'Wasn't The Connecticut Killer Just Doing What Abortionists Do Every Day?'


Nov 13, 2012
'Wasn't The Connecticut Killer Just Doing What Abortionists Do Every Day?' Shocking Outburst By....​

Daily Mail (UK) ^
December 16, 2012

'Wasn't The Connecticut Killer Just Doing What Abortionists Do Every Day?' Shocking Outburst By Former SNL Star Sparks Outrage Comedian turned politico Victoria Jackson said 'this is what you get when you forget the Ten Commandments' The Facebook post - which has so far received more than 150 'likes' - also quickly attracted angry comments By AMANDA WILLIAMS

16 December 2012 Comedian turned political commentator Victoria Jackson has caused outrage by apparently comparing the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School with abortion.

The former Saturday Night Live star, who is now an outspoken political conservative, posted a message on her Facebook account saying 'this is what you get' when you 'forget the ten commandments.'

Jackson, no stranger to controversy, wrote: 'My friend Jim Riley posted: "Wasn't the Connecticut killer just doing what abortionists do every day? It's a wonder we don't have more 20 year old "dads" doing what women and doctors have been an accomplice to for years in America. When you forget the TEN COMMANDMENTS, people, THIS is what you get."'

The former SNL star has courted controversy before. She made headlines throughout the presidential election, most notably for her response to Todd Akin's legitimate rape controversy.

She reportedly said: 'If I was raped, I would have the baby and think of it as God making a blessing out of something bad.'

And she also branded hit comedy Glee 'sickening' after it screened a gay kiss, unleashing her views in a homophobic rant for the conservative website WorldNetDaily.com.

She wrote: 'Did you see Glee this week? Sickening!'


Read more at:
Victoria Jackson: Shocking outburst by former SNL star regarding Connecticut shooting sparks outrage | Mail Online
Shooter used alot more ammunition. And it's not socially acceptable to kill 5 year olds or older. the unborn... eh.
she's a moron...

Maybe a moron BUT she's right!
In 2008, 1.21 million abortions were performed,
That is the same as having Lanza killing EVERY DAY 3,312 kids every day.. 365 days!

How about it? A child.. a Fetus... it is a living breathing entity and yet MOST of these dead kids weren't wanted! Were an inconvenience! Were the result of irresponsibility on the part of the GUY YES and the Girl!!! YES Both are irresponsible!
I mean we should BAN the Abortionists! After all they are KILLING MORE then GUNS!!!
to even question what a woman's choice is or what she wants is not a place any single person needs to be involved in. Its the woman's choice, end of subject. Abortion might be murder in some peoples eyes however, its still a womans choice. Its her body that is to be occupied for 9 months, no one else.

To even compare a gun wielding crazy man who killed 20 children to a woman's choice is absolutely insane and a lazy intellectual comparison. Deductive reasoning has left the building on the far right. shocker.

you will see once again, to the GOPs surprise the majority of America will want far more gun regulation, this might drive some of you insane however, most of you have shown little ability to do any sort of critical thinking on a basic level. The country is slowly but surly telling you to go kick rocks.
to even question what a woman's choice is or what she wants is not a place any single person needs to be involved in. Its the woman's choice, end of subject.

Only in your demented, fucked up opinion, douche bag.

Anyone with a conscience doesnt give a fig what ass holes like you have to say on the topic.
Only in your demented, fucked up opinion, douche bag.

Anyone with a conscience doesnt give a fig what ass holes like you have to say on the topic.

shocker, a right winger calling names and acting like a 12 year old. Tell you what, I have a child on the way, due in June 2013. If my gal wanted to have an abortion, first off I would fully support her, its a tough decision, its a life altering decision for all parties. However, right wing math does not compute, as usual. How can this nation take care of millions of unwanted children? You have no awnser. Its a tough choice to bring a life into this current world, if someone does not want too, its thier choice.

see, you lose this argument for a few reasons, first off Abortion has zero to do with guns or gun control. This is just more ass backwards right wing thinking brought to you by the lowest of the low.
Jackson has become a caricature, an idiotic one.

She's like a conservative Roseanne, nails on a chalkboard voice connected to a drug addled pea brain that thinks shocking people is an acceptable substitute for an informed opinion.
she's a moron...

Maybe a moron BUT she's right!
In 2008, 1.21 million abortions were performed,
That is the same as having Lanza killing EVERY DAY 3,312 kids every day.. 365 days!

How about it? A child.. a Fetus... it is a living breathing entity and yet MOST of these dead kids weren't wanted! Were an inconvenience! Were the result of irresponsibility on the part of the GUY YES and the Girl!!! YES Both are irresponsible!

The Sandy Hook shooting and abortion cannot be compared. Anyone who tries to compare the two is an idiot.

Oh wait..
No he wasn't. See all the children murdered had parents who wanted and loved them.

Too bad his mom didn't abort him 20 years ago though.
I get pissed when Leftist try to politicize the tragedy in Sandy Hook and use it to advance the cause of Gun control. Now here we have a right wing fundamentalist using the tragedy to advance their cause on abortion. The thing here is I like Victoria Jackson but I have lost a lot of respect for her after this article. What happened in Sandy Hook is nothing but pure evil. Neither side should be using this to push any agenda at least until the victims are laid to rest.
Liberals support killing millions of unborn, especially minority unborn humans that are the majority of dead from abortion.

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