Washington Post Demands U.S. Army Drop Helicopter Names Apache, Comanche And Chinook


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
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No worries. We already have new names picked out. Introducing the Whitey, the Cracker, and the WASP...

gotta go too
Just like they did labeling the 'Redskins' football team name racist, the liberal PC police are now targeting the U.S. Army labeling the helicopters names Apache, Comanche and Chinook as racist too. Should the Army give in and wilt under pressure to these unAmerican people who disrespect the military?

Army vets blast PC police for attacking Apache, Chinook helicopters as racist - Washington Times

I believe he's referring to this; "Determining how many people died in these massacres overall is difficult. In the book The Wild Frontier: Atrocities during the American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee, lawyer and amateur historian William M. Osborn tallied every recorded incident he considered an atrocity in the area that would eventually become the continental United States, from first contact (1511) to the closing of the frontier (1890), and determined that 7,193 people died from atrocities perpetrated by whites, "

Indian massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's like one ass raping your mother then naming a dildo in her honor.

It's kinda dickish.

I get that you are so use to being a dick that you think it's normal...but, try real hard and you just might get it.
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Inventions intrigue me, I was reading about the Walkie Talkie and I read it was a military inventions, that surprised me, usually military stuff has strong names you know Apache Helicopter, Tomahawk missile. ...Walkie Talkie? How did that slip through the system? Was a general talking to some guy? "What do you have there soldier?" Well it's a new communication device that's untethered which will enable the troops to speak effectively when they're in the field. "What's it called?" WALKIE TALKIE. Look I'm walkie and I'm talkie. Now you walkie and talkie general. I'm walkie and talkie, are you walkie and talkie? "I like it solder, what's this explosive device?" The Wammy Kablammy and this is the Rooty Tooty Aim and Shooty.

Brian Regan on Military Inventions - Comedy-Quotes.com
Just like they did labeling the 'Redskins' football team name racist, the liberal PC police are now targeting the U.S. Army labeling the helicopters names Apache, Comanche and Chinook as racist too. Should the Army give in and wilt under pressure to these unAmerican people who disrespect the military?

Army vets blast PC police for attacking Apache, Chinook helicopters as racist - Washington Times

After reading the Post oped:
The U.S. military?s ongoing slur of Native Americans - The Washington Post
I can see, to an extent, the writer's point, however twisted it is. I, however, don't see naming these items as an insult but more like honoring great Indian nations.

But, like with the Redskins name, we should defer to the American Indian people.
Some people just create controversy for attention. Example...the Tea Party!

But, WTF, PC gone wild.
Why do we name our battles and weapons after people we have vanquished? For the same reason the Washington team is the Redskins and my hometown Red Sox go to Cleveland to play the Indians and to Atlanta to play the Braves: because the myth of the worthy native adversary is more palatable than the reality — the conquered tribes of this land were not rivals but victims, cheated and impossibly outgunned.

The destruction of the Indians was asymmetric war, compounded by deviousness in the name of imperialist manifest destiny. White America shot, imprisoned, lied, swindled, preached, bought, built and voted its way to domination. Identifying our powerful weapons and victorious campaigns with those we subjugated serves to lighten the burden of our guilt. It confuses violation with a fair fight.

It is worse than denial; it is propaganda. The message carried by the word Apache emblazoned on one of history’s great fighting machines is that the Americans overcame an opponent so powerful and true that we are proud to adopt its name. They tested our mettle, and we proved stronger, so don’t mess with us. In whatever measure it is tribute to the dead, it is in greater measure a boost to our national sense of superiority. And this message of superiority is shared not just with U.S. citizens but with those of the 14 nations whose governments buy the Apache helicopters we sell. It is shared, too, with those who hear the whir of an Apache overhead or find its guns trained on them. Noam Chomsky has clarified the moral stakes in provocative, instructive terms: “We might react differently if the Luftwaffe were to call its fighter planes ‘Jew’ and ‘Gypsy.’ ”

If the native tribes did not stand a chance, this does not imply lack of resistance or of courage; regardless, it doesn’t much matter in this context. Whatever courage they had, the U.S. military is not heir to it. If honor matters to the members of our armed forces, they will agree.

Perhaps the senators outraged by the Redskins name could turn their letter-writing pens on the Defense Department next. And when that’s done, there is the more important step, when these senators, and their constituents, choose not only to be offended on behalf of Indians but also to be partners in improving their lives. War and forced removal have been replaced by high rates of unemployment, poverty, substance abuse, illness and disability; by inadequate housing and education; by hate crimes, police harassment, disenfranchisement and effective segregation. Being a Native American means living, on average, more than four years less than other Americans. The violence is ongoing, even if the guns are silent.

So, sure, rename the football team. But don’t stop there''

Well, ok...it would be nice if these bs RW rags would give the actual argument for a change...a-holes and chumps...
Just like they did labeling the 'Redskins' football team name racist, the liberal PC police are now targeting the U.S. Army labeling the helicopters names Apache, Comanche and Chinook as racist too. Should the Army give in and wilt under pressure to these unAmerican people who disrespect the military?

Army vets blast PC police for attacking Apache, Chinook helicopters as racist - Washington Times

The PC Poofs need to go play in traffic. Preferably somewhere frequently used by semi-trucks.

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