'Wasn't The Connecticut Killer Just Doing What Abortionists Do Every Day?'

Liberals support killing millions of unborn, especially minority unborn humans that are the majority of dead from abortion.

Liberals support killing more than the unborn! They support killing the elderly and the sick too. Abortion and euthanasia go hand in hand.
Of course conservatives believe this.

That is why you will never see them condemning the murder of an abortion doctor,

or at best pretending to condemn it so as not to appear too barbaric.
If an abortion was shown on the mainstream nightly news....it would be banned or limited to rape, incest and extreme medical situations.

But since it is quietly hidden from view and done by so-called doctors....liberals like it, especially since many of them make millions doing it.

One doesn't make money shooting up schools, but killing 100 kids down the road in a clinic makes a lot of money as a side job.
Only in your demented, fucked up opinion, douche bag.

Anyone with a conscience doesnt give a fig what ass holes like you have to say on the topic.

shocker, a right winger calling names and acting like a 12 year old. Tell you what, I have a child on the way, due in June 2013. If my gal wanted to have an abortion, first off I would fully support her, its a tough decision, its a life altering decision for all parties. However, right wing math does not compute, as usual. How can this nation take care of millions of unwanted children? You have no awnser. Its a tough choice to bring a life into this current world, if someone does not want too, its thier choice.

see, you lose this argument for a few reasons, first off Abortion has zero to do with guns or gun control. This is just more ass backwards right wing thinking brought to you by the lowest of the low.

So your okay with her killing your child? Very telling, I tell you what when it is born look at it and think that you would've just let it die, and then get back to me.
Takes a sick-minded fucker to use this shooting tragedy to prop up their political platform on abortion. Perhaps some of you need to take a step back and look at just how low you've sunk.
I personally believe that abortion is murder which brings a question in my mind. What limit would I have in protecting the kids at that school? I do not know of a limit. Why is it that I do not physically defend the lives of the many children that are aborted everyday as I would for the 6 year olds being murdered? The only answer I have is that the murder of the aborted is legal. After the abortion it is too late to do anything about it as after the murder of the school children it is too late. All we can do it try to prevent it from happening again. I hope that one day this country will.
Takes a sick-minded fucker to use this shooting tragedy to prop up their political platform on abortion. Perhaps some of you need to take a step back and look at just how low you've sunk.

No, it is a piece of shit that ignores millions killed via abortion, but then acts all compassionate when 20 kids die in a school.

People in Syria are probably scoffing at us when they have more children dead the past year or so from their war.

Conservatives aren't downplaying the massacre in CT, we are just stating the hypocrisy of liberals. Abortion is done outside the view of cameras, so it is "A OK" in their fucked up minds.....a sick-minded fucker.

Takes a sick-minded fucker to use this shooting tragedy to prop up their political platform on abortion. Perhaps some of you need to take a step back and look at just how low you've sunk.
I happen to think Victoria can be pretty fun. It's disappointing that she would be so disgusting as to use these children's deaths.
If an abortion was shown on the mainstream nightly news....it would be banned or limited to rape, incest and extreme medical situations.

But since it is quietly hidden from view and done by so-called doctors....liberals like it, especially since many of them make millions doing it.

One doesn't make money shooting up schools, but killing 100 kids down the road in a clinic makes a lot of money as a side job.

You should go to Newtown and ask if you can give an inspirational talk to the grieving parents.
If an abortion was shown on the mainstream nightly news....it would be banned or limited to rape, incest and extreme medical situations.

But since it is quietly hidden from view and done by so-called doctors....liberals like it, especially since many of them make millions doing it.

One doesn't make money shooting up schools, but killing 100 kids down the road in a clinic makes a lot of money as a side job.

You should go to Newtown and ask if you can give an inspirational talk to the grieving parents.

Perhaps he'd like to join the WBC and picket the children's funerals.
Of course conservatives believe this.

That is why you will never see them condemning the murder of an abortion doctor,

or at best pretending to condemn it so as not to appear too barbaric.

The murder of George Tiller was just premature justice. If Tiller's murderous career hadn't been ended when it was, he would now be as disgraced as his acolyte Shelley Sella.

At the time, like a lot of conservatives, I thought killing Dr. Tiller in cold blood was wrong. Naturally the person who did this should be punished. In hindsight, knowing what I now know, Scott Roeder was a hero who sacrificed himself to stop Tiller's horrific career.
Shooter used alot more ammunition. And it's not socially acceptable to kill 5 year olds or older. the unborn... eh.

Yeah; I feel you. Boy oh boy, when a fetus dies prematurely, the sadness it brings is overwhelming, remembering everything about them, like the first time it says, "Mommy" or "Dada." Or the time it cried when getting on the school bus for the first time. Or the christmas it giggled with such existite joy when it opened the present you'd hoped they'd be giddy to get. Not to mention the sound of their voice, which will haunt you forever. Nameless fetuses are that, and so much more.

No wonder we have funerals for them, being all religious and shit.
No, it is a piece of shit that ignores millions killed via abortion, but then acts all compassionate when 20 kids die in a school.

People in Syria are probably scoffing at us when they have more children dead the past year or so from their war.

Conservatives aren't downplaying the massacre in CT, we are just stating the hypocrisy of liberals. Abortion is done outside the view of cameras, so it is "A OK" in their fucked up minds.....a sick-minded fucker.

Takes a sick-minded fucker to use this shooting tragedy to prop up their political platform on abortion. Perhaps some of you need to take a step back and look at just how low you've sunk.

No need to make any attempt to defend yourself. I think many on these boards had already identified you as a sick-minded individual long before now.
Of course conservatives believe this.

That is why you will never see them condemning the murder of an abortion doctor,

or at best pretending to condemn it so as not to appear too barbaric.

The murder of George Tiller was just premature justice. If Tiller's murderous career hadn't been ended when it was, he would now be as disgraced as his acolyte Shelley Sella.

At the time, like a lot of conservatives, I thought killing Dr. Tiller in cold blood was wrong. Naturally the person who did this should be punished. In hindsight, knowing what I now know, Scott Roeder was a hero who sacrificed himself to stop Tiller's horrific career.

Have you ever considered being a hero?
Don't worry....hell is awaiting you for the millions of dead aborted babies you supported.

You see, I don't support killing innocent humans born or unborn, unlike you.

If an abortion was shown on the mainstream nightly news....it would be banned or limited to rape, incest and extreme medical situations.

But since it is quietly hidden from view and done by so-called doctors....liberals like it, especially since many of them make millions doing it.

One doesn't make money shooting up schools, but killing 100 kids down the road in a clinic makes a lot of money as a side job.

You should go to Newtown and ask if you can give an inspirational talk to the grieving parents.
If an abortion was shown on the mainstream nightly news....it would be banned or limited to rape, incest and extreme medical situations.

But since it is quietly hidden from view and done by so-called doctors....liberals like it, especially since many of them make millions doing it.

One doesn't make money shooting up schools, but killing 100 kids down the road in a clinic makes a lot of money as a side job.

You should go to Newtown and ask if you can give an inspirational talk to the grieving parents.

Perhaps he'd like to join the WBC and picket the children's funerals.

I'm sure he feels the same way about American pilots who dropped bombs on Iraqi children.
Of course conservatives believe this.

That is why you will never see them condemning the murder of an abortion doctor,

or at best pretending to condemn it so as not to appear too barbaric.

The murder of George Tiller was just premature justice. If Tiller's murderous career hadn't been ended when it was, he would now be as disgraced as his acolyte Shelley Sella.

At the time, like a lot of conservatives, I thought killing Dr. Tiller in cold blood was wrong. Naturally the person who did this should be punished. In hindsight, knowing what I now know, Scott Roeder was a hero who sacrificed himself to stop Tiller's horrific career.


lookie lookie lookie at the sicko rightwingnut murderous freak...

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