Was Your Pfizer Vaccine From a "Death Batch"?

Are you going to sue Jack Daniels for creating alcohol poisoning?

Oh. Do people say that alcohol is "safe and effective" even if you get, say, five "doses" and require alcohol consumption for keeping your job?
I did get 2. I shouldn’t have.

This is fair. I have felt that way after taking many medications--maybe most, TBH. You didn't succumb to a moral failing; you did the best you could with the information you had. Now you have more information, so you're going to make a better choice.


Fair, and reasonable.
I'm still alive and well.
you got lucky
I don't think it's your place or anyone else's to tell people what to do.
Freedom of choice.
tell that to our government
And posting incessantly on an obscure internet forum is going to help you reach those aims?
because social media is killing it
It is not meant to stop transmission. Science did not know that at first, they learned it as they discovered more via research and results.
poppycock, guffaw & bolderdash
Any plans on stopping the misinformation, disinformation plan which even Trump disapproves of
Tell that to the FBI
I also think people should be FULLY informed. Which the govt has prohibited
DING! DING DING!!!!! tell her what she's won Ed .....

Do you know "medical malpractice" is like the third most common cause of death for Americans?
it'd be #1, if they got caught for everything they did

If you die from the vax, I’m sure your family will appreciate the mass murderers receiving justice.

Again, what are you waiting for? Why are you wasting your time whining about in some tiny little internet forum?
What would you suggest I do?

Whine about it on an internet forum, that will fix the problem every time!

If you people believed 1/4 of the shit you post on here you would be marching on DC with pitch forks and torches.
Whine about it on an internet forum, that will fix the problem every time!

If you people believed 1/4 of the shit you post on here you would be marching on DC with pitch forks and torches.
What do you suggest I do? Can you please be specific?

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