Wasn't it the Democrats that stated is was dangerous not to accept the results?!?!?


Apr 22, 2007
Please help me remember this. When Trump said he would look at the results and answer at that time, liberal went rabid. The media was all over him, Hillary said it was dangerous.

Yet the dimocrats have gone above and beyond to not accept the election results. Protests, petitions, waste of time recounts, ad campaigns to get electors to defy the vote, harassing and threatening the electors and once the vote is counted and Trump wins they threatening frivolous lawsuits. I guarantee riots and racial attacks on whites are next.

Liberal hypocrisy has no bounds!

When did liberalism become the ideology of oppression?

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Please help me remember this. When Trump said he would look at the results and answer at that time, liberal went rabid. The media was all over him, Hillary said it was dangerous.

Yet the dimocrats have gone above and beyond to not accept the election results. Protests, petitions, waste of time recounts, ad campaigns to get electors to defy the vote, harassing and threatening the electors and once the vote is counted and Trump wins they threatening frivolous lawsuits. I guarantee riots and racial attacks on whites are next.

Liberal hypocrisy has no bounds!

When did liberalism become the ideology of oppression?

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Because lefties do not care about what the people say, what the EC says, what electors say, states say, the supreme court says, and it goes on, and on. The only VALID election to the left, is the one they win. If they lose, they go to court, public opinion, or anything else.

Now I ask you---------->popular vote is the mantra of the left today, correct! How MANY states put gay marriage on the ballot in the last 10 years? How many states citizens; INCLUDING CALIFORNIA MIND YOU, rejected same sex marriage! Popular vote said REJECTED! What did the left do? Go to court and OVERTURN everywhere they could, the will of the people, the popular vote, the tax paying citizens.

So the left is PHONY! I am not FOR or AGAINST same sex marriage. But what I am for is consistency, and the left is NOT consistent. They will do ANYTHING to gain power.

Reagan was the last, in fact only strong right leaning President we have had in my life time. I think Trump leans more towards the center, (which the left will deny because they need to make him a rightwinger, lol) but I believe he WILL hose the far left, early and often. Trump was a Democrat, but since the Democrats are now far left radicals, he is a Republican. This is going to be a contentious 4 years, and I believe he is going to follow the ways of the left when dealing with the opposing party.........he is going to LEGALLY SLAP THEM AROUND, and then publicly announce that he did, and why.

The outcome of this new way of handling things for the right has yet to be determined but I must admit, it will be entertaining to see the left get smoked consistently for the forseeable future-) If the economy revives, it might become dangerous to claim you are a far leftist, and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Socialist/Marxists-)
Who's not accepting? Now we will ride this loserterian asshole into the ditch.

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