Wasn't it Dubya's Policy to get Troops out of Iraq?...

According to this deal signed by Bush and the Iraqi Government in 2008,all U.S. Forces should be completely out of Iraq by 2011. I guess we'll see if this happens.
I wonder if mal is as quick to credit Bush with the state of the economy too? :eusa_think:
This Bush signed deal actually sets a date for complete withdrawal of all U.S. Forces in Iraq. That date is December 31,2011. There are no Obama plans here to speak of. These are Bush plans.
Obama wanted troops out of Iraq. Bush signed an agreement to get combat troops out of Iraq. I don't think the 'present' junior Senator from Illinois' 2008 plan was quite what Bush gave us.

And, the funniest thing is the amount of Iraqi combat troops who have been redeployed as support staff.

Sleight of hand, but you seem to enjoy the show. :eusa_shhh:

Oh, really?

Poster earlier in the thread ... Obama, one month before the "time horizon" deal:

As I’ve said many times, we must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in. We can safely redeploy our combat brigades at a pace that would remove them in 16 months. That would be the summer of 2010 — two years from now, and more than seven years after the war began. After this redeployment, a residual force in Iraq would perform limited missions: going after any remnants of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, protecting American service members and, so long as the Iraqis make political progress, training Iraqi security forces. That would not be a precipitous withdrawal.

LMAO! Shall we redefine 'remove'?

Like BUSHCO always redefined "intelligence on WMDs"??????? :rolleyes:
I wonder if mal is as quick to credit Bush with the state of the economy too? :eusa_think:
Dream on............

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]YouTube - Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7[/ame]​
U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement: This Bush signed agreement requires all U.S. Forces to be out of Iraq by December 31,2011.

I'm sure Hopey Changey will try and take credit for this too but this is a George Bush-signed agreement. Nuff said.
Yes, you are misremembering history.

Up until mid 2008 the Bush Admin refused to make "timetables" for getting out of Iraq. When it became perfectly clear anyone with a half a brain that even the Dems couldn't manage to lose the White House in November, Bush allowed the "time horizon" plan to go through. They used the term "time horizon" because they and their media attack dogs had painted themselves into a corner viciously attacking support for a timetable as "support for the terrorist" but they also knew the war was going to be "ended" by the next admin and they wanted to beat them to the political punch so people like you could claim that this was actually Bush's plan along ... and voila, time horizon. Make no mistake about it, if McCain had any kind of a chance at winning or if Bush could have run for and won third term there is no way that "time horizon" would have come to pass.

This is Bush's Plan, Correct?...


This is a Bush signed agreement. Hopefully some in our MSM will point this out. I'm not holding my breath though. :(

No it wasn't, and the Success of the Surge is because of Barry's Leadership in his Partial First and only Senate Term...

Carry on... Racist.


This is a Bush signed agreement. Hopefully some in our MSM will point this out. I'm not holding my breath though. :(

No it wasn't, and the Success of the Surge is because of Barry's Leadership in his Partial First and only Senate Term...

Carry on... Racist.



Yea i plead guilty. And i pray too. Damn double-whammy! The Left Wing loons are gonna hate me. :(
Seriously though...


It wasn't Dubya's "policy," it was Dubya's agreed to objective. Big difference.

Anyone that thinks that by Dubya making the agreement, his successor and all the generals, officers and soldiers could just sit back and wait for it to happen is, well, seriously fucking retarded. Sure, Dubya set the goal, but Obama executed and delivered on it. A fact that pisses off conservatives that put party before country... in other words, total fucking douchebags.

true story :thup:
Seriously though...


It wasn't Dubya's "policy," it was Dubya's agreed to objective. Big difference.

Anyone that thinks that by Dubya making the agreement, his successor and all the generals, officers and soldiers could just sit back and wait for it to happen is, well, seriously fucking retarded. Sure, Dubya set the goal, but Obama executed and delivered on it. A fact that pisses off conservatives that put party before country... in other words, total fucking douchebags.

true story :thup:

So then what Dubya did Barry let happen... noted.


Here's a fact.

Obama was the CiC that executed the plan.

Sorry if that kills your boner for Dubya.
that's not correct.

yes it is

no. it's not... bush's position was always... well, we'll see... and even then only after he had to give in and bring in petreus. until then, he had his head up his butt and was flailing wildly in a war we never should have started.

That is one of the most hyperpartisan opinions I've ever read. Bush brought in Petraeus, you say "he had to give in." Give in to whom? Incidentally, what's your opinion of the "General Betray Us" ad by Moveon?
Him and those who voted for it that put us there to begin with are rightfully blamed but yeah, it was his plan and I don't see it ending anytime soon, 50000 is still over there in that mistake and it won't surprise me one iota if we ask for an extention come next year or go right back in.

Do you have even the slightest inkling of how many bases we have around this planet--in places that are even unknown to us?

I think a liminted base should be placed in Iraq permanently. We don't need troops anymore in Germany--we don't need them in a lot of places that they currently are.

It's just common sense to keep one there--as it borders Iran. A permanent base keeps the bad guys out permanently.
That is the way i understood it. obama is just following the time line that was already laid out.

that's not correct.

You are wrong...it is completely correct.
Here is the quote from Bush regarding the withdrawal timeline.
The US and Iraq will formally commit to a pact that withdraws all American forces from the country within three years, and pulls all combat troops out of most provinces by mid-2009, the Iraqi cabinet announced yesterday. The deal for the first time prescribes a timeline for an American departure from Iraq, which the US president-elect, Barack Obama, had foreshadowed as top of his foreign policy agenda when he takes office on January 20.

Obama takes credit for Bush's Iraq troop withdrawal timeline - Political Forum

Facts are facts whether you like it or not this is a direct quote from Bush in 08. Sorry to burst your partisan bubble.

Facts are facts whether you like it or not.

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