Was the Kavanaugh Circus Intended as a Distraction?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
With the FISA warrant perjury declassification being @ three weeks down the road and congressional Ds the only effective rollovers pulling this stupid and egregiously unAmerican stunts of presuming guilt based on the multiple perjuries of Ford, most noticeably her unwillingness to fly only makes sense as a distraction. Firing up the R base while defending 24 Senate seats is self evidently stupid unless it was done to prevent an even bigger political disaster. The Democratic party leaders in congress are the very best rollover targets for the witch hunters so even if Ford can be shown to be part of the Witch Hunt and there is sworn testimony to that effect the Rs are still going to give her a pass. What we have seen is a poorly constructed distraction.
Absolutely it was a distraction. It was to distract the many of Trump's accomplishments. One being, nominating someone on the SCOTUS.

And since this is being the season of the midterm election, what a better way for the Democrats to make a nonsensical distraction of things they couldn't even accomplish themselves.
Democrats hoped that they could intimidate republicans and the President like they did during the Bush administration. They thought it would be easy to get a mob together and lynch a good man but surprise, surprise they ran into a President with a set of balls and republican senators who found out that the President wouldn't abandon them when the going got tough. It's another victory for President Trump.
New Rules, Dimms.

Your faux morality isn’t working.

Blumenthal lied about being a veteran and Corey Booker sexually assaulted a woman.

These men were disparaging Kavanaugh.

It was hollow and pathetic
It served well. Nobody paid any attention to the US backed genocide in Yemen and other antics. For you conspiracy types, if you are so inclined, the whole deep state going after Trump thing...check Christine Ford's family ties to the CIA
I really think that Harry Reid admitting that he lied about Romney not paying taxes was a turning point in this whole thing.

Reid was so proud that his lie helped get Obama re-elected.

He got his karma blast via exercise band.
With the FISA warrant perjury declassification being @ three weeks down the road and congressional Ds the only effective rollovers pulling this stupid and egregiously unAmerican stunts of presuming guilt based on the multiple perjuries of Ford, most noticeably her unwillingness to fly only makes sense as a distraction. Firing up the R base while defending 24 Senate seats is self evidently stupid unless it was done to prevent an even bigger political disaster. The Democratic party leaders in congress are the very best rollover targets for the witch hunters so even if Ford can be shown to be part of the Witch Hunt and there is sworn testimony to that effect the Rs are still going to give her a pass. What we have seen is a poorly constructed distraction.
No, it wasn't a manufactured distraction. You people really need to get a hobby or something.
With the FISA warrant perjury declassification being @ three weeks down the road and congressional Ds the only effective rollovers pulling this stupid and egregiously unAmerican stunts of presuming guilt based on the multiple perjuries of Ford, most noticeably her unwillingness to fly only makes sense as a distraction. Firing up the R base while defending 24 Senate seats is self evidently stupid unless it was done to prevent an even bigger political disaster. The Democratic party leaders in congress are the very best rollover targets for the witch hunters so even if Ford can be shown to be part of the Witch Hunt and there is sworn testimony to that effect the Rs are still going to give her a pass. What we have seen is a poorly constructed distraction.
No, it wasn't a manufactured distraction. You people really need to get a hobby or something.

You believe that Kavanaugh participated in gang rape?

Based on what evidence?
With the FISA warrant perjury declassification being @ three weeks down the road and congressional Ds the only effective rollovers pulling this stupid and egregiously unAmerican stunts of presuming guilt based on the multiple perjuries of Ford, most noticeably her unwillingness to fly only makes sense as a distraction. Firing up the R base while defending 24 Senate seats is self evidently stupid unless it was done to prevent an even bigger political disaster. The Democratic party leaders in congress are the very best rollover targets for the witch hunters so even if Ford can be shown to be part of the Witch Hunt and there is sworn testimony to that effect the Rs are still going to give her a pass. What we have seen is a poorly constructed distraction.
No, it wasn't a manufactured distraction. You people really need to get a hobby or something.

Great idea, our new hobby can be eliminating all the liberal BS.
It served well. Nobody paid any attention to the US backed genocide in Yemen and other antics. For you conspiracy types, if you are so inclined, the whole deep state going after Trump thing...check Christine Ford's family ties to the CIA
Yeah, you look for things that happened while we were looking the other way, and all you get is a litany of leftist crank whining...But there's no doubt there was also a bunch of other chicanery that went on, while the folderol and frippery was turned up to 11, that was just as sickening to those of us who are't leftbats.
I find it hilarious that the left wing loons are now chastising the victory lap taken by conservatives, knowing goddam well, they would have done it if they won
No, it wasn't a manufactured distraction. You people really need to get a hobby or something.

I like to contest your opinion here. First of all, the entire charade of the Democrats was manufactured from the start. That was their implication to try and destroy Kavanaugh. Because he is a Constitutionalist. They don't want that up at the SCOTUS. It would go against their "Ten Commandments" and their belief.

I believe that Senator Diane Feinstein "engineered" the entire circus. With a little help from her friends (Chuck Shuchmer, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker - just to name a few).
It al first started with Dr. Christine Ford's letter (that was somehow "leaked" by someone Feinstein still denies to this day of doing.) To make the matter worse, it was back in July when she could have asked Ford why she didn't go to the police with it. Which was their first "red flag". Secondly, Feinstein never liked Kavanaugh, so she teamed up with Dr. Christine Ford (knowing that Ford has been known to "coach others" to easily pass a lie detector. So, right there is another "red flag". (I could go on with more. But we all already know the true story and we already know how it all went down.

The one of many reasons why the Democrats "manufactured" this was because it was all about the Kavanaugh being Pro-life. Which would go against their "philosophy" on the issue.So, they were going to do anything and everything they could to derail Kavanaugh's nomination. And hopefully get someone else that Trump would have probably been forced to choose.

Stating that it wasn't a manufactured distraction is so farcical.
Given that the Ds need to defend 24 seats v. 7 seats for the Rs to defend as incumbents and open seats as well this whole situation smells of better polling telling the Ds and Rs that cloture is a real possibility and with this kind of sloppy execution by the Ds, ethics committee investigations and possible expulsions are another real possibility.
It’s kind of funny that Dimms are concerned about maintaining the right to kill babies, so they participated in character assassination against Kavanaugh.

I had forgotten the racist Dimms went after Thomas so hard, too.

Soulless fucking ghouls!

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