Washington Post: Democrat obstruction unprecedented

if its a good enough practice for Republicorp, its good enough for the Demopubs
As a famous politician once said..."Elections have consequences...", Seawytch! You don't get to make the call on who gets nominated. If you'd run a better candidate than Hillary you'd be able to do that...but you didn't so now the other side gets to call the tune.

They sure do

That is why obstruction tactics come in to play. Republicans set the standard and Democrats have learned their lesson well
Nominate him and see. Better yet, nominate someone with the exact same record as Garland and see.
Nominate someone who violates their oath and acts like a political activist with an agenda? Uh....no thanks. We like actual justices who uphold the U.S. Constitution as they are required by law.
Sorry that's not how it works, democrats get to ask questions, and they kick and scream and pitch a fit to every cabinet pick.
You liberals are now only hurting America. Do y'all not see that.

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The leftist agenda is to destroy the country. The soviets didn't infiltrate the country with people who wanted to strengthen us, the objective of the communists has always been to undermine our morality, corrupt our institutions, bankrupt the treasury and destroy the free market.

Perhaps some of the mindless bed wetters who post here believe in that utopian collectivist bullshit, but these parasites are devoted to their ignorance. The people who make the decisions in the democrook party are criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths.

Traitors, perverts, thieves and liars. Every last one of them.

We might hope that when the rebellion against the treasonous democrat party comes it is ONLY at the ballot box. But I don't give that a whole lotta hope.
If you think two years of obstructionism by the Democrats is going to make voters see THEM as the answer to our problems...I think you're sadly mistaken.
Well, they (electoral votes) saw Republicans as the answer after 8 years of THEIR obstruction; so, anything is possible.

Anyway, just wait until the GOP kicks 20 million people off of their health insurance. You're sadly mistaken if you think they'll take that lying down

What's amusing about that number, JED is how many of that 20 million didn't want to get health insurance in the first place but were forced to do so because of ACA penalties for not doing so. They'll be more than happy to not have to pay that. Then there are going to be the millions of Middle Class people who aren't going to see their healthcare costs skyrocket to pay for the subsidies to the poor. They'll be more than happy as well. So what the GOP will "lose" is the votes of the poor? When did they ever have those to start with? You liberals are the Party of "free stuff". You need the give away stuff to keep your base happy.
Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
And therein lies the broader point. Trump and his team have known for months they needed to prepare a vast executive-branch team to take the reigns of power this afternoon – and they blew it badly. The Republicans didn’t just ask dozens of Obama appointees to keep going to work because of the officials’ competence; Trump World is also scrambling because it’s desperate.
Washington Post is maintainingan online database on executive-branch offices that require Senate confirmation, and there are a total of 690 positions. As of now, Trump has nominated a grand total of 30 people to fill those posts.

And that doesn’t include other government offices that don’t require Senate confirmation – positions Trump simply can fill on his own – which also remain empty.

Republicans are eager to complain that Democrats are to blame for the fact that so few of Trump’s cabinet nominees are ready for confirmation, but it’s not Dems’ fault Trump hasn’t nominated anyone for 660 out of 690 executive-branch positions.

As power shifts, Trump's team remains unprepared to govern

So on 1/20/17 MSNBC thinks Trump was unprepared to govern because he didn't have 690 executive branch positions already named? That was the day after he was sworn in. If I can remind you buffoons on the left...Trump went right to work naming his Cabinet and Democrats went right to work stalling their confirmations. It's typical for Cabinet members to choose those that work beneath them something that Democrats have sabotaged because they've been holding up confirmations. Instead of dozens of Cabinet level people choosing hundreds of people...you're asking why Trump isn't choosing those 690 positions!
Please shit the fuck up....it's called a "transition team".

Governing is hard work.....T-rump doesn't like to work....

His administration is perfect reflection of his capacity.

Trump doesn't like to work? Trump is up before 6 AM everyday and works until after midnight typically! He's probably the hardest working President we've ever had. He's actively working on policy changes to fix things in the country. Compare what Trump does to what Barry DID why don't you? Barack Obama didn't come up with any of his Administration's legislation...that all came from Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. What did Obama REALLY do? He flew around the country on Air Force One doing rallies to drum up support for the work that Reid and Pelosi were doing. Barack Obama doesn't have the faintest idea how to craft legislation or run a large organization. He was an empty suit relying on others to do the hard work of governing.

So Obama didn't come up with the ARRA? And he didn't push it through the Congress just weeks after being sworn in? Trump says he inherited a mess ... nearly 2 months in office -- how many proposals has Trump pushed through Congress? How many bills has he signed?

Obama didn't come up with anything, Faun! Legislation in the Obama Administration came from Reid and Pelosi. Barack Obama wouldn't have the faintest idea how to write new law...he has a long history of affixing his name to the legislative work of others. He did it as an Illinois State Senator...he did it as a Junior Senator in Washington.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.
So on 1/20/17 MSNBC thinks Trump was unprepared to govern because he didn't have 690 executive branch positions already named? That was the day after he was sworn in. If I can remind you buffoons on the left...Trump went right to work naming his Cabinet and Democrats went right to work stalling their confirmations. It's typical for Cabinet members to choose those that work beneath them something that Democrats have sabotaged because they've been holding up confirmations. Instead of dozens of Cabinet level people choosing hundreds of people...you're asking why Trump isn't choosing those 690 positions!
Please shit the fuck up....it's called a "transition team".

Governing is hard work.....T-rump doesn't like to work....

His administration is perfect reflection of his capacity.

Trump doesn't like to work? Trump is up before 6 AM everyday and works until after midnight typically! He's probably the hardest working President we've ever had. He's actively working on policy changes to fix things in the country. Compare what Trump does to what Barry DID why don't you? Barack Obama didn't come up with any of his Administration's legislation...that all came from Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. What did Obama REALLY do? He flew around the country on Air Force One doing rallies to drum up support for the work that Reid and Pelosi were doing. Barack Obama doesn't have the faintest idea how to craft legislation or run a large organization. He was an empty suit relying on others to do the hard work of governing.

So Obama didn't come up with the ARRA? And he didn't push it through the Congress just weeks after being sworn in? Trump says he inherited a mess ... nearly 2 months in office -- how many proposals has Trump pushed through Congress? How many bills has he signed?

Obama didn't come up with anything, Faun! Legislation in the Obama Administration came from Reid and Pelosi. Barack Obama wouldn't have the faintest idea how to write new law...he has a long history of affixing his name to the legislative work of others. He did it as an Illinois State Senator...he did it as a Junior Senator in Washington.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



Legislation always comes from Congress. But the potus in the primary leader of the agenda of issues, and what the overall goal and benefits are supposed to be .. and cost.

Trump has no focus. Price's bill didn't increase coverage. Now it's supposed to be "access" to treatment. Trump hasn't given a major speech on that. And NO ONE knows how the gop's bill increases "access." People will have less money to buy healthcare.
Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Recent elections show that Americans reject your anti-American, idiotic socialism.

Once again, you err

Recent elections showed that Americans rejected the big orange Cheeto by three million votes
Recent results show that President Trump sits in the White House this morning because the entire nation rejects your bat-shit crazy, anti-American, idiotic socialism.

Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.

Seems like a very good reason....."For the good of the country"

But Republicans set a precedent of putting partisan politics above the "good of the country" while we were in the middle of two wars and the biggest economic collapse in 75 years

Given our current robust economy, why should Democrats now start meeting Republicans half way?
But Republicans set a precedent of putting partisan politics above the "good of the country" while we were in the middle of two wars and the biggest economic collapse in 75 years
Uh....no, snowflake. The Republicans were trying to stop the collapse Dumbocrats caused with their idiotic socialism.
Recent elections have shown there are no consequences for obstructing government
Recent elections show that Americans reject your anti-American, idiotic socialism.

Once again, you err

Recent elections showed that Americans rejected the big orange Cheeto by three million votes
Recent results show that President Trump sits in the White House this morning because the entire nation rejects your bat-shit crazy, anti-American, idiotic socialism.

View attachment 117054

You keep confusing winning an election with having the support of the American people

You are right to claim Trump won the election. But when you claim this equates to the American people being behind him....you are wrong
You keep confusing winning an election with having the support of the American people

You are right to claim Trump won the election. But when you claim this equates to the American people being behind him....you are wrong
You don't win unless you have the support of the American people snowflake... :cuckoo:
But Republicans set a precedent of putting partisan politics above the "good of the country" while we were in the middle of two wars and the biggest economic collapse in 75 years
Uh....no, snowflake. The Republicans were trying to stop the collapse Dumbocrats caused with their idiotic socialism.

The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was directly caused by President Bush's refusal to take any economic actions during a severe recession

If Obama had listened to Republicans and not added any stimulus to the economy, let the banks and auto companies fail, not extended unemployment.....The Great Bush Recession of 2008 would have turned into the Great Bush Depression of 2009
Democrats block confirmation votes for Sessions, Price and Mnuchin
During a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democrats criticized Trump for firing Yates and said that they would vote against Sessions out of concern that he would never similarly defy Trump in the face of a potentially unconstitutional act. Then they invoked an arcane rule to block the committee from holding a roll-call vote on the nomination, forcing Republicans to postpone the vote until Wednesday.

In a nearby hearing room, the Senate Finance Committee convened to vote on Mnuchin and Price. Democrats boycotted that meeting entirely, denying Republicans a necessary quorum and forcing them to reschedule both votes.

Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be
Please shit the fuck up....it's called a "transition team".

Governing is hard work.....T-rump doesn't like to work....

His administration is perfect reflection of his capacity.

Trump doesn't like to work? Trump is up before 6 AM everyday and works until after midnight typically! He's probably the hardest working President we've ever had. He's actively working on policy changes to fix things in the country. Compare what Trump does to what Barry DID why don't you? Barack Obama didn't come up with any of his Administration's legislation...that all came from Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. What did Obama REALLY do? He flew around the country on Air Force One doing rallies to drum up support for the work that Reid and Pelosi were doing. Barack Obama doesn't have the faintest idea how to craft legislation or run a large organization. He was an empty suit relying on others to do the hard work of governing.

So Obama didn't come up with the ARRA? And he didn't push it through the Congress just weeks after being sworn in? Trump says he inherited a mess ... nearly 2 months in office -- how many proposals has Trump pushed through Congress? How many bills has he signed?

Obama didn't come up with anything, Faun! Legislation in the Obama Administration came from Reid and Pelosi. Barack Obama wouldn't have the faintest idea how to write new law...he has a long history of affixing his name to the legislative work of others. He did it as an Illinois State Senator...he did it as a Junior Senator in Washington.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



Legislation always comes from Congress. But the potus in the primary leader of the agenda of issues, and what the overall goal and benefits are supposed to be .. and cost.

Trump has no focus. Price's bill didn't increase coverage. Now it's supposed to be "access" to treatment. Trump hasn't given a major speech on that. And NO ONE knows how the gop's bill increases "access." People will have less money to buy healthcare.

Did you seriously just put forward the notion that Barack Obama had any clue what the cost would be for legislation that Pelosi and Reid cooked up? With all due respect, Ben...it's quite obvious that Barry didn't have any idea what Pelosi and Reid were doing legislatively! Legislation was never his "thing"! He couldn't write it when he was in the Illinois State House and he couldn't write it when he was a Junior Senator in Washington. What makes you think he suddenly was able to because he became President? The reason that Obama was given "pants on fire" ratings for things like "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!" and "If you like your plan you can keep your plan!" is that he didn't know what was in the Affordable Care Act. It's the same thing for job creation from the "Obama Stimulus"! He had to sheepishly admit that there really weren't any "shovel ready jobs" created by the stimulus package that Pelosi and Reid created and ran...something that he would have already KNOWN if he knew anything about how the stimulus worked! The truth is...Barry did public relations work and ran for reelection while Pelosi and Reid handled the progressive agenda.

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