The despicable Jen Psaki links the police shooting of the knife wielding 16 year old to "police violence"

Psaki has been caught lying numerous times, so she has no credibility.

She is Biden's Organ Grinder Monkey. The music plays, she steps out in front of the fake news media, and she does her little dance. The liberal media goes along with it

I always cut her some slack. The woman has a job trying to make incoherent words and decisions coherent for the public. Much like the Boston University professors pound the palms of their hand against their forehead every time AOC speaks, circle back Psaki does the same when Joe opens up his mouth. It must be maddening trying to defend the lunacy.
Dickhead, did you watch the video? Where's our apology?

I'm supposed to apologize because you got triggered and pissy?

That's not how life works, snowflake.

Go on, stamp your widdle feet more. That will help.
Lol, an attempted murderer is dead. Would you rather the other girl to be dead today and the other to be in prison for life? Is that the outcome you prefer? The cop did the right thing.
I know somebody that was in the police academy the past few years. Officers are taught to shoot in two round bursts. Shoot twice and if the suspect doesn't stop, shoot twice again.
Too bad they aren't taught the Constitution.
Yes, the victim was behind the suspect, but apparently something was wrong with that kid since she didn't back off when the officer arrived and pulled out his gun. His thinking was that if he didn't chance hitting the victim, the suspect would kill her anyway. It was a good call by the officer.
The girl was in all likelihood being deprived of her crack fix as as she didn't have the cash on delivery for the intended victim who was about to drive away without delivering on the agreed-upon drug deal.

Anything but a drug bust, and I'm positive the cops are dealing themselves and/or taking a cut of the drugs every time they rough up and shake down a sus, because I sure don't see any drug charges in court for all these girls who are higher than a kite on any given city bus, either.
Too bad they aren't taught the Constitution.

And what does the Constitution say about a police officer saving the life of a citizen?

The girl was in all likelihood being deprived of her crack fix as as she didn't have the cash on delivery for the intended victim who was about to drive away without delivering on the agreed-upon drug deal.

Anything but a drug bust, and I'm positive the cops are dealing themselves and/or taking a cut of the drugs every time they rough up and shake down a sus, because I sure don't see any drug charges in court for all these girls who are higher than a kite on any given city bus, either.

You can make up all the little stories you like, but it doesn't change the fact that the officer shot a girl using a deadly weapon to kill a victim.
Too bad they aren't taught the Constitution.

And what does the Constitution say about a police officer saving the life of a citizen?
Save the life of a righteous crack cocaine dealer.
The girl was in all likelihood being deprived of her crack fix as as she didn't have the cash on delivery for the intended victim who was about to drive away without delivering on the agreed-upon drug deal.

Anything but a drug bust, and I'm positive the cops are dealing themselves and/or taking a cut of the drugs every time they rough up and shake down a sus, because I sure don't see any drug charges in court for all these girls who are higher than a kite on any given city bus, either.

You can make up all the little stories you like, but it doesn't change the fact that the officer shot a girl using a deadly weapon to kill a victim.
I'm sorry. She's all grown up and wielding a deadly weapon herself.
The Police should have answered the call of "woman with knife attacking another woman" with, yeah we'll come by and collect the dead

Everybody knows the officer acted legally and justly. What the left doesn't get is they are puppets for the media. The media loves protests and loves riots even more, so they try to rile up the puppets to get those riots going. They have no idea how they are being used.
Everybody knows the officer acted legally and justly.
Sure. Now why isn't this über-cop searching that car and making his bones on a drug bust in a neighborhood?
Clean and sober 16-year-olds don't stab people with kitchen knives on the street. What's that other lady driving away with? The goods that weren't delivered?
Sure. Now why isn't this über-cop searching that car and making his bones on a drug bust in a neighborhood?
Clean and sober 16-year-olds don't stab people with kitchen knives on the street. What's that other lady driving away with? The goods that weren't delivered?

Why are you making up stories in your head instead of discussing the facts that we have?
A "child" with a knife trying to commit murder

Yup. I wonder what that wonderkin would have to say if the police let that asshole knife someone?? I'd bet it would be hang the policeman for letting that happen.

You can't fix stupid.

Better the small risk of a knife than the absolute of 4 close range, hollow point shots, with a 40 S&W.
It was NOT at all a good shooting.
First of all, the intended victim of the knifing was right behind the woman with the knife.
A slight miss and the bullets would have killed the intended victim instead of the knife wielder.
Second is that firing a warning shot would likely have gotten the 16 year old with the knife to turn around, seen all the cops with guns, and dropped the knife.
And regardless if one has to shoot or not, no more than 1 shot should ever be fired.
The cluster of shots training is for a sure kill from the military, and is totally inappropriate for police.
If you can't do all that is needed with one shot, then you are doing something wrong.
And in this case, the police should have been closing in as fast as possible.
Cops aren't trained to fire "warning shots", Stupid.

She was attempting to murder a young girl and got killed. Occupational hazard.

Cops used to be, should be, and warning shots are so obviously crucial that no one should need to be trained to do it.
A shot is very loud and impossible to ignore.

We do not know her intent.
Murder with a knife is not very easy unless you have surprise.
A "child" with a knife trying to commit murder

Yup. I wonder what that wonderkin would have to say if the police let that asshole knife someone?? I'd bet it would be hang the policeman for letting that happen.

You can't fix stupid.

Better the small risk of a knife than the absolute of 4 close range, hollow point shots, with a 40 S&W.
????? Like Forrest Gump, are you stupid or something??
It was NOT at all a good shooting.
First of all, the intended victim of the knifing was right behind the woman with the knife.
A slight miss and the bullets would have killed the intended victim instead of the knife wielder.
Second is that firing a warning shot would likely have gotten the 16 year old with the knife to turn around, seen all the cops with guns, and dropped the knife.
And regardless if one has to shoot or not, no more than 1 shot should ever be fired.
The cluster of shots training is for a sure kill from the military, and is totally inappropriate for police.
If you can't do all that is needed with one shot, then you are doing something wrong.
And in this case, the police should have been closing in as fast as possible.
Cops aren't trained to fire "warning shots", Stupid.

She was attempting to murder a young girl and got killed. Occupational hazard.

Cops used to be, should be, and warning shots are so obviously crucial that no one should need to be trained to do it.
A shot is very loud and impossible to ignore.

We do not know her intent.
Murder with a knife is not very easy unless you have surprise.
Utter mindless babble from someone who knows less than nothing
It was NOT at all a good shooting.
First of all, the intended victim of the knifing was right behind the woman with the knife.
A slight miss and the bullets would have killed the intended victim instead of the knife wielder.
Second is that firing a warning shot would likely have gotten the 16 year old with the knife to turn around, seen all the cops with guns, and dropped the knife.
And regardless if one has to shoot or not, no more than 1 shot should ever be fired.
The cluster of shots training is for a sure kill from the military, and is totally inappropriate for police.
If you can't do all that is needed with one shot, then you are doing something wrong.
And in this case, the police should have been closing in as fast as possible.

I know somebody that was in the police academy the past few years. Officers are taught to shoot in two round bursts. Shoot twice and if the suspect doesn't stop, shoot twice again.

Yes, the victim was behind the suspect, but apparently something was wrong with that kid since she didn't back off when the officer arrived and pulled out his gun. His thinking was that if he didn't chance hitting the victim, the suspect would kill her anyway. It was a good call by the officer.

I agree the kid with the knife was very unusual since the lights and siren should have been enough.
But no reason to shoot first before trying a warning shot, a club to the head or arm, etc.
Knives are almost never lethal.
Escalation was not warranted.
Especially not 4 shots.

The fact police are trained to shoot multiple times, double tap even, is awful.
The second shot is rushed and due to recoil from the first, has a very high probability of hitting an innocent person.
Without time to evaluate the first shot, the second shot pretty much guarantees a murder.
You might be able to justify that when the attacker has a gun, but not with a knife.
In fact, the police had no way to know the girl in pink was not armed and started the whole thing.
The one with the knife could have been the one doing the legal self defense for all the police knew.
Should we wait to see what the investigation says? It will probably always be a question, since Ma'Khia is not able to tell us her side of the story.

It doesn't look like there is much to tell. Even if the cop was able to stop her without deadly force, it's only a matter of time until that 16 year old got older and killed somebody else.

The irony behind this is that we just passed a knife bill. All knives that used to be illegal are now legal to carry, but you can't use them as a weapon as the new law reads. Switch blades, stiletto's, any spring loaded knife that used to get you up to 5 years in prison are legal to carry in our state.

People are far more emotional at 16. They change considerably after 17 or so.
So it is not likely this girl would continue to be a problem.

Knives are rarely lethal in untrained hands if the person get medical attention right away.
A "child" with a knife trying to commit murder

Yup. I wonder what that wonderkin would have to say if the police let that asshole knife someone?? I'd bet it would be hang the policeman for letting that happen.

You can't fix stupid.

Better the small risk of a knife than the absolute of 4 close range, hollow point shots, with a 40 S&W.
Depends on which end of the knife you are on.
An attempted murderer was shot and killed. Occupational hazard.
And if the cop did nothing and allowed the one girl to stab to death the other, the left would whip up a
firestorm of hate and lies condemning police one way or the other.

We are in a struggle with insane people. Anyone on these boards can tell you what that's like.
Millions of sick angry Maxine Waters clones. It's like the gates of Hell opened up.

We don't know who started it, why, or who was the main threat.
Nor are knives very lethal in untrained hands.
And the police had dozens of alternatives.
If nothing else, the 4 shots were overkill.
Should we wait to see what the investigation says? It will probably always be a question, since Ma'Khia is not able to tell us her side of the story.

It doesn't look like there is much to tell. Even if the cop was able to stop her without deadly force, it's only a matter of time until that 16 year old got older and killed somebody else.

The irony behind this is that we just passed a knife bill. All knives that used to be illegal are now legal to carry, but you can't use them as a weapon as the new law reads. Switch blades, stiletto's, any spring loaded knife that used to get you up to 5 years in prison are legal to carry in our state.

People are far more emotional at 16. They change considerably after 17 or so.
So it is not likely this girl would continue to be a problem.

Knives are rarely lethal in untrained hands if the person get medical attention right away.
The idiot was yelled at to stop multiple times and she continued to attempt to stab the other girl. Sorry, all your touchy feely reasoning goes out the door then and the police do what they are trained to do. The police are the intelligent trained rational ones here....
It was NOT at all a good shooting.
First of all, the intended victim of the knifing was right behind the woman with the knife.
A slight miss and the bullets would have killed the intended victim instead of the knife wielder.
Second is that firing a warning shot would likely have gotten the 16 year old with the knife to turn around, seen all the cops with guns, and dropped the knife.
And regardless if one has to shoot or not, no more than 1 shot should ever be fired.
The cluster of shots training is for a sure kill from the military, and is totally inappropriate for police.
If you can't do all that is needed with one shot, then you are doing something wrong.
And in this case, the police should have been closing in as fast as possible.
Cops aren't trained to fire "warning shots", Stupid.

She was attempting to murder a young girl and got killed. Occupational hazard.

Cops used to be, should be, and warning shots are so obviously crucial that no one should need to be trained to do it.
A shot is very loud and impossible to ignore.

We do not know her intent.
Murder with a knife is not very easy unless you have surprise.
So you think you know more than every law enforcement agency ever?

Got it.
And if the cop did nothing and allowed the one girl to stab to death the other, the left would whip up a
firestorm of hate and lies condemning police one way or the other.

We are in a struggle with insane people. Anyone on these boards can tell you what that's like.
Millions of sick angry Maxine Waters clones. It's like the gates of Hell opened up.

We don't know who started it, why, or who was the main threat.
Nor are knives very lethal in untrained hands.
And the police had dozens of alternatives.
If nothing else, the 4 shots were overkill.
So you would be fine with it if he offed her with one shot.

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