The despicable Jen Psaki links the police shooting of the knife wielding 16 year old to "police violence"

Psaki has been caught lying numerous times, so she has no credibility.

She is Biden's Organ Grinder Monkey. The music plays, she steps out in front of the fake news media, and she does her little dance. The liberal media goes along with it

And so does the entire Right.

Otherwise, they'd actually do something about it.

Seems the Right loves the Left as much as the Left loves the Left.....and all that goes with it.
If not, they'd have done something about it all.
Jen Psaki is arguably the best Press Secretary the county's ever had.
That she triggers the snowflakes is mere icing on the cake!

In the words of Chris Rock......

"Nigga PLEASE" !

The best "Fascist Press Suckratary"....maybe
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We will never know her real intent.
She might have just been trying to scare.
You don't know it was a deliberate attempt to kill with a knife.
No blood had yet been spilled even.
And you can and do grow out of anything.
The brain actually changes shape and size.
Before that it is more reflex.
That is the whole point of why you don't execute juveniles.

Nobody uses a weapon to scare somebody. She didn't stop when the officer got there or after he ordered her to drop the knife. Obviously she wasn't trying to scare anybody. She was trying to kill the other girl.

In a life and death situation like that, the officer can't "assume" anything. He has to take corrective action to save a life.
I agree the kid with the knife was very unusual since the lights and siren should have been enough.
But no reason to shoot first before trying a warning shot, a club to the head or arm, etc.
Knives are almost never lethal.
Escalation was not warranted.
Especially not 4 shots.

The fact police are trained to shoot multiple times, double tap even, is awful.
The second shot is rushed and due to recoil from the first, has a very high probability of hitting an innocent person.
Without time to evaluate the first shot, the second shot pretty much guarantees a murder.
You might be able to justify that when the attacker has a gun, but not with a knife.
In fact, the police had no way to know the girl in pink was not armed and started the whole thing.
The one with the knife could have been the one doing the legal self defense for all the police knew.

Wrong because the victim had no weapon on her or when the police got there. Yes, people do die from being stabbed. In fact further south of Columbus, a 13 year old stabbed to death another 13 year old in Cincinnati Ohio on that very same day.

Police do not fire warning shots and never have. You shoot a bullet in the air it's liable to come down on somebody's head in another yard somewhere. The officer rightfully had to make a split second decision to save a life.

The police had no idea what other weapons were held but not visible.
Yes people do die from being stabbed, but it is VERY rare and usually from a very slow bleed out due to not getting any pressure or conveyance to a hospital.

Police ALWAYS used to fire warning shots.
You can safely fire into any grass, but a shot in the air loses too much energy to be much risk, and people are way too spread out. There has never been a death from a shot in the air yet. People shoot in the air all the time during holidays and it is a tiny, tiny risk.

I would not liked to have seen anyone cut so a single shot would have been understandable, but not 4 shots.
That is deliberate murder, not defense.
I would not charge since it happened so quick, but I would fire him.
You can't call 911 all in a panic about someone getting attacked in one breath then blame the police for stopping the murder in another.

Sure you can.
What if the girl in pink had been the attacker and the girl shot was just defending herself?
The police did not take time to fine out, or to do something less lethal, like a warning shot, a single shot, a taser, a club, etc.
The police had a number of alternatives with less ensured lethal results.
Why did they pick the most assured lethality possible?
The police did what they spend hours and days and weeks of training to learn to do, which has nothing to do with idiotic speculation about warning shots or winging em. When someone is in life threatening danger they take the idiot perp out. This has nothing to do with any mistake made by the police, as usual its the lifelong criminal ilk who make the fatal mistakes.
No blood had yet been spilled even.
I've been thinking that, too. The 911 caller said someone was trying to stab them. The police didn't show up for several minutes, and no one had been stabbed. Ma'Khia had to have the knife? when she knocked down the girl with no pants, but she just shoved her. Had Ma'Khia finally snapped, or was she just faking out the girl in pink?

I'm NOT criticizing the cop here, because from what he saw in the few seconds he'd been there, it sure looked as if she was going to stab that girl and he reacted to save her life. These are the kinds of thoughts you have afterward, when there's time to raise questions. I'm just wondering what was going on.
I'm running out of words to describe the idiocy of the left regarding these incidents. It's no wonder that Pew Research has concluded that over half of liberal white women suffer from mental illness. Frankly, I'm stunned that it's not more like 90%.

‘She Was A Child’: White House Calls Fatal Police Shooting Of Black Teen In Ohio ‘Tragic’

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday deemed the fatal police shooting of a teenage girl allegedly wielding a knife in Columbus, Ohio, “tragic,” saying “she was just a child.”
Police in Columbus fatally shot the girl, 16, shortly before a jury in Minneapolis on Tuesday convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin of murdering George Floyd. Body camera footage of the Ohio shooting, released by police, shows an officer shooting the girl four times after she apparently lunged at two people while holding a knife.

“The killing of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant by Columbus police is tragic. She was a child. We are thinking of her friends and family and the communities that are grieving her loss,” Psaki said at a White House briefing, adding that President Joe Biden had been briefed on the shooting.

“We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino communities and that Black women and girls, like Black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence. We also know that there are particular vulnerabilities that children in foster care like Ma’Khia face,” Psaki said Wednesday. “Our focus is on working to address systemic racism and implicit bias head-on and of course to passing laws and legislation that will put much-needed reforms into place at police departments around the country.”

‘She Was A Child’: White House Calls Fatal Police Shooting Of Black Teen In Ohio ‘Tragic’ | The Daily Wire

Keep in mind where, and from whom, Red Jen Psaki got her public relations training:

I've been thinking that, too. The 911 caller said someone was trying to stab them. The police didn't show up for several minutes, and no one had been stabbed. Ma'Khia had to have the knife? when she knocked down the girl with no pants, but she just shoved her. Had Ma'Khia finally snapped, or was she just faking out the girl in pink?

I'm NOT criticizing the cop here, because from what he saw in the few seconds he'd been there, it sure looked as if she was going to stab that girl and he reacted to save her life. These are the kinds of thoughts you have afterward, when there's time to raise questions. I'm just wondering what was going on.

Yep, the officer only acted on the call he received and what he seen once he got there. The motto of police is to serve and protect. He protected that other girl.
A "child" with a knife trying to commit murder

Yup. I wonder what that wonderkin would have to say if the police let that asshole knife someone?? I'd bet it would be hang the policeman for letting that happen.

You can't fix stupid.

Better the small risk of a knife than the absolute of 4 close range, hollow point shots, with a 40 S&W.
Depends on which end of the knife you are on.
An attempted murderer was shot and killed. Occupational hazard.

A knife attack is not necessarily attempted murder.
The girl in pink could have had a knife as well and started it, for all we know.
But the cop was not the one at risk, so it does not depend on which end of the knife at all.
Nor was 4 fatal shots necessary.
For example, a warning shot was most likely to be successful.
You need to try harder. Your lameass defense of the attempted murderer is bullshit.

And once again, cops don't fire warning shots you moron.
I agree the kid with the knife was very unusual since the lights and siren should have been enough.
But no reason to shoot first before trying a warning shot, a club to the head or arm, etc.
Knives are almost never lethal.
Escalation was not warranted.
Especially not 4 shots.

The fact police are trained to shoot multiple times, double tap even, is awful.
The second shot is rushed and due to recoil from the first, has a very high probability of hitting an innocent person.
Without time to evaluate the first shot, the second shot pretty much guarantees a murder.
You might be able to justify that when the attacker has a gun, but not with a knife.
In fact, the police had no way to know the girl in pink was not armed and started the whole thing.
The one with the knife could have been the one doing the legal self defense for all the police knew.

Wrong because the victim had no weapon on her or when the police got there. Yes, people do die from being stabbed. In fact further south of Columbus, a 13 year old stabbed to death another 13 year old in Cincinnati Ohio on that very same day.

Police do not fire warning shots and never have. You shoot a bullet in the air it's liable to come down on somebody's head in another yard somewhere. The officer rightfully had to make a split second decision to save a life.
Two to the mass, one to the head.

Dumbass has watched too many Westerns and thinks that is reality.
Dickhead, did you watch the video? Where's our apology?

I'm supposed to apologize because you got triggered and pissy?

That's not how life works, snowflake.

Go on, stamp your widdle feet more. That will help.
Lol, an attempted murderer is dead. Would you rather the other girl to be dead today and the other to be in prison for life? Is that the outcome you prefer? The cop did the right thing.

We don't know it was attempted murder.
The girl in pink could have been armed and been the one to start it for all we know.

What outcome I prefer is a warning shot so that it would have stopped it and allowed a judge to deal with it instead of the undertaker.
The warning shot goes thru a window at the house next door and kills Granny watching Wheel Of Fortune, meanwhile a 13 year old girl is stabbed to death.

Your plan sux sweaty donkey balls, Moron.
It was NOT at all a good shooting.
First of all, the intended victim of the knifing was right behind the woman with the knife.
A slight miss and the bullets would have killed the intended victim instead of the knife wielder.
Second is that firing a warning shot would likely have gotten the 16 year old with the knife to turn around, seen all the cops with guns, and dropped the knife.
And regardless if one has to shoot or not, no more than 1 shot should ever be fired.
The cluster of shots training is for a sure kill from the military, and is totally inappropriate for police.
If you can't do all that is needed with one shot, then you are doing something wrong.
And in this case, the police should have been closing in as fast as possible.
Cops aren't trained to fire "warning shots", Stupid.

She was attempting to murder a young girl and got killed. Occupational hazard.

Cops used to be, should be, and warning shots are so obviously crucial that no one should need to be trained to do it.
A shot is very loud and impossible to ignore.

We do not know her intent.
Murder with a knife is not very easy unless you have surprise.
So you think you know more than every law enforcement agency ever?

Got it.

Seeing what most law enforcement agencies do, then obviously almost anyone knows more than any law enforcement agency.
For example, law enforcement agencies enforce Prohibition and the War on Drugs, and that clearly is illegal.
There is no legal means why which alcohol or drugs can be made illegal.
Most law enforcement agencies train cops to shoot a warning shot? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :laughing0301: Gotta link?
I agree the kid with the knife was very unusual since the lights and siren should have been enough.
But no reason to shoot first before trying a warning shot, a club to the head or arm, etc.
Knives are almost never lethal.
Escalation was not warranted.
Especially not 4 shots.

The fact police are trained to shoot multiple times, double tap even, is awful.
The second shot is rushed and due to recoil from the first, has a very high probability of hitting an innocent person.
Without time to evaluate the first shot, the second shot pretty much guarantees a murder.
You might be able to justify that when the attacker has a gun, but not with a knife.
In fact, the police had no way to know the girl in pink was not armed and started the whole thing.
The one with the knife could have been the one doing the legal self defense for all the police knew.

Wrong because the victim had no weapon on her or when the police got there. Yes, people do die from being stabbed. In fact further south of Columbus, a 13 year old stabbed to death another 13 year old in Cincinnati Ohio on that very same day.

Police do not fire warning shots and never have. You shoot a bullet in the air it's liable to come down on somebody's head in another yard somewhere. The officer rightfully had to make a split second decision to save a life.

The police had no idea what other weapons were held but not visible.
Yes people do die from being stabbed, but it is VERY rare and usually from a very slow bleed out due to not getting any pressure or conveyance to a hospital.

Police ALWAYS used to fire warning shots.
You can safely fire into any grass, but a shot in the air loses too much energy to be much risk, and people are way too spread out. There has never been a death from a shot in the air yet. People shoot in the air all the time during holidays and it is a tiny, tiny risk.

I would not liked to have seen anyone cut so a single shot would have been understandable, but not 4 shots.
That is deliberate murder, not defense.
I would not charge since it happened so quick, but I would fire him.
Police ALWAYS used to fire warning shots.

They did? Where? Gotta link?

Baretta reruns don't count.
People are far more emotional at 16. They change considerably after 17 or so.
So it is not likely this girl would continue to be a problem.

Knives are rarely lethal in untrained hands if the person get medical attention right away.

Being emotional is one thing, trying to kill somebody is something you don't grow out of.

We will never know her real intent.
She might have just been trying to scare.
You don't know it was a deliberate attempt to kill with a knife.
No blood had yet been spilled even.
And you can and do grow out of anything.
The brain actually changes shape and size.
Before that it is more reflex.
That is the whole point of why you don't execute juveniles.
She experienced an occupational hazard of being a thug......getting killed while acting like a thug.
I agree the kid with the knife was very unusual since the lights and siren should have been enough.
But no reason to shoot first before trying a warning shot, a club to the head or arm, etc.
Knives are almost never lethal.
Escalation was not warranted.
Especially not 4 shots.

The fact police are trained to shoot multiple times, double tap even, is awful.
The second shot is rushed and due to recoil from the first, has a very high probability of hitting an innocent person.
Without time to evaluate the first shot, the second shot pretty much guarantees a murder.
You might be able to justify that when the attacker has a gun, but not with a knife.
In fact, the police had no way to know the girl in pink was not armed and started the whole thing.
The one with the knife could have been the one doing the legal self defense for all the police knew.

Wrong because the victim had no weapon on her or when the police got there. Yes, people do die from being stabbed. In fact further south of Columbus, a 13 year old stabbed to death another 13 year old in Cincinnati Ohio on that very same day.

Police do not fire warning shots and never have. You shoot a bullet in the air it's liable to come down on somebody's head in another yard somewhere. The officer rightfully had to make a split second decision to save a life.

The police had no idea what other weapons were held but not visible.
Yes people do die from being stabbed, but it is VERY rare and usually from a very slow bleed out due to not getting any pressure or conveyance to a hospital.

Police ALWAYS used to fire warning shots.
You can safely fire into any grass, but a shot in the air loses too much energy to be much risk, and people are way too spread out. There has never been a death from a shot in the air yet. People shoot in the air all the time during holidays and it is a tiny, tiny risk.

I would not liked to have seen anyone cut so a single shot would have been understandable, but not 4 shots.
That is deliberate murder, not defense.
I would not charge since it happened so quick, but I would fire him.
You can't call 911 all in a panic about someone getting attacked in one breath then blame the police for stopping the murder in another.

Sure you can.
What if the girl in pink had been the attacker and the girl shot was just defending herself?
The police did not take time to fine out, or to do something less lethal, like a warning shot, a single shot, a taser, a club, etc.
The police had a number of alternatives with less ensured lethal results.
Why did they pick the most assured lethality possible?
The police did what they spend hours and days and weeks of training to learn to do, which has nothing to do with idiotic speculation about warning shots or winging em. When someone is in life threatening danger they take the idiot perp out. This has nothing to do with any mistake made by the police, as usual its the lifelong criminal ilk who make the fatal mistakes.
He shoulda shot the knife out of her hand, right?
A parrot fro the Fake President , that's all she is.
Exactly what that FAKE Kaleigh McEnany was.
A parrot for the LIAR in Chief.

Did you catch that scum Fox employee McEnany say it's not the job of the POTUS to incite.
That was GOLD. Such a sweet Hypocrite.
A parrot fro the Fake President , that's all she is.
Exactly what that FAKE Kaleigh McEnany was.
A parrot for the LIAR in Chief.

Did you catch that scum Fox employee McEnany say it's not the job of the POTUS to incite.
That was GOLD. Such a sweet Hypocrite.

This thread is about Red Jen Psaki. Go jerk off elsewhere.
I love how Psaki triggers the losers.

And I especially love her FAFO face. You'd think the fascists would learn, upon seing that face, that they shouldn't try pushing their loaded propaganda questions, given the whupping that they're in for. But they always do, and she always humiliates them.
Jen Psaki is arguably the best Press Secretary the county's ever had.

That she triggers the snowflakes is mere icing on the cake!

She's been the PS for a whopping 3 months, I think a little more time needs to go by before she can even be eligible for evaluation.
“The killing of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant by Columbus police is tragic. She was a child"

Interesting comment considering Dims want 16 year olds voting.
People are far more emotional at 16. They change considerably after 17 or so.
So it is not likely this girl would continue to be a problem.

Knives are rarely lethal in untrained hands if the person get medical attention right away.

Being emotional is one thing, trying to kill somebody is something you don't grow out of.

We will never know her real intent.
She might have just been trying to scare.
You don't know it was a deliberate attempt to kill with a knife.
No blood had yet been spilled even.
And you can and do grow out of anything.
The brain actually changes shape and size.
Before that it is more reflex.
That is the whole point of why you don't execute juveniles.
We will never know her real intent.

Have you watched and listened to the video where she clearly yells "I'm gonna stab the fuck out of you!"?

Are you calling this black girl a liar? Sounds racist to me.

Or are you saying she was just gonna stab the black girl until she wouldn't be able to fuck for the rest of her life and you are good with that. Sounds racist to me.

So, are you a racist, or a racist?

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