Washington Raises Minimum Wage To 15 An Hour

Yes that is accurate information. Seattle's Mayor spoke out about this and it is certainly a good thing and about time the minimum wage was raised. For those businesses that say they cannot afford to pay it and might have to go out of business or let people go, more than likely they would want to retain slave laborers also and you get what you pay for let's not forget. In the long run, people will have more money to spend and the economy will improve so don't listen to the doom and gloomers who are against this. If they were caught in a job that paid mere peanuts you just know they would be the very first to be screaming for higher wages the loudest.
Now you will see a great influx of people into Seattle while seeing an exodus of businesses from Seattle. Most small businesses are not going to be able to continue to achieve their profit margins if they have to make this major of an increase in their employee costs. They aren't going to be able to be competitive that way. Not to mention all the other people/jobs making more than the current minimum wage but not as much as $15 per hour that will now have to be re-indexed to a new and much higher minimum wage.
And by the way, if I were a long-time blue collar worker there, I would demand a raise at once !

This would really piss me off to see people getting wages just starting out, that took me years to EARN.

If they deserve $15 bucks, then I should be making $40.
And by the way, if I were a long-time blue collar worker there, I would demand a raise at once. This would really piss me off to see people getting wages just starting out, that took me years to EARN.

If they deserve $15 bucks, then I should be making $40.

In fact, some lower end Union jobs here on the East Coast are tied to the Minimum Wage. In one particular case I'm familiar with the low end, entry level clerk position makes Min. Wage + $1.00 per hour. The upper end of that job makes 1.5X Min. Wage and there are two equally graduated steps in the progression. If any Union contracts in Seattle are written that way, their wages will have to change as well, and in many cases there's a cascading effect all the way up the ladder.
And by the way, if I were a long-time blue collar worker there, I would demand a raise at once !

This would really piss me off to see people getting wages just starting out, that took me years to EARN.

If they deserve $15 bucks, then I should be making $40.

My son, who works in Seattle, has already been told that his wages will be increasing with each increase in MW.

So, per usual, when MW goes up, so too do the wages of people who made more than MW.

From a MACROeconomic POV, this is a good thing for the economy.
My son, who works in Seattle, has already been told that his wages will be increasing with each increase in MW.

So, per usual, when MW goes up, so too do the wages of people who made more than MW.

From a MACROeconomic POV, this is a good thing for the economy.

Which will force the company that your son works for to charge more for their product/services in order to maintain their profit margin. Not sure how much it's going to help the average guy to get a 20% pay raise when all the products and services go up 25% at the same time.
Yes that is accurate information. Seattle's Mayor spoke out about this and it is certainly a good thing and about time the minimum wage was raised. For those businesses that say they cannot afford to pay it and might have to go out of business or let people go, more than likely they would want to retain slave laborers also and you get what you pay for let's not forget. In the long run, people will have more money to spend and the economy will improve so don't listen to the doom and gloomers who are against this. If they were caught in a job that paid mere peanuts you just know they would be the very first to be screaming for higher wages the loudest.

so, how many businesses do you own?
you are selfish thinking a business is there for you, when they chose you to work for them
what are you going to say, because of you, who thinks you're entitled to 15 an hour when the poor wont be able to afford things because the prices had to be raised to pay YOU
Black_Man1: Washington Raises Minimum Wage To 15 An Hour
Yes that is accurate information. Seattle's Mayor spoke out about this and it is certainly a good thing and about time the minimum wage was raised.

No, it is incorrect.
The city of Seattle raised their min wage not the State of Washington.
You do know there's a diff, right?
In fact, Seattle's min wage is scheduled to go up a buck next year (to $10.32) with the full increase to be gradually instituted by 2021.
So who really wins?
Nobody. It's better to make $15/hr than $9.32/hr but worse if the min wage jobs disappear:
"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office weighed in with a recent study of the effects of raising the federal minimum from its current value to $10.10 – as Obama and congressional Democrats want to do — and concluded that it would probably cost hundreds of thousands of jobs."
If $10.10/hr will end hundreds of thousands of jobs, what will $15/hr do?

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Seattle is a city in Washington right?


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