what the replies from certain people will claim.

Yes. Shooting a weapon wielding individual is justified to save life.

The problem is totality of the situation. Nobody was hearing the commands of the cop. He wasn’t the loudest voice there. The fighting girls didn’t even see him. Not because they were black. Nor because they were girls.

The term is situational awareness. It takes training to avoid the normal human tendency to focus on one thing. The tunnel vision. A vast majority of you will never have experienced it. But with training you can avoid that deadly mistake.

The girls fighting were seeing nothing but their enemies. Totally normal human reaction. They were not hearing anything. Much less the sounds of the cop shouting.

This is where you need something to startle them. Something to get their attention. A shot into the grass as one example. I watched the video once. My mind screamed fire a shot into the ground. It will startle the girls out of the tunnel.

When the cop fired. At that moment he had a choice. Let another person get stabbed. Wounded. Possibly killed. Or shoot.

I don’t find fault with the shooting at the time it happened. But here again is where my often advocated position comes in. A study into the totality of events. Alternatives that can be thought of. Alternatives that may be available to the next cop in the next situation. Alternatives that may save a life later. And there are always alternatives. There are always lessons to be learned.

The biggest thing is think. It is hard to think in a stressful situation. The ability to do so is invaluable. This is where training comes in. Teaching people to think when the stress is on. Teaching them to avoid that tunnel vision.

The more you know. The better you are. We should milk incidents like this for every ounce of information.

It was a justified shooting IMO. It was still regrettable. And I would like to think of ways to avoid it if possible next time. I don’t want to see anyone die. Cop or civilian. If it can possibly be avoided.

You know why you don't fire into the ground? One word: ricochet.

Also, startling someone who's already swinging a knife at someone is an excellent way to make them lurch forward and CONTINUE THE SWING. Ever hear of momentum? Ever get startled by a loud, unexpected sound behind you? Did you freeze, or did you jump? Moron.

Maybe YOU should try thinking before flapping your gob about things you clearly know nothing about.

You convinced me. The shooting was absolutely not justified. Try and convict him for murder.

Awww, is your feewings hurt? I guess you showed me by your vicious decision to "think" something at me. I am cut to the quick by your incisive willingness to hold opinions based on whether or not someone is nice to you about your ignorance, rather than based on facts.

Actually, I'd be really glad that I upset you with my utter lack of respect for you as a sentient being . . . if it wasn't for the fact that I don't respect you enough to give a shit either way.

Oh god no. What happened is again a Rabid Right Wing idiot spoke up. Want to know why Chauvin was convicted. Idiots like you who opposed every change. No matter how minor.

Idiots like you who oppose any reform insured that the cops would not lead the effort like they should have. No. No changes. So instead the cops are being fired and charged with crimes and sent to prison. The changes came no matter how much morons like you opposed them. Now. The changes are resulting in cops going to prison.

So for twenty years I’ve argued for common sense reforms. For that long I’ve written letters and talked to people. Those common sense reforms are about to appear in the rear view mirror. Radical changes are coming. And more cops are going to prison.

It isn’t my fault. It’s yours that the thin blue line wants their members to go to prison. It isn’t BLM or Antifa. It’s you blistering idiots on the right who act like the smallest change to anything is right out of the communist playbook.

So fuck them. Let the cops go to jail and prison. It don’t affect me. I live way out in the country. Let you and the rest of the Suburbanites find yourselves overwhelmed by your own hatred. First you’ll blame the blacks. Then you’ll blame the brown. The Jews. And before long you’ll be drawing up lines based on religious affiliation. You idiots with tiny minds always do.

Next it is Kyle Rittenhouse who is headed to Prison. After him the McMichaels. And it is the fault of idiots just like you.
Chauvin was railroaded by an angry black mob. No one is swallowing this horseshit that the whiteman is responsible.

Chauvin IS guilty of Manslaughter. Once Floyd was in his custody he is then responsible for Floyds well being. After being informed that Floyd had no pulse he should have immediately begun rendering aid. There was a paramedic there, and they were prevented from helping Floyd. That action alone is manslaughter. Choose the cops you support carefully. This dude is a bad apple very much akin to the asshole who murdered Babbitt.
Possibly he's guilty of negligence, not manslaughter.

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