Washington Post Columnist Calls on Kamala Harris to Step Aside ‘For the Country’s Sake’

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
The Washington Post is a mouthpiece for the State Department. NYT is a mouthpiece for the CIA (or is it vice versa?). Either way this is the Deep State telling Kamala to bow out now or...........

You are a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda.
New book out on Kamala; pretty funny stuff.

" ... should be working in a massage parlor in a strip mall." lol
The Washington Post is a mouthpiece for the State Department. NYT is a mouthpiece for the CIA (or is it vice versa?). Either way this is the Deep State telling Kamala to bow out now or...........
Both are sensibly considered as front desk advertising for the Intel Agencies and primarily CIA .
One or two very recent major topic articles in the NYT have not been standard fare .
Almost as though they are re-thinking strategy in light of a Trump election victory and the end of MSM in its present form .

So , YES.
A likely signal to Squawker that her Time is up .


For the country’s sake, Vice President Harris should step aside​

(The comments on this? Hil-ar-ious. . . :auiqs.jpg:)

Vice President Harris should 'step aside' for good of the country, Washington Post columnist says​

Like everyother diversity hire she is terrible at her job because she has nothing of value to offer so on the end she is simply there to show diversity. They can't get rid of her because her only purpose is to be black and have tits.

Her, Biden, that shemale general, all of them have no business running the most powerful country in the planet. It is a parade of just dumb, selfish, greedy and uncaring morons that have no love for the country they are sworn to protect. Biden is awful because he just a puppet, but harriss is worse in some ways because she is absolutely clueless about everything.
One of the Wapo columnist critics suggested that instead of focusing on identity politics (ie, that Kamala is a Black and woman which makes her hard to jettison), the columnist failed to address her “leadership.”

Wow. WHAT “leadership” has VP Harris ever shown?
The Washington Post is a mouthpiece for the State Department. NYT is a mouthpiece for the CIA (or is it vice versa?). Either way this is the Deep State telling Kamala to bow out now or...........

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