Wasserman Scultz can't tell the Difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat!


Bill Clinton would never have been the Dem's candidate today running on his moderate platform.


Okay, so you don't think Bill Clinton is a socialist...

No, I don't. He's just a good old boy politician - serial abuser of women.

So now you've conceded multiple times that there are differences between Democrats and Socialists.

Why then aren't you arguing with your retarded rightwing pals who insist there aren't?
Yeah. Right. Like Zell Miller is the driving force behind the Democrat/Socialist Party.

Is he a Democrat or not?

Think before you answer.

You sad sack of sophistry.

Zell Miller is 83 years old; he last served in office 10 years ago. He is a conservative Democrat from the era when Democrats had not transformed into the Total Progressive-Socialist-Corporatist Party it now is.

Bill Clinton would never have been the Dem's candidate today running on his moderate platform.

If you really want to discuss Democrats from bygone days, George Wallace and Bull Connor are more representative of the continued RACISM of the Dems, which aim to keep blacks dependent on the government and corralled in inner city slums.

Most Americans support the 'socialist' institutions we have in this country,

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, public schools, for starters.

The VA? You really think that most people support the denial of care to veterans.

What gibbering moron.

As for the rest, people are FORCED TO PAY FOR THEM, so they support getting their benefits in return. If the gun weren't held to their heads, the support would drop like a rock.

They are socialist institutions. Most Americans support them. The fact that you want them abolished puts you in a very tiny minority.

Just wait until the Ponzi Scheme falls apart. SS is now putting "*" on statements to let people know that they may get only 77% of their estimates. That's likely quite high. In reality, SS is going to be means tested and a lot of people who were counting on it will get ZIP. Of course, the politicians who buy votes with it, will at that point, be long gone.

Bill Clinton would never have been the Dem's candidate today running on his moderate platform.


Okay, so you don't think Bill Clinton is a socialist...

No, I don't. He's just a good old boy politician - serial abuser of women.

So now you've conceded multiple times that there are differences between Democrats and Socialists.

Why then aren't you arguing with your retarded rightwing pals who insist there aren't?

I already mentioned in this thread that Democrats of the past were quite different than the Prog version of today. Try keeping up.
Liberals today are Socialists. That's not a smear; it's an analysis or observation. Many Republicans embrace Socialism. Debates would be a lot more honest if you embraced who you truly are

Bernie Sanders is honest.

What's overlooked is that most of Sanders' 'socialist' positions are not 'liberal' positions, they are mainstream American positions.


Bernie Sanders supports a single payer healthcare system, as do a majority of Americans. That is not a 'liberal' position.

bernie is a socialist he freely admits it

why cant you
Are you for some regulation of business and assistance for the unfortunate? Why can't you admit you're a socialist, just an ignorant and misled one?
Is he a Democrat or not?

Think before you answer.

You sad sack of sophistry.

Zell Miller is 83 years old; he last served in office 10 years ago. He is a conservative Democrat from the era when Democrats had not transformed into the Total Progressive-Socialist-Corporatist Party it now is.

Bill Clinton would never have been the Dem's candidate today running on his moderate platform.

If you really want to discuss Democrats from bygone days, George Wallace and Bull Connor are more representative of the continued RACISM of the Dems, which aim to keep blacks dependent on the government and corralled in inner city slums.

Most Americans support the 'socialist' institutions we have in this country,

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, public schools, for starters.

The VA? You really think that most people support the denial of care to veterans.

What gibbering moron.

As for the rest, people are FORCED TO PAY FOR THEM, so they support getting their benefits in return. If the gun weren't held to their heads, the support would drop like a rock.

They are socialist institutions. Most Americans support them. The fact that you want them abolished puts you in a very tiny minority.

Just wait until the Ponzi Scheme falls apart. SS is now putting "*" on statements to let people know that they may get only 77% of their estimates. That's likely quite high. In reality, SS is going to be means tested and a lot of people who were counting on it will get ZIP. Of course, the politicians who buy votes with it, will at that point, be long gone.
BS- AARP's #1 myth. Pubs try and wreck it, then complain it's wrecked. Same with ACA. You're their dupe.

Bill Clinton would never have been the Dem's candidate today running on his moderate platform.


Okay, so you don't think Bill Clinton is a socialist...

No, I don't. He's just a good old boy politician - serial abuser of women.

So now you've conceded multiple times that there are differences between Democrats and Socialists.

Why then aren't you arguing with your retarded rightwing pals who insist there aren't?

I already mentioned in this thread that Democrats of the past were quite different than the Prog version of today. Try keeping up.

Yes, in contrast to the GOP, the Democratic party is not still living in a past century.

Which socialist programs do you want to abolish, btw?

Why don't you actually take a stand here, coward.
Liberals today are Socialists. That's not a smear; it's an analysis or observation. Many Republicans embrace Socialism. Debates would be a lot more honest if you embraced who you truly are

Bernie Sanders is honest.

What's overlooked is that most of Sanders' 'socialist' positions are not 'liberal' positions, they are mainstream American positions.


Bernie Sanders supports a single payer healthcare system, as do a majority of Americans. That is not a 'liberal' position.

bernie is a socialist he freely admits it

why cant you
Are you for some regulation of business and assistance for the unfortunate? Why can't you admit you're a socialist, just an ignorant and misled one?

no i am not in favor of corporate welfare
This is HILLARIOUS! Chris Matthews is obviously a shill for HILLARY!, but it is quite amusing to see him nail Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She will not answer his question to tell the difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat.

What's especially funny is that Ol' Tingly leg Matthews was actually trying to throw Schultz a softball right down the middle

She swung, missed and fell flat on her ass
This is HILLARIOUS! Chris Matthews is obviously a shill for HILLARY!, but it is quite amusing to see him nail Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She will not answer his question to tell the difference between being a Socialist and a Democrat.

What's especially funny is that Ol' Tingly leg Matthews was actually trying to throw Schultz a softball right down the middle

She swung, missed and fell flat on her ass

well matthews being devout to the party and all

surely does not want to spill the beans on what

the democrats have become

Given that she knew going in Tingles was going to be on the panel, she should have been ready to handle the question.

But then again, that's our Debbie. She never fails to entertain.
I think the Dems should Dump Hillary! and run a Biden-Wasserman ticket!

It would be a totally GAFFE-Tastic campaign!
Can't imagine why Waz doesn't want to open this can of worms, with all the ignorance and fear mongering about the term. IE, you jerks.
As the only actual socialist on this forum (From what I can tell) it's threads like this that make me slam my head against the wall and feel sorry for america. The democratic party is not socialist, at all, hell, bernie sanders isn't even a socialist, he's a social democrat, looking to countries like denmark/etc.. "Socialism", as used by willfully ignorant american idiots, refers to anything the government does, which is not what socialism is, at all, the history of socialist thought refers to collective ownership of the means of production, nothing to do with state run roads in a capitalist system. Fucking idiots.
It's pretty clear that the question will soon be "what's the difference between a social democrat and a socialist"?

The progressives are essentially social democrats, looking to countries like Sweden & Germany as role models, so their task is to draw a distinct line between that and a more pure socialism. That can probably be done.

The Democrats have moved left, the Republicans have moved right, and the rest of us are standing in the gaping hole.


That might be true, but the candidate they are choosing to represent them is further the right on almost every issue except social policy issues like gay marriage and abortion than most candidates in the Republican party. She just won't tell anyone that.

I don't think that's true. Both party (singular intentional) have moved to the right. If you want to pretend they're different parties, then we have a right-wing party and a center-right party. Anything else has all the impact of an extra on a movie set.
Oh, absolutely. The democrats are essentially the right wing party of many other countries, while our republicans are just bordering on bat shit insane.
As the only actual socialist on this forum (From what I can tell) it's threads like this that make me slam my head against the wall and feel sorry for america. The democratic party is not socialist, at all, hell, bernie sanders isn't even a socialist, he's a social democrat, looking to countries like denmark/etc.. "Socialism", as used by willfully ignorant american idiots, refers to anything the government does, which is not what socialism is, at all, the history of socialist thought refers to collective ownership of the means of production, nothing to do with state run roads in a capitalist system. Fucking idiots.
My World Book 1960 says first thing that socialism is always democratic, and when you start to talk of collective ownership of means of production beyond necessities like health care, energy, etc, you get past socialism and into communism, a bankrupt idea that will never work and has to be totalitarian and put in by violent revolution.
As the only actual socialist on this forum (From what I can tell) it's threads like this that make me slam my head against the wall and feel sorry for america. The democratic party is not socialist, at all, hell, bernie sanders isn't even a socialist, he's a social democrat, looking to countries like denmark/etc.. "Socialism", as used by willfully ignorant american idiots, refers to anything the government does, which is not what socialism is, at all, the history of socialist thought refers to collective ownership of the means of production, nothing to do with state run roads in a capitalist system. Fucking idiots.
My World Book 1960 says first thing that socialism is always democratic, and when you start to talk of collective ownership of means of production beyond necessities like health care, energy, etc, you get past socialism and into communism, a bankrupt idea that will never work and has to be totalitarian and put in by violent revolution.
Then the world book is flawed, when referring to communism never working, people thought the same about capitalism/liberal democracy under feudalism. Have you heard of the anarchists in spain? The free territory in ukraine? Socialism/communism have a long and lovely history.

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