Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

The Washington Post "editorial board"? It's not news. It's left wing opinion from elitist left wing sources. Ho-hum.
By Alana Horowitz

The Washington Post's editorial board mocked Mitt Romney's tax plan on Sunday.

"Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee for president, promises to lower everyone’s income tax rate without reducing revenue. This sounds terrific. Why didn’t we think of it sooner?"

The editorial, titled 'Mitt Romney's garbage', argued that Romney's plan to cut taxes and lower the deficit is unfeasible.

"It’s reasonable to assume that his cuts would, as did President Bush’s, worsen the nation’s deficit. Until he’s willing to explain how he would avoid such a result, he has little standing to criticize Mr. Obama’s fiscal shortcomings."

The piece also took issue with Romney's claim that his plan to cut taxes by 20% for everyone helps the middle class and not the rich.

A recent study found that Romney's plan would mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans. Romney called the findings "garbage."

More: Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

Mitt Romney Tax Plan Helps The Rich The Most: Analysis


First of all, dumb ass, HuffPo got the title of the Washington post article wrong. Excuse me, not article, but OPINION piece. It was titled "Mr. Romney's 'garbage'." Here's a link to the actual piece... Mr. Romney’s ‘garbage’ - The Washington Post

Second, The 'garbage' referred to in the title is a quote from Romney on their findings. No place in the opinion piece do the authors themselves call Romney's plan garbage.

You might want to relearn the use of 'single quotes', Shitting Bull.

The most common reason to use single quotation marks is to quote someone who is quoting someone else.

For example, imagine someone interviewed Shitting Bull for a magazine article about her harrowing ordeal with being anally raped in prison, and she said, “President Obama made my day when he yelled, 'Watch out for my 9 inches, Shitting Bull.' ”

Give us some credible rightie proof how Romney's plan will benefit Americans. Good luck, because even he can't...

Why? I am not fond of the big government guy.

But he has a plan......What do the dems offer as a counter besides discriminating against certain Americans. While it might make the very stupid rally to the call......It only adds 70 billion to revenue........

Whats the plan............
By Alana Horowitz

The Washington Post's editorial board mocked Mitt Romney's tax plan on Sunday.

"Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee for president, promises to lower everyone’s income tax rate without reducing revenue. This sounds terrific. Why didn’t we think of it sooner?"

The editorial, titled 'Mitt Romney's garbage', argued that Romney's plan to cut taxes and lower the deficit is unfeasible.

"It’s reasonable to assume that his cuts would, as did President Bush’s, worsen the nation’s deficit. Until he’s willing to explain how he would avoid such a result, he has little standing to criticize Mr. Obama’s fiscal shortcomings."

The piece also took issue with Romney's claim that his plan to cut taxes by 20% for everyone helps the middle class and not the rich.

A recent study found that Romney's plan would mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans. Romney called the findings "garbage."

More: Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

Mitt Romney Tax Plan Helps The Rich The Most: Analysis


First of all, dumb ass, HuffPo got the title of the Washington post article wrong. Excuse me, not article, but OPINION piece. It was titled "Mr. Romney's 'garbage'." Here's a link to the actual piece... Mr. Romney’s ‘garbage’ - The Washington Post

Second, The 'garbage' referred to in the title is a quote from Romney on their findings. No place in the opinion piece do the authors themselves call Romney's plan garbage.

You might want to relearn the use of 'single quotes', Shitting Bull.

The most common reason to use single quotation marks is to quote someone who is quoting someone else.

For example, imagine someone interviewed Shitting Bull for a magazine article about her harrowing ordeal with being anally raped in prison, and she said, “President Obama made my day when he yelled, 'Watch out for my 9 inches, Shitting Bull.' ”

What's your point? As I've posted previously, here is the article the OP was referring to:

Mr. Romney's 'garbage' - The Washington Post Editorial Board

I already printed off the editorial and wiped my ass with it.

Please share another one. I had a big dinner.

Instead of making inane comment with no intellectual foundation why don't you take a stab at explaining why it makes sense given today's international markets and modern portfolio theory where investing is no longer local?

Or are you incapable of fashioning a coherent argument and must therefore result to name calling and stupid one liners.
By Alana Horowitz

The Washington Post's editorial board mocked Mitt Romney's tax plan on Sunday.

"Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican nominee for president, promises to lower everyone’s income tax rate without reducing revenue. This sounds terrific. Why didn’t we think of it sooner?"

The editorial, titled 'Mitt Romney's garbage', argued that Romney's plan to cut taxes and lower the deficit is unfeasible.

"It’s reasonable to assume that his cuts would, as did President Bush’s, worsen the nation’s deficit. Until he’s willing to explain how he would avoid such a result, he has little standing to criticize Mr. Obama’s fiscal shortcomings."

The piece also took issue with Romney's claim that his plan to cut taxes by 20% for everyone helps the middle class and not the rich.

A recent study found that Romney's plan would mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans. Romney called the findings "garbage."

More: Washington Post: Mitt Romney Tax Plan 'Garbage'

Mitt Romney Tax Plan Helps The Rich The Most: Analysis


ETA: Mr. Romney's 'garbage' - The Washington Post Editorial Board
Only gullible libs will eat up the nonsense they find printed in the opinion pages of the lefty Washpost.
Who cares..
OOhhhhh a lefties opinion. :lmao:

Find the dem plan yet?

Give us some credible rightie proof how Romney's plan will benefit Americans. Good luck, because even he can't...

Why? I am not fond of the big government guy.

But he has a plan......What do the dems offer as a counter besides discriminating against certain Americans. While it might make the very stupid rally to the call......It only adds 70 billion to revenue........

Whats the plan............

Just because they have a plan doesn't mean it wont make the situation far worse. The Romney plan will do 2 very negative things.

1) it will further explode the deficit because with only 1/3 of investments being local it won't come close to the return under Reagan

2) it will eliminate capital gains which will reduce the hurdle rate on acquisitions which will further spur hedge funds and corporations who want to acquire assets and use labor arbitrage to drive returns. With a lower hurdle rate the loss of US jobs will escalate further tanking the economy.

The Romney Ryan plan is a disaster for everyone but the super rich.
People who support Romney don't care about his polices. Ok, I take that back. Middle class and poor people who support Romney don't care about his policies. They only care that someone with an (R) next to their name occupies the White House. The rich love his policies for obvious reasons.

my response is pity for anyone who thinks like you.
Give us some credible rightie proof how Romney's plan will benefit Americans. Good luck, because even he can't...

Why? I am not fond of the big government guy.

But he has a plan......What do the dems offer as a counter besides discriminating against certain Americans. While it might make the very stupid rally to the call......It only adds 70 billion to revenue........

Whats the plan............

Just because they have a plan doesn't mean it wont make the situation far worse. The Romney plan will do 2 very negative things.

1) it will further explode the deficit because with only 1/3 of investments being local it won't come close to the return under Reagan

2) it will eliminate capital gains which will reduce the hurdle rate on acquisitions which will further spur hedge funds and corporations who want to acquire assets and use labor arbitrage to drive returns. With a lower hurdle rate the loss of US jobs will escalate further tanking the economy.

The Romney Ryan plan is a disaster for everyone but the super rich.

He would never get elimination of capital gains passed. If true.......

Investments? Which investments? I dont quite follow.
Alana Horowitz looks to be about 20 years old.


She is qualified to make coffee for Romney, perhaps.


The presence of this Alana Horowitz is another example of how bad it's become for the print media. Especially the liberally biased print media.
These companies hire these young kids, pay them $25k per year and expect 'toe the editorial line' stories. No hard hitting news. No investigative journalism. Just lefty editorialized pieces. Newspapers in general have been down graded to the level of "never write a story that would take the average reader to get through before he or she gets off the toilet".
I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.

Sounds like a plan.

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