Katie Hobbs Lawyer tries to get Kari Lake Witness to Agree that a Ballot is not Unlawful "if someone inserts it into the stream."

Easy Peasy

When people go to vote or a mail in ballot is received their name is marked in the register as……VOTED

At the end of the election, all votes cast are tabulated.

If they don’t match……You got some Splain’n to do!
I doubt anyone counts up the number of people whose name is marked off in the register as "voted."

Votes were slipped into the stream in Arizona, as admitted by Katie Hobbs' own lawyer. Were they "caught?"

If so, it didn't matter becuase the ballots were not unlawful, but only invalid. Unless you're counting on the old double standard, there's not reason why Republicans cannot do the same.
They do it every election and check against vote tallies

It is their job
So with all those votes slipped into the stream, what did Arizonal do about it?

Nothing, so it doesn't matter that they are checking, it's just a waste of time and money.
They weren’t slipped in
They were legal votes

No Fraud
Sorry, "inserts" was the word Katie Hobbs' lawyer used, not "slip in." Did you not see the video? Katie Hobbs' own lawyer said:

Lawyer for Katie Hobbs: Are you aware than under Arizona law, a ballot is not actually unlawful, if it is, uh, the term that's used sometimes is harvested or ballot collection, but if somebody that is not authorized to handle it, deposits it, or . . . like what happened at Runbeck . . . if somebody brings it, and inserts it into the stream, but not into a designated authorized drop box, are you aware that under Arizonal law, that is not actually an unlawful ballot.

Witness: I think the term in the law is an "invalid ballot."

So, there is is. The Democratic lawyer for the Democratic Secretary of state who oversaw her own election for governor states that just even if a ballot is inserted into the stream by someone not authorized to handle it, that vote should count. The judge apparently agreed.

So, there it is. Rebublicans would be stupid not do also insert ballots into the stream, even if they are not authorized to handle the ballots.

Suppose that causes there to be twice as many votes in the stream as voters who cast votes. So what? How you gonna know which votes were invalid? Even if you could know that, the judge would have to say that they still count.

Repubs: These are the new rules, we have to work with them. Don't get stuck on what is right, your opponents certainly are not.

Democracy and rule of law are like my grandmother. I love her and her Alabama cooking. But she's dead now, so it would be foolish for me to go to her house at thanksgiving every year expecting to get some of her fried chicken and catfish.
Sorry, "inserts" was the word Katie Hobbs' lawyer used, not "slip in." Did you not see the video? Katie Hobbs' own lawyer said:

Lawyer for Katie Hobbs: Are you aware than under Arizona law, a ballot is not actually unlawful, if it is, uh, the term that's used sometimes is harvested or ballot collection, . if somebody brings it, and inserts it into the stream, but not into a designated authorized drop box, are you aware that under Arizonal law, that is not actually an unlawful ballot.

Witness: I think the term in the law is an "invalid ballot."

So, there is is. The Democratic lawyer for the Democratic Secretary of state who oversaw her own election for governor states that just even if a ballot is inserted into the stream by someone not authorized to handle it, that vote should count. The judge apparently agreed.

So, there it is. Rebublicans would be stupid not do also insert ballots into the stream, even if they are not authorized to handle the ballots.

Suppose that causes there to be twice as many votes in the stream as voters who cast votes. So what? How you gonna know which votes were invalid? Even if you could know that, the judge would have to say that they still count.

Repubs: These are the new rules, we have to work with them. Don't get stuck on what is right, your opponents certainly are not.

Democracy and rule of law are like my grandmother. I love her and her Alabama cooking. But she's dead now, so it would be foolish for me to go to her house at thanksgiving every year expecting to get some of her fried chicken and catfish.
All that means is someone else handles the ballot.
Ask a friend to drop it off and it is unauthorized.

but if somebody that is not authorized to handle it, deposits it, or . . . like what happened at Runbeck . .

It is still a valid ballot
Kari Lake wasn't given the leeway to prove her case because the judge barely allowed her the right to inspect ballots. She wasn't allowed much else. It was all a lost cause once the bought and paid for judge decided what could be presented as evidence.

Do you have proof that the Judge was bought and paid for or is it just an opinion. She can still appeal.

What a condescenting clown, who got owned by Lake's non-lawyer witness.

Democrats have no shame in defending invalid ballots as a way to get Democrats elected.

Of course the case was destined to lose. Not because the judge was partisan, I know nothing about the judge. But becuase the courts have shown great reluctance to rule that an election was invalid, no matter how invalid the voting and vote counting process may have been.

If we are going to stop the Democrooks from cheating, we will have to secure elections before they take place. Lawsuits after the fact will never go anywhere.

Aww, someone's mad yet another election lie lawsuit got laughed out of court.
She had no evidence. So she got laughed out of court. The end. This crybabying won't help.
To be fair, I heard no mention of laughing at her. These election deniers aint that funny anymore. Just boring. All the votes were counted so even if she proved the irregularities were intentional, some one was prosecuted and thrown in jail for changing printer settings, the election results would not change. Two realities.

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