Washington Post: Democrat obstruction unprecedented

Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

There's no doubt that the Dems want to obstruct Trump's agenda. But the only legislation that's actually being debated is HC, and the dems have no power to defeat simple majorities in the House and Senate. There's no fillubuster yet as to the SC.

Trump's wounds are self inflicted. And worse, I was actually hopeful of some improvement to Obamacare, but Price seems more intent on ending Medicaid as we've known it (perhaps not a bad idea, but he's trying to do it in reconcillation and has no support in the Senate) and cutting taxs on HC CEO's and the rich. Trump didn't lay down what his parameters were, or when he did, his parameters differed from day to day.

The dems also seemed to wander in the desert with healthcare, but we were staring 1932 squarely in the face and people were crapping themselves.

Trumps now out hawking a budget that has zero chance in the senate.
Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.
A divided country always works better. The day every american citizen waves their flag and gets united the country is done.
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'

NaziCon Mike Lee? The Daily Signal? This thread is fake news bullshit.
Charles Freeman...Bill Richardson...Judd Gregg...Tom Daschle...Timothy Geithner...Hilda Solis...Ron Kirk? Do those names ring a bell? Rightwinger seems to have amnesia when it comes to remembering the fiasco that WAS the Obama team nominating its Cabinet!
Did you know that Judd Gregg is a Republican?

Did you know that he was nominated by Barack Obama? Why don't you display some uncharacteristic honesty, Slim and admit that Barack Obama's nomination process for HIS Cabinet was a fiasco and that it wasn't because of anything the GOP did...those wounds were all "self inflicted"!
So you had no idea....

You persist in your Bold Assertions, which make no impression on me....

The record demonstrates that T-rump was very poorly prepared for the transition. Unusually so.

You have convinced yourself that all the things T-rump and his flunkies said about his managerial talents are true...when shown the actual record, you morons averted your eyes.

And now T-rump is a " victim"?

Negro, please.

What the "record" shows, Slim...is that compared to Barack Obama...Donald Trump's nomination process has been proceeding rather well. Yes, Democrats are doing everything they can to delay Trump from getting a Cabinet in place but there hasn't been the parade of failed nominees that the Obama Administration suffered from early on! It's not even close.
Wanna dispute the number, G?

And therein lies the broader point. Trump and his team have known for months they needed to prepare a vast executive-branch team to take the reigns of power this afternoon – and they blew it badly. The Republicans didn’t just ask dozens of Obama appointees to keep going to work because of the officials’ competence; Trump World is also scrambling because it’s desperate.
Washington Post is maintainingan online database on executive-branch offices that require Senate confirmation, and there are a total of 690 positions. As of now, Trump has nominated a grand total of 30 people to fill those posts.

And that doesn’t include other government offices that don’t require Senate confirmation – positions Trump simply can fill on his own – which also remain empty.

Republicans are eager to complain that Democrats are to blame for the fact that so few of Trump’s cabinet nominees are ready for confirmation, but it’s not Dems’ fault Trump hasn’t nominated anyone for 660 out of 690 executive-branch positions.

As power shifts, Trump's team remains unprepared to govern

So on 1/20/17 MSNBC thinks Trump was unprepared to govern because he didn't have 690 executive branch positions already named? That was the day after he was sworn in. If I can remind you buffoons on the left...Trump went right to work naming his Cabinet and Democrats went right to work stalling their confirmations. It's typical for Cabinet members to choose those that work beneath them something that Democrats have sabotaged because they've been holding up confirmations. Instead of dozens of Cabinet level people choosing hundreds of people...you're asking why Trump isn't choosing those 690 positions!
Please shit the fuck up....it's called a "transition team".

Governing is hard work.....T-rump doesn't like to work....

His administration is perfect reflection of his capacity.

Trump doesn't like to work? Trump is up before 6 AM everyday and works until after midnight typically! He's probably the hardest working President we've ever had. He's actively working on policy changes to fix things in the country. Compare what Trump does to what Barry DID why don't you? Barack Obama didn't come up with any of his Administration's legislation...that all came from Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. What did Obama REALLY do? He flew around the country on Air Force One doing rallies to drum up support for the work that Reid and Pelosi were doing. Barack Obama doesn't have the faintest idea how to craft legislation or run a large organization. He was an empty suit relying on others to do the hard work of governing.

So Obama didn't come up with the ARRA? And he didn't push it through the Congress just weeks after being sworn in? Trump says he inherited a mess ... nearly 2 months in office -- how many proposals has Trump pushed through Congress? How many bills has he signed?

Obama didn't come up with anything, Faun! Legislation in the Obama Administration came from Reid and Pelosi. Barack Obama wouldn't have the faintest idea how to write new law...he has a long history of affixing his name to the legislative work of others. He did it as an Illinois State Senator...he did it as a Junior Senator in Washington.
Republicans are reaping what they have sewn and I fucking love it. Fuck 'em
They "sewn" winning and they are most definitely reaping it! They control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states...


I see you've abandoned your op already. Owned and buried.

Anyway, don't get too excited, jr. Trump lost the popular vote by over 3 million, and mid terms are coming up in less than two years.
Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.

You honestly think that Democrats would OK any Supreme Court nominee that Trump named, Ben? Really...

Schumer has made it quite clear that the Democratic strategy is to not compromise on anything and to delay as much as is humanly possible. Luckily for Trump...Barack Obama has made running the country through Executive Orders the new norm so Trump has options.
Republicans are reaping what they have sewn and I fucking love it. Fuck 'em
They "sewn" winning and they are most definitely reaping it! They control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states...


I see you've abandoned your op already. Owned and buried.

Anyway, don't get too excited, jr. Trump lost the popular vote by over 3 million, and mid terms are coming up in less than two years.

Hate to point out the painfully obvious, JED but the mid terms have more Democrats running for reelection than Republicans (8 Republicans versus 25 Democrats) in the Senate which spells trouble for the Dems. The picture is even bleaker in the House because the GOP majority there is huge. The country is dissatisfied with Washington DC ineptness. It's why they put Trump in the Oval Office. If you think two years of obstructionism by the Democrats is going to make voters see THEM as the answer to our problems...I think you're sadly mistaken.
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Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.

You honestly think that Democrats would OK any Supreme Court nominee that Trump named, Ben? Really...

Schumer has made it quite clear that the Democratic strategy is to not compromise on anything and to delay as much as is humanly possible. Luckily for Trump...Barack Obama has made running the country through Executive Orders the new norm so Trump has options.

Dems would agree to Merrick Garland
Republicans are reaping what they have sewn and I fucking love it. Fuck 'em
They "sewn" winning and they are most definitely reaping it! They control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states...


I see you've abandoned your op already. Owned and buried.

Anyway, don't get too excited, jr. Trump lost the popular vote by over 3 million, and mid terms are coming up in less than two years.

Hate to point out the painfully obvious, JED but the mid terms have more Democrats running for reelection than Republicans which spells trouble for the Dems. The country is dissatisfied with Washington DC ineptness. It's why they put Trump in the Oval Office. If you think two years of obstructionism by the Democrats is going to make voters see THEM as the answer to our problems...I think you're sadly mistaken.

Recent elections show the public does not give a shit about obstruction

Just look at the Government shutdown, failure of sequester, threats of default, non-stop squabbling

Nobody cares
Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.

You honestly think that Democrats would OK any Supreme Court nominee that Trump named, Ben? Really...

Schumer has made it quite clear that the Democratic strategy is to not compromise on anything and to delay as much as is humanly possible. Luckily for Trump...Barack Obama has made running the country through Executive Orders the new norm so Trump has options.

Dems would agree to Merrick Garland

Really? If Garland hadn't been nominated by Obama and was now nominated by Trump...I guarantee you that Democrats would oppose him.
Republicans are reaping what they have sewn and I fucking love it. Fuck 'em
They "sewn" winning and they are most definitely reaping it! They control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states...


I see you've abandoned your op already. Owned and buried.

Anyway, don't get too excited, jr. Trump lost the popular vote by over 3 million, and mid terms are coming up in less than two years.

Hate to point out the painfully obvious, JED but the mid terms have more Democrats running for reelection than Republicans which spells trouble for the Dems. The country is dissatisfied with Washington DC ineptness. It's why they put Trump in the Oval Office. If you think two years of obstructionism by the Democrats is going to make voters see THEM as the answer to our problems...I think you're sadly mistaken.

Recent elections show the public does not give a shit about obstruction

Just look at the Government shutdown, failure of sequester, threats of default, non-stop squabbling

Nobody cares

The public obviously DOES care about dysfunction in our government or Donald Trump wouldn't be sitting behind a desk in the Oval Office! They're tired of the political bullshit and they want problems addressed.
Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.

You honestly think that Democrats would OK any Supreme Court nominee that Trump named, Ben? Really...

Schumer has made it quite clear that the Democratic strategy is to not compromise on anything and to delay as much as is humanly possible. Luckily for Trump...Barack Obama has made running the country through Executive Orders the new norm so Trump has options.

Dems would agree to Merrick Garland

Really? If Garland hadn't been nominated by Obama and was now nominated by Trump...I guarantee you that Democrats would oppose him.

Nominate him and see. Better yet, nominate someone with the exact same record as Garland and see.
As a famous politician once said..."Elections have consequences...", Seawytch! You don't get to make the call on who gets nominated. If you'd run a better candidate than Hillary you'd be able to do that...but you didn't so now the other side gets to call the tune.
That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.

You honestly think that Democrats would OK any Supreme Court nominee that Trump named, Ben? Really...

Schumer has made it quite clear that the Democratic strategy is to not compromise on anything and to delay as much as is humanly possible. Luckily for Trump...Barack Obama has made running the country through Executive Orders the new norm so Trump has options.

Dems would agree to Merrick Garland

Really? If Garland hadn't been nominated by Obama and was now nominated by Trump...I guarantee you that Democrats would oppose him.

Nominate him and see. Better yet, nominate someone with the exact same record as Garland and see.

Gorsuch is water under the bridge. Probably a good pick. Not to my liking in that he'll be to the right of Scalia on criminal justice/4th amend issues.

But sure there were probably a dozen guys pretty similar to Garland. But the point is, if Trump had any interest in NOT having a fight, any fight, just to have a fight, because fights get attention. Judge Southwick, a W nominee and Reagan DoJ guy, wouldn't be on the 5th Cir unless Feinstein personally didn't shepherd him through. Leahy is not a bad guy to compromise with.

Trump came out looking for a fight just not with dems, but with the media and the judiciary and intelligence community ... and now possibly the Fed.
Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.

You honestly think that Democrats would OK any Supreme Court nominee that Trump named, Ben? Really...

Schumer has made it quite clear that the Democratic strategy is to not compromise on anything and to delay as much as is humanly possible. Luckily for Trump...Barack Obama has made running the country through Executive Orders the new norm so Trump has options.

Dems would agree to Merrick Garland

Really? If Garland hadn't been nominated by Obama and was now nominated by Trump...I guarantee you that Democrats would oppose him.

LOL. Garland's nomination ended with the election. But still ... is that YOUR BEST effort? LOL
If you think two years of obstructionism by the Democrats is going to make voters see THEM as the answer to our problems...I think you're sadly mistaken.
Well, they (electoral votes) saw Republicans as the answer after 8 years of THEIR obstruction; so, anything is possible.

Anyway, just wait until the GOP kicks 20 million people off of their health insurance. You're sadly mistaken if you think they'll take that lying down
Democrats have vowed to delay and obstruct as much as they can grinding the wheels of government to a halt, then blame Trump and republicans. Democrats really don't care if the country is damaged. They hope it is damaged.

That seems to be the strategy

Why should they cooperate with the Republicans? Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Mayyybe, I'm not really seeing Trump's election as a part of a trend. The gop continues to lose popular support. Although the Dems continue to lose congressional races. It's true that but for Comey, they'd hold the WH and Senate. And perhaps we can blame the House of Reps being gerrymandered .... but how does that account for the GOP cleaning up at the State level That's lets them gerrymander the House.

GOP senators didn't disconnect on Obamacare until they had no choice. It was the teaparty.

All Trump had to do was pick a SC nominee in a bipartisan manner. But he didn't. His 100 day plan was just typical, but Bannon got him to do the travel ban two weeks in. And then he started back with the judge bashing when anyone beyond a mildly retarded high school drop out shoud have known it didn't fly.

Since then, he's been changing the media narrative every week by saying increasingly crazy shit.

Price is trying to fashion a repeal of Obamacare when it cannot get passed. Cooperation is two way. I think the dems doing C policy would agree that competition between insurrs and equipment suppliers needs fixing. That's just a start. Schumer has stuff to compromise on, but it's not up to him to set the agenda.

You honestly think that Democrats would OK any Supreme Court nominee that Trump named, Ben? Really...

Schumer has made it quite clear that the Democratic strategy is to not compromise on anything and to delay as much as is humanly possible. Luckily for Trump...Barack Obama has made running the country through Executive Orders the new norm so Trump has options.

Dems would agree to Merrick Garland

Really? If Garland hadn't been nominated by Obama and was now nominated by Trump...I guarantee you that Democrats would oppose him.

Lets try it and see?

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