Wasserman Scultz can't tell the Difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat!

The question isn't "scary" -- it's a loaded apples/oranges question with no answer space. As we've already said here. The question itself is bullshit.

No. It's a simple question that folks are obviously afraid to answer. :)

You ask any right leaning person on this message board to define their political beliefs, they will do so in a moment. No big deal.

Those on the left are terrified. Always have been. I find it both amusing and sad at the same time.

But look don't sweat it....:) Debbie is exactly like everyone else on the left. I define it as moral cowardice....others may define it differently. But to not be able to articulate what you believe and contrast that with another political ideology is more than a little pathetic.

Nobody asked for anybody's "political beliefs". The purported question was 'what's the difference between Democrats and Socialists' -- which is not only an abstract but apples versus oranges. As someone else put it, what's the difference between a ladder and a pineapple?
It's easy as hell to define the difference between apples and oranges. Dims/socialists, obviously there's a bit of a struggle for an answer there.

:rofl: that's uh, not what "apples and oranges" means. It means attempting to compare two things that don't compare, like the ladder and the pineapple. It's a fallacious question. You can't measure how "apple" an orange is, because "apple" is not the nature of orange.

In this case "Socialist" is an advocate of a certain political philosophy, which as such means a specific set of ideals, whereas "Democrat" is a member of a political party. It's impossible to answer that without paving the term "Democrat" into a monolith. That's why you can't do it.

Get it now?
Golly thanks for the definition, that's how I understood it 50 years ago and used it now. If you are struggling for a difference between socialists and Democrats there really isn't much of one. That's the point.
So what's the diff between socialists and the GOP, beside the GOP pandering to the megarich and demonizing the poor?
I am amazed at how often online arguments must detour to define socialism for people who vehemently support its principles yet just as vehemently deny that they are socialists.
Socialism: "Government mandated social engineering (shaping society or shaping individuals to conform to a societal ideal)."
On the political left, that especially involves economic control up to and including collective ownership and operation of commercial enterprise.
Since the Democrat folks here are too cowardly to articulate what they believe I will for them.

The Democrat Party today is philosophically attached to the Western European Socialist model. The reason: It provides more cover than the old Soviet system. Basically you cripple business in an ocean of regulation and utterly control it behind the scenes via regulation versus directly stealing the means of production.

When business fails you blame business versus Government. Neat....right? :lol:

The other agenda is "social justice," which means stealing from one group to buy votes with another group, with the Government of course always getting to decide who the winners and losers are.

I think that sums it up.
So the diff between the GOP and the Dems is the amount of regulation and the tax rate? And between the GOP and socialists the same? BTW, deregulation worked great in 1929 and 2008, and our GOP tax rates are still killing the nonrich and the country....so if we fix those GOP mistakes, the GOP is socialist! QED. Actually, the GOP is just unfair, stupid, brainwashed socialists. lol
I am amazed at how often online arguments must detour to define socialism for people who vehemently support its principles yet just as vehemently deny that they are socialists.
Socialism: "Government mandated social engineering (shaping society or shaping individuals to conform to a societal ideal)."
On the political left, that especially involves economic control up to and including collective ownership and operation of commercial enterprise.
Seeing that I have a masters in History and speak 3 languages and have travelled, not touristed, I'm happy to say I'm a socialist. ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC and NOT fear mongered by idiot GOPers. But I'm not trying to run for office in this stupid (thanks to the GOP) country I love.
I am amazed at how often online arguments must detour to define socialism for people who vehemently support its principles yet just as vehemently deny that they are socialists.
Socialism: "Government mandated social engineering (shaping society or shaping individuals to conform to a societal ideal)."
On the political left, that especially involves economic control up to and including collective ownership and operation of commercial enterprise.
Where'd you get that definition? You think the idiot, greedy, lying GOP doesn't socially engineer? In their case, giving the shop away to the greedy idiot lying megarich?
I am amazed at how often online arguments must detour to define socialism for people who vehemently support its principles yet just as vehemently deny that they are socialists.
Socialism: "Government mandated social engineering (shaping society or shaping individuals to conform to a societal ideal)."
On the political left, that especially involves economic control up to and including collective ownership and operation of commercial enterprise.
Of course, when you get to collective ownership of enterprise, it becomes communism and has never been done democratically or without forceful revolution.

Gee, OP and Matthews are dumb. Can't imagine why Waz wouldn't want to get in this can of worms...
I am amazed at how often online arguments must detour to define socialism for people who vehemently support its principles yet just as vehemently deny that they are socialists.
Socialism: "Government mandated social engineering (shaping society or shaping individuals to conform to a societal ideal)."
On the political left, that especially involves economic control up to and including collective ownership and operation of commercial enterprise.
Where'd you get that definition? You think the idiot, greedy, lying GOP doesn't socially engineer? In their case, giving the shop away to the greedy idiot lying megarich?

It was a Republican who started it all to being with.
I am amazed at how often online arguments must detour to define socialism for people who vehemently support its principles yet just as vehemently deny that they are socialists.
Socialism: "Government mandated social engineering (shaping society or shaping individuals to conform to a societal ideal)."
On the political left, that especially involves economic control up to and including collective ownership and operation of commercial enterprise.
Where'd you get that definition? You think the idiot, greedy, lying GOP doesn't socially engineer? In their case, giving the shop away to the greedy idiot lying megarich?

It was a Republican who started it all to being with.
By that time, it didn't take a genius to realize that trusts were TOTALLY out of control. 20 years earlier, he thought 12 hour days, 6 days a week was communistic...Only good thing the GOP has done since Lincoln...
I am amazed at how often online arguments must detour to define socialism for people who vehemently support its principles yet just as vehemently deny that they are socialists.
Socialism: "Government mandated social engineering (shaping society or shaping individuals to conform to a societal ideal)."
On the political left, that especially involves economic control up to and including collective ownership and operation of commercial enterprise.
They're afraid of the word, but obviously their denials ring pretty hollow. You know how they are with manipulating the language.

They even deny it with Sanders running as a Democrat, which you have to admit is pretty funny.

But like I said before, if the GOP doesn't learn the difference between socialism and a social democracy, they do so at their own peril.

It's probably too late already, anyway.

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This is HILLARIOUS! Chris Matthews is obviously a shill for HILLARY!, but it is quite amusing to see him nail Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She will not answer his question to tell the difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat.

I can't tell the difference either.
The democrats are the most rightist socialists in the world, except for the GOP. Glad I could help.
You ask any right leaning person on this message board to define their political beliefs, they will do so in a moment. No big deal.


What a joke. Why is then I can't ever remember getting a straight answer out of a rightwinger on this board when I ask them if they support ending Medicaid,

which is probably the single biggest socialist program in the country?
This is HILLARIOUS! Chris Matthews is obviously a shill for HILLARY!, but it is quite amusing to see him nail Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She will not answer his question to tell the difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat.

She knows that many Americans are not ready to embrace the American Socialist Party - hence she must continue to use "progressive" as a subterfuge.

This is HILLARIOUS! Chris Matthews is obviously a shill for HILLARY!, but it is quite amusing to see him nail Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She will not answer his question to tell the difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat.

She knows that many Americans are not ready to embrace the American Socialist Party - hence she must continue to use "progressive" as a subterfuge.


That's a joke dickhead. Link?
Liberals today are Socialists. That's not a smear; it's an analysis or observation. Many Republicans embrace Socialism. Debates would be a lot more honest if you embraced who you truly are
Liberals today are Socialists. That's not a smear; it's an analysis or observation. Many Republicans embrace Socialism. Debates would be a lot more honest if you embraced who you truly are

Bernie Sanders is honest.

What's overlooked is that most of Sanders' 'socialist' positions are not 'liberal' positions, they are mainstream American positions.
This is HILLARIOUS! Chris Matthews is obviously a shill for HILLARY!, but it is quite amusing to see him nail Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She will not answer his question to tell the difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat.


there isnt any difference anymore


the host likes to "pretend" that there is still a difference

Liberals today are Socialists. That's not a smear; it's an analysis or observation. Many Republicans embrace Socialism. Debates would be a lot more honest if you embraced who you truly are

Bernie Sanders is honest.

What's overlooked is that most of Sanders' 'socialist' positions are not 'liberal' positions, they are mainstream American positions.


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