Zone1 Washington to no longer require Bar Exam


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Apparently , Affirmative Action graduates have been unable to pass the exam, so that's the end of that.

People will be able to get a law license, even if they don't know shit about the law because they only got their degree through racial quotas.

Would you want a lawyer without any legal brains representing you- so you could be hailed as an equal opportunity kind of guy? BTW, when will they get rid of licensing exams for proctologists?

Whites were given law licenses before there was a bar exam. It's time whites like you understood that unqualifed whites have been the ones gven the most.

This gives a whole new meaning to things especially if one of them is selected to be a judge.


The Bar Licensure Task Force found that the traditional exam “disproportionally and unnecessarily blocks” marginalized groups from becoming practicing attorneys and is “at best minimally effective” for ensuring competency, according to a news release from the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts.
Law school graduates can complete a six-month apprenticeship while being supervised and guided by a qualified attorney, along with finishing three courses.

Law students can become practice-ready by completing 12 qualifying skills credits and 500 hours of work as a licensed legal intern. Upon completion of those requirements, they would submit a portfolio of that work to waive the bar exam.

Typically, students will complete an internship between their second and third years of law school, gaining about 400 hours of experience, according to the task force’s report. Then, if they do about three hours a week of legal work through their final year of law school, students could have 500 hours of experience upon graduation, leaving the portfolio to complete before licensure.

So nobody is going to practice law without knowing anything ******.

***Mod Edit: Zone 1 rules state the following: No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters.
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You ************ want to bring up quotas?

***Mod Edit: Zone 1 rules state the following: No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters.

In 2020, 86% of all lawyers were non-Hispanic whites, a decline from 89% a decade ago. By comparison, 60% of all U.S. residents were non-Hispanic whites in 2019. Nearly all people of color are underrepresented in the legal profession compared with their presence in the U.S. population. For example, 5% of all lawyers are African American – the same percentage as 10 years earlier – but the U.S. population is 13.4% African American. Similarly, 5% of all lawyers are Hispanic – up from 4% a decade earlier – although the U.S. population is 18.5% Hispanic. And 2% of all lawyers are Asian – up slightly from 1.6% 10 years earlier – while the U.S. population is 5.9% Asian.
And this isn't happening because these guys aren't qualified, aren't attendng law school, or can't pass the bar exam.
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You raggedy chumps want to bring up quotas?

In 2020, 86% of all lawyers were non-Hispanic whites, a decline from 89% a decade ago. By comparison, 60% of all U.S. residents were non-Hispanic whites in 2019. Nearly all people of color are underrepresented in the legal profession compared with their presence in the U.S. population. For example, 5% of all lawyers are African American – the same percentage as 10 years earlier – but the U.S. population is 13.4% African American. Similarly, 5% of all lawyers are Hispanic – up from 4% a decade earlier – although the U.S. population is 18.5% Hispanic. And 2% of all lawyers are Asian – up slightly from 1.6% 10 years earlier – while the U.S. population is 5.9% Asian.
And this isn't happening because these guys aren't qualified, aren't attendng law school, or can't pass the bar exam.
Hate to pump holes in your great numbers there but I do have to ask. Out of the 5.9% Asian population what percentage wanted to become lawyers? Out of the 18.5% Hispanic what percentage wanted to become lawyers? Out of all whites what percentage wanted to become lawyers?
just asking as all people who wanted to become lawyers may have become one unless there was a legal reason for not becoming one.
Hate to pump holes in your great numbers there but I do have to ask. Out of the 5.9% Asian population what percentage wanted to become lawyers? Out of the 18.5% Hispanic what percentage wanted to become lawyers? Out of all whites what percentage wanted to become lawyers?
just asking as all people who wanted to become lawyers may have become one unless there was a legal reason for not becoming one.
I know that's how you would like to see things but that is not why the percentages are the way they are relative to lawyers.
Apparently , Affirmative Action graduates have been unable to pass the exam, so that's the end of that.

People will be able to get a law license, even if they don't know shit about the law because they only got their degree through racial quotas.

Would you want a lawyer without any legal brains representing you- so you could be hailed as an equal opportunity kind of guy? BTW, when will they get rid of licensing exams for proctologists?

Extremely unfortunate and short sighted. And illustrates why standards should never be lowered so more people can meet them as this only produces mediocrity or worse, inadequacy. "Equality" should not mean that the lowest common denominator is the standard.

Smart people will demand certification that their attorney passed the bar exam before they hire them though.
Extremely unfortunate and short sighted. And illustrates why standards should never be lowered so more people can meet them as this only produces mediocrity or worse, inadequacy. "Equality" should not mean that the lowest common denominator is the standard.

Smart people will demand certification that their attorney passed the bar exam before they hire them though.
Standards have always been low. White skin is not a valid qualification and that has been allowed to determine too many things.
Hate to pump holes in your great numbers there but I do have to ask. Out of the 5.9% Asian population what percentage wanted to become lawyers? Out of the 18.5% Hispanic what percentage wanted to become lawyers? Out of all whites what percentage wanted to become lawyers?
just asking as all people who wanted to become lawyers may have become one unless there was a legal reason for not becoming one.
So what's next? Doctor's don't have to pass the medical exam process for certification? How confident would that make you that your doctor knows anything?

A bad lawyer can cost you everything you have.

A bad doctor can cost you your life.
Whites were given law licenses before there was a bar exam. It's time whites like you understood that unqualifed whites have been the ones gven the most.
Law licenses, like medical licenses are a way of people limiting competition. It’s the knowledge and ability that matter, not a piece of paper granted by a trade organization.
Bad doctors and Bad lawyers exist now. Cerification will still exist.
The Begiining of the End of America .

Or , the End of a promising Beginning .

OR, just deliberate Suicide .
First off, why is this in the race section?

Second, when will right wing whites understand that more unqualified whites have been hired only because of their skin color than anybody else?
You have to graduate from law school before you get certified.
I know that's how you would like to see things but that is not why the percentages are the way they are relative to lawyers.

It's was a good question. Another question what percentage of non-whites fail the bar compared to whites?
Apparently , Affirmative Action graduates have been unable to pass the exam, so that's the end of that.

People will be able to get a law license, even if they don't know shit about the law because they only got their degree through racial quotas.

Would you want a lawyer without any legal brains representing you- so you could be hailed as an equal opportunity kind of guy? BTW, when will they get rid of licensing exams for proctologists?

3 issues are confused here.
1) we used to have a guild system an on-job training,that is how Lincoln became a lawyer. Law as taught now is anti-Constitution and is even taught wrong, by case law
2) We really don't want government requiring training to be a hair braider do we
"General requirements for a hair braider license? Louisiana is one of the states that has a separate licensing procedure for hair braiders. You must first complete an accredited hair braiding program that lasts at least 500 hours."
3) you seem to think they stumbled at the last hurdle. No, it was probably by about 5th grade

"Only 12 percent of black fourth-grade boys are proficient in reading, compared with 38 percent of white boys
Only three states saw more than 5 percent of African-American students in their graduating class pass at least one Advanced Placement test

Data Exclusive: 75 percent of black California boys don’t meet state reading standards​

I blame big big government ,which is mainly white but enabled by Black hucksters

Want to help this situation????
Stop the black abortion holocaust
Get men/fathers back in Black Society
Parent involvement in a child's education is consistently found to be positively associated with a child's academic performance.
I know that's how you would like to see things but that is not why the percentages are the way they are relative to lawyers.
I see I am going to have to spell it out for you in simple terms. Were there perhaps more Asians that were interested in becoming say doctors or scientists then lawyers and that is one of the reasons that the numbers are so low for lawyers?Or perhaps you believe that lawyer is the best possible profession?

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