Washington Post: Democrat obstruction unprecedented

Were you better off in 2016, than you were in 2008? Now tell us the truth
Much better off in 2008. We didn't have Obamacare destroying the U.S. economy. We didn't owe $20 trillion in national debt. We had religious freedom. Men knew to use the men's room instead of invading the women's restrooms.

Thank God the American people turned over more than 1,000 seats to Republicans during Obama's reign of terror or he would have achieved his objective of collapsing the U.S.
So the home of yours which probably lost 50% of its value in 2008 hasn't appreciated since then.
No. No, it hasn't. Because we still had the Commander in Marxism in the Oval Office until just over a month and half ago.

But what a typical Dumbocrats. Only cares about money. I cited four huge issues as a result of Obama - and you want to focus on housing market prices. Fuck money. I want liberty. How sad that you dishonor the memory of those who died for your liberty by being shallow and greedy.
Why would Democrats want to cooperate with Trump after 8 years of noncooperation from Republicans?
Cry me a river :crybaby:
We don't need to do that - you fragile little snowflakes have cried enough rivers of your own since Hitlery Clinton got her ass kicked in the 2016 election!

You're crying now and it has been only 2 months :lol:

It's ok junior :itsok:

Republicans are reaping what they have sewn and I fucking love it. Fuck 'em
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be
If only you weren't an ignorant asshat, you would know that Congress doesn't approve appointments - the Senate does. Congress is made up of two chambers you high school dropout, the House & the Senate. And Dumbocrats have enough in the Senate to obstruct.

Drumpf has to make cabinet picks, AND fill out the paperwork. He's made numerous announcements of hires, especially at State, but not followed through with the paperwork.

Announcing cabinet picks isn't the same as filing the requisite paperwork with the Senate to, you know, begin the process.

But keep blaming Democrats for your orange clown's incompetence.
What's your source?
Cry me a river :crybaby:
We don't need to do that - you fragile little snowflakes have cried enough rivers of your own since Hitlery Clinton got her ass kicked in the 2016 election!

You're crying now and it has been only 2 months :lol:

It's ok junior :itsok:

Republicans are reaping what they have sewn and I fucking love it. Fuck 'em
LOL, yeah, winning is so horrible.

No sale.
Were I da Prez, I would move the Senate to kill the filibuster, move Congress to declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization, and remove them from all political power and influence. They have essentially declared war against the United States in favor of foreign entities.

What drugs are you on???

So what you want is a totalitarian dictatorship. So much for the Constitution.

No. What I want is for the Democratic Party to be politically destroyed. There are plenty of other parties in the US, so the argument of the danger of "one-party rule" is null. No party is enshrined in the Constitution, and no party moving toward the destruction of the United States has rights particular to itself. All fall under Constitutional law.

List of political parties in the United States - Wikipedia

God forbid that people dissent or disagree, like the Founders intended.

Dissent and disagreement are fine. Active fulmination of violence and destruction is not, nor is attempting to override constitutional presidential authority by use of the lesser courts and media mob mentality.
Every time I see Mitch McConnell's weird face whining about Democrats obstructing, it gives me a hard on.

Mmm I love the taste of your tears
These mf's have a bad bad case of CAN'T REMEMBER SHIT!! For 8 years they gave Obama and the democrats hell, now all of a sudden, we're suppose to just roll over and play dead....Get the fuck outta here
Oh you poor little nitwit. Barack Obama had a Democrat super-majority when he was sworn into office. Nobody blocked anything until 2010 when the American people had two full years of failed Obama policy. You people never were very good with history.
Mf please, just about every good law thats ever came out of Washington, was passed by democrats....and every time you mf's leave office, every single time, you simp, the country is left in debt and in chaos....stop trying to rewrite facts. And just for the record, Obama's legacy, dispite what you rednecks want to believe, will go down in the history books as the most productive white house in the 21st century. Number one reason Trumps approval ratings keep slippin, soon they'll be low enough to tell you the eye color of an ant. LOLOLOL. Obama left in good standings, gave that bitch a good sound economy and nothing you can say or do, will change that. As a matter of fact, don't post to me any more unless your willing to deal with reality. I've had enough of you clowns who live in alternative facts and lies....can't stomach you bitches any more, put me on ignore./.....please!!!
Were you better off in 2016, than you were in 2008? Now tell us the truth
Much better off in 2008. We didn't have Obamacare destroying the U.S. economy. We didn't owe $20 trillion in national debt. We had religious freedom. Men knew to use the men's room instead of invading the women's restrooms.

Thank God the American people turned over more than 1,000 seats to Republicans during Obama's reign of terror or he would have achieved his objective of collapsing the U.S.
So the home of yours which probably lost 50% of its value in 2008 hasn't appreciated since then.
No. No, it hasn't. Because we still had the Commander in Marxism in the Oval Office until just over a month and half ago.

But what a typical Dumbocrats. Only cares about money. I cited four huge issues as a result of Obama - and you want to focus on housing market prices. Fuck money. I want liberty. How sad that you dishonor the memory of those who died for your liberty by being shallow and greedy.
Maybe the single-wide you live in hasn't appreciated since 2008, but my home sure has.
Republicans are reaping what they have sewn and I fucking love it. Fuck 'em
They "sewn" winning and they are most definitely reaping it! They control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states...

Why would Democrats want to cooperate with Trump after 8 years of noncooperation from Republicans?

If, for no other reason, because Democrats are "better" people, at least according to Hillary who famously said something like "if they go low, we go high"
Every time I see Mitch McConnell's weird face whining about Democrats obstructing, it gives me a hard on.

Mmm I love the taste of your tears
Eww...you taste people's tears?!? :puke:
....can't stomach you bitches any more, put me on ignore./.....please!!!
Yeah...hatriots never could stomach the truth. If it's not propaganda pushing your failed ideology, you people just can't deal with it.
....and every time you mf's leave office, every single time, you simp, the country is left in debt and in chaos.
Oh snowflake....Barack Obama added as much to the national debt (almost $10 trillion) in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the 233 years prior.

Any other lies you'd like to attempt? :laugh:
And just for the record, Obama's legacy, dispite what you rednecks want to believe, will go down in the history books as the most productive corrupt white house in the 21st century.
I corrected you propaganda with facts. No need to thank me.
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'

Since the absurdity of a Donald Trump presidency is unprecedented, of course the Democrats' opposition to it should be proportionately unprecedented.
I would be surprised if Democrats cooperated on anything over the next four years

Maybe if Republicans apologized for their behavior and nominated Garland for Supreme Court
Since the absurdity of a Donald Trump presidency is unprecedented, of course the Democrats' opposition to it should be proportionately unprecedented.
But the only reason there is "absurdity" in the Trump presidency is because of the absurd reaction you snowflakes are having to not getting your way. As usual, hatriots create the problem and the whine the loudest about it.

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