Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars | The Raw Story

By Stephen C. Webster
March 3, 2013


The ranking Republican member on Washington state’s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: “If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”


Yikes! Where does the Republican party come up these goofballs? and-----and OMG, this guy is the ranking Republican on the transportation committee.
This cant be real. I mean seriously. Can the Republican Party get any more FUCKING INSANE?

Not the the Democrats are much better.

But my God. How can people this fucking stupid, this ignorant, actually get elected into GOP office? This idiot thinks riding a bicycle causes more pollution than driving a car? Thats like saying the local fitness center is causing more pollution than the local car racing track.

Just....what the fuck? If THIS is the alternative to Democrats....then America is so royally screwed.
Ill tell you how.. exit this thread and click on any other thread in this forum and you will see the Republican Party as unsophisticated as it can get. I guess I missed the memo for all actual Republicans at other webssites lol

Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars | The Raw Story

By Stephen C. Webster
March 3, 2013


The ranking Republican member on Washington state&#8217;s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: &#8220;If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.&#8221;


Yikes! Where does the Republican party come up these goofballs? and-----and OMG, this guy is the ranking Republican on the transportation committee.
Irony and mockery is soooooooo lost on the humorless....:lmao:
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Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars | The Raw Story

By Stephen C. Webster
March 3, 2013


The ranking Republican member on Washington state’s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: “If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”


Yikes! Where does the Republican party come up these goofballs? and-----and OMG, this guy is the ranking Republican on the transportation committee.
He's a fool, but at the same time he admits that CO2 is bad. What kinda nutbars elected this guy?

Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars | The Raw Story

By Stephen C. Webster
March 3, 2013


The ranking Republican member on Washington state’s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: “If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”


Yikes! Where does the Republican party come up these goofballs? and-----and OMG, this guy is the ranking Republican on the transportation committee.
Irony and mockery is soooooooo lost on the humorless....:lmao:

He is a member of the most unproductive, ineffective, moronic governmental systems we have seen in a long long time. excuse us if we aren’t amused by something like this because the sad reality is, I don’t know if this is a joke or not.
He is a member of the most unproductive, ineffective, moronic governmental systems we have seen in a long long time. excuse us if we aren&#8217;t amused by something like this because the sad reality is, I don&#8217;t know if this is a joke or not.
Not my fault that the State of Washington is such an unproductive, ineffective, moronic governmental system as we have seen in a long long time.

Little wonder such a drip came from there.

Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars | The Raw Story

By Stephen C. Webster
March 3, 2013


The ranking Republican member on Washington state’s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: “If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”


Yikes! Where does the Republican party come up these goofballs? and-----and OMG, this guy is the ranking Republican on the transportation committee.
Irony and mockery is soooooooo lost on the humorless....:lmao:

ahhh, if only this were a joke...
It's very sad that a major American political party is...
But-----but this is no joke-----no joke, that idiots like Ed Orcutt (R-Kalama) represent the attitude, philosophy, intelligence and education level of today's Republican party leadership.

Even the conservative Seattle Times Newspaper is covering this story.

Wash. pol: bike riders pollute the air | Local News | The Seattle Times

March 4, 2013


Orcutt's claims were made last week in a response to an email sent to over 30 state lawmakers from Dale Carlson, the owner of three bike stores. Carlson was upset about a proposal to create a $25 fee for all new bike purchases of $500 or more as part of a transportation revenue package.

Orcutt, a conservative who opposes most tax increases, said cyclists should help pay for the upkeep and construction of roads.

"Conservative" and "Seattle Times" in the same breath is a joke all by itself, Gomer. :rofl:

You're not very good at this message board stuff -- are ya?

In an unprecedented move during the 2012 Washington State campaign for governor, The Seattle Times gave, i.e. gratis, no charge, freebie advertising to the Republican candidate for governor. IOWs the lying ass Seattle Times not only endorsed the conservative candidate but actually became a campaign contributor to the conservative candidate.

The Seattle Times runs free full page ad for Republican Rob McKenna

The the Seattle Times editorial board's endorsement of Republican Rob McKenna came as no surprise, but becoming an active partisan participant in a candidate's campaign has to call everything the Times prints about the race for Washington's Governor into question.
Full page political ad in Seattle Times drawing criticism

Political ads have flooded the airwaves, on TV and radio, but a new ad in the newspaper is drawing criticism. A full page political ad in Wednesday's Seattle Times is generating attention because the ad was paid for not by the candidate, but by the paper.

Is the the Seattle Times is following Fox News lead in Journalistic Ethics? This is a hotly contested, close race for Governor. Please help Jay Inslee become our next governor. I had pleasure of having a long discussion with Jay Inslee at Netroots Nation 2009 in Pittsburgh. Jay is a Progressive who really gets it IMHO. I read his book Apollo's Fire.

It challenges the term 'boggle' what such 'reasoning' does to the mind.

We must assume the word pollution has been over used and lost meaning. To equate a necessary bodily function with an optional technological utilization surpasses absurd.

Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars | The Raw Story

By Stephen C. Webster
March 3, 2013


The ranking Republican member on Washington state&#8217;s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: &#8220;If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.&#8221;


Yikes! Where does the Republican party come up these goofballs? and-----and OMG, this guy is the ranking Republican on the transportation committee.
unlike idiotic leaders on the left this idiot will pay dearly for his idiotic views at the ballot box . he will be held accountable by the people that voted for him.
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Washington Republican: Bicycles cause more pollution than cars | The Raw Story

By Stephen C. Webster
March 3, 2013


The ranking Republican member on Washington state’s House Transportation Committee thinks that riding bicycles causes more pollution than driving cars, the Seattle Bike Blog reported Saturday.

State Rep. Ed Orcutt (R), pictured, wrote an email to a constituent who disagreed with his support for a new tax on the sales of bicycles, a proposal being considered as part of a larger piece of transportation legislation. Reached by the Seattle Bike Blog, he confirmed the email is real.

In his message, sent to the owner of a bicycle shop, Orcutt wrote: “If I am not mistaken, a cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”


Yikes! Where does the Republican party come up these goofballs? and-----and OMG, this guy is the ranking Republican on the transportation committee.
unlike idiotic leaders on the left this idiot will pay dearly for his idiotic views at the ballot box . he will be held accountable by the people that voted for him.

Ya think?
I'm not so sure, Orcutt's district is uber-red, and Republicans are a strange lot -- Ed Orcutt (R-Kalama) is an anti-taxer but-----but in favor of taxing anything that takes money out of the pockets of big oil and/or gets people out of their cars, exercising, staying healthy/lowering health care costs, then-----then taxes are OK.

IOWs by taxing bicycles, Ed Orcutt hits a Republican trifecta:
1) drill baby, drill
2) we don't need no stinkin' Obamacare
3) blame it on greenhouse gasses

Washington TEApublican Says Bicycles Cause More Pollution Than Cars!

March 4, 2013


Perhaps Orcutt is merely channeling none other than TEApublican hero Saint Ronald Reagan, who said in 1981 that “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.”

Given that humans produce CO2 when they basically do… anything, perhaps Orcutt should just propose a ban on humans in the name of saving the environment. Or since that might be a bit draconian, maybe he should propose a ban on exercising. We don’t need the extra hard breathing that comes from exercising burning up the ozone layer.

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