WATCH: An angry Joe Biden bullying Iowa voter for asking about his son's Burisma deal & whether he sold access to vice presidency

Guess you never heard of Hillary Rodham Clinton's worshipful college thesis on the Alinsky method of turning a free country into a communist hellhole with 8 easy steps to fool the hell out of unsuspecting people. Meh!


The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party​

Front Cover
Thomas Nelson, Apr 15, 2007 - Political Science - 304 pages​
You're late for your Q-drop meeting.

He was mocking an 83 year old overweight farmer.

I understand that. But it was like some 12 year old.boys way of trying to puff up his chest or something. Just was an odd comment that had absolutely nothing to do with the situation. He was obviously trying to sling his weight around and intimidate people, but that was just laughably dumb way to do it.
He didn't bully anyone...

The guy accused him of a crime... Biden sent it back over the fence and asked where he got his information to back that up because it is a lie.

The guy (who had a bit of weight on) questioned Biden health and Biden said he would beat him for push ups... BTW Biden would beat Trump is a push up contest all day

Like this, Biden is perfectly OK to get firm(and that what it was) with someone who spreads lies about himself or his son...
Spin spin spin
I understand that. But it was like some 12 year old.boys way of trying to puff up his chest or something. Just was an odd comment that had absolutely nothing to do with the situation. He was obviously trying to sling his weight around and intimidate people, but that was just laughably dumb way to do it.
He was trying to intimidate and humiliate him in front of an audience. To shut him up.
If Trump had acted in exactly the same way, you'd say "he's just saying it as it is" kind of thing.
I don't know whether it's true or not, however the system is corrupt and many politicians are corrupt and most people don't care unless it's the other side doing it. Which is ridiculous.

From what I have read, that is exactly your position.
From Prog rules, Joe is guilty. No man has been accused of more things than Trump. Progs have turned the constitution into toilet paper. This means Trump was pushing us not in the direction of who controls us.

Blah, blah....

We got it, you watch right wing news and now you can can just parrot bullshit....

The US Courts will catch up to Trump... I know you want a media trial but he having a real trail...

Just ask yourself, if Trump was actually innocent, why is he not looking for a speedy trial? Innocent people usually want to prove as quick as possible..
Funny how Biden said nothing to people asking him about his wife's very strange accident that killed her a daughter and hurt his sons. And he said nothing enough to make people suspect that the cops had a reason for asking uncomfortable questions. Because nobody delved into this unusually strange deadly accident, nobody was willing to stand up to a new Senator's put-offs that might make him look like it was not an accident that his wife and daughter died and at least two sons were severely damaged. The witnesses and unanswered detectives have probably all died off by now. And all this nation has seen out of Joe Biden is one lie after another scam, extortions out his wazoo, and one strange situation after another, complete with a lying press, considered bought off with fiduciary favors and fame, bringing this nation's citizens to the 3Fs of constant lying and breeding a filthier swamp than any known in a formerly free speech country. The Democrats are knocking themselves out trying to communize this country, and we better stop them before they cancel free speech so they can exploit all of the people all of the time.
And some people can\t figure out why Biden calls out liars....

Just look at that post... If you said this in a bar to an actual guy who lost yhis wife and child, your next move would be staggering around trying to pick up your teeth...
And some people can\t figure out why Biden calls out liars....

Just look at that post... If you said this in a bar to an actual guy who lost yhis wife and child, your next move would be staggering around trying to pick up your teeth...
Biden projects that he "calls out liars."

I'm sorry, but it's like the guy who points out another guy picking his nose, as he slurps up his own snot.

Quotation from Alfredo Ortiz from theHill annotating Joe's lies:
  • 1: “Take-home pay has gone up.”
    I predicted last week that Biden would utter this lie. Real wages have fallen every month for nearly two straight years under his administration as historic inflation swamps nominal wages and destroys living standards. According to the most recent data, annual inflation is rising 50 percent faster than average wages. The truth is that Americans are getting poorer, something we are reminded of every time we visit the grocery store, where prices have increased by 20 percent since Biden took office.
    2. “We have created a record 12 million new jobs.”
    Biden tries to count the jobs backfilled post-pandemic as “new” jobs, but these positions were already created and merely temporarily abandoned due to COVID-19. In reality, Biden has created 2.7 million net new jobs above what Donald Trump created. This job creation is only 60 percent of the 4.5 million net new jobs that Trump created in his first two years in office.
    3: “[I have presided over] the largest deficit reduction in American history.”
    Again, Biden is trying to take advantage of the moderation from the unique pandemic baseline. In reality, Biden has presided over the largest two-year deficit — $4.2 trillion — in American history. While it’s true the annual deficit is lower than during the once-in-a-century pandemic in 2020, due to the expiration of pandemic-era spending, that’s hardly something to cheer. In fact, Biden’s reckless spending has prevented the deficit from falling below the outrageous $1 trillion mark in 2022.
    4: “Two years ago, our economy was reeling.”
    President Trump presided over the fastest economic recovery in American history, with the economy expanding by 11 percent in his last six months in office. Unfortunately, instead of simply continuing Trump’s policies and riding his coattails to a rapid resurgence, Biden seized the opportunity to pass several trillion dollars’ worth of unnecessary spending that fueled historic inflation, putting a tremendous burden on small business owners and ordinary Americans.
    5: Oil companies have “invested too little of th[eir] profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down.”

    Oil companies would like to expand production to take advantage of high oil prices, but the Biden administration’s green energy policies make this very difficult. According to Heritage Foundation energy analyst Katie Tubb, the administration “has proposed or finalized regulations that restrict nearly every aspect of the oil industry: financing and private-sector investment, exploration and production, pipeline construction and operation, and consumer use.” Biden has issued the fewest drilling permits since the end of World War II. As a result, oil production is still lower than before the pandemic, and gas prices are far higher.
    6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”
    The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That’s up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden’s claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden’s bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.

    6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”
    The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That’s up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden’s claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden’s bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.

    7: The wealthy don’t “pay their fair share.”
    This stale Democrat talking point seems to make it into every stump speech. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. The top 1 percent of highest-earning Americans pay nearly 50 percent of the nation’s income taxes — about twice their “share” of national income. According to a WalletHub analysis, the top 100 American corporations pay an effective tax rate of nearly 20 percent. (Smaller businesses pay even more.) These liabilities don’t include the high tax bills paid by companies’ shareholders and executives. The American tax system is one of the most progressive in the developed world, with job creators paying far more than their fair share, despite Democrats’ nonstop claims to the contrary.

    Don’t expect the mainstream media “fact-checkers” to call Biden out on these lies. These are left-wing opinion journalists masquerading as independent truth arbiters to help advance the Democrats’ agenda. For example, the Democratic Party broadsheet known as the New York Times claimed, “Mr. Biden’s speech contained no outright falsehoods.”
    Yet, judging by Biden’s low approval numbers, the public can see through his lies just fine. His State of the Union address is no exception.
    Alfredo Ortiz is president and CEO of Job Creators Network and author of “The Real Race Revolutionaries: How Minority Entrepreneurship Can Overcome America’s Racial and Economic Divides.”

    The seven biggest lies Biden told this week
  • Edit: removed irrelevant links
Last edited:
Biden projects that he "calls out liars."

I'm sorry, but it's like the guy who points out another guy picking his nose, as he slurps up his own snot.

Quotation from Alfredo Ortiz from theHill annotating Joe's lies:
  • 1: “Take-home pay has gone up.”
    I predicted last week that Biden would utter this lie. Real wages have fallen every month for nearly two straight years under his administration as historic inflation swamps nominal wages and destroys living standards. According to the most recent data, annual inflation is rising 50 percent faster than average wages. The truth is that Americans are getting poorer, something we are reminded of every time we visit the grocery store, where prices have increased by 20 percent since Biden took office.
    2. “We have created a record 12 million new jobs.”
    Biden tries to count the jobs backfilled post-pandemic as “new” jobs, but these positions were already created and merely temporarily abandoned due to COVID-19. In reality, Biden has created 2.7 million net new jobs above what Donald Trump created. This job creation is only 60 percent of the 4.5 million net new jobs that Trump created in his first two years in office.
    3: “[I have presided over] the largest deficit reduction in American history.”
    Again, Biden is trying to take advantage of the moderation from the unique pandemic baseline. In reality, Biden has presided over the largest two-year deficit — $4.2 trillion — in American history. While it’s true the annual deficit is lower than during the once-in-a-century pandemic in 2020, due to the expiration of pandemic-era spending, that’s hardly something to cheer. In fact, Biden’s reckless spending has prevented the deficit from falling below the outrageous $1 trillion mark in 2022.
    4: “Two years ago, our economy was reeling.”
    President Trump presided over the fastest economic recovery in American history, with the economy expanding by 11 percent in his last six months in office. Unfortunately, instead of simply continuing Trump’s policies and riding his coattails to a rapid resurgence, Biden seized the opportunity to pass several trillion dollars’ worth of unnecessary spending that fueled historic inflation, putting a tremendous burden on small business owners and ordinary Americans.
    5: Oil companies have “invested too little of th[eir] profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down.”

    Oil companies would like to expand production to take advantage of high oil prices, but the Biden administration’s green energy policies make this very difficult. According to Heritage Foundation energy analyst Katie Tubb, the administration “has proposed or finalized regulations that restrict nearly every aspect of the oil industry: financing and private-sector investment, exploration and production, pipeline construction and operation, and consumer use.” Biden has issued the fewest drilling permits since the end of World War II. As a result, oil production is still lower than before the pandemic, and gas prices are far higher.
    6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”
    The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That’s up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden’s claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden’s bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.

    6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”
    The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That’s up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden’s claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden’s bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.

    7: The wealthy don’t “pay their fair share.”
    This stale Democrat talking point seems to make it into every stump speech. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. The top 1 percent of highest-earning Americans pay nearly 50 percent of the nation’s income taxes — about twice their “share” of national income. According to a WalletHub analysis, the top 100 American corporations pay an effective tax rate of nearly 20 percent. (Smaller businesses pay even more.) These liabilities don’t include the high tax bills paid by companies’ shareholders and executives. The American tax system is one of the most progressive in the developed world, with job creators paying far more than their fair share, despite Democrats’ nonstop claims to the contrary.

    Don’t expect the mainstream media “fact-checkers” to call Biden out on these lies. These are left-wing opinion journalists masquerading as independent truth arbiters to help advance the Democrats’ agenda. For example, the Democratic Party broadsheet known as the New York Times claimed, “Mr. Biden’s speech contained no outright falsehoods.”
    Yet, judging by Biden’s low approval numbers, the public can see through his lies just fine. His State of the Union address is no exception.
    Alfredo Ortiz is president and CEO of Job Creators Network and author of “The Real Race Revolutionaries: How Minority Entrepreneurship Can Overcome America’s Racial and Economic Divides.”

    The seven biggest lies Biden told this week

    How To 'Relieve' Symptoms of Nail Fungus

    Reaganomics versus Bidenomics A clean-energy future may depend on seabed mining
Excellent post. Thank you.
You're late for your Q-drop meeting.


Nice deflection. Let me guess, Hillary just changed her mind over the years.

Democrats never intellectual mature, so very doubtful.
Biden projects that he "calls out liars."

I'm sorry, but it's like the guy who points out another guy picking his nose, as he slurps up his own snot.

Quotation from Alfredo Ortiz from theHill annotating Joe's lies:
  • 1: “Take-home pay has gone up.”
    I predicted last week that Biden would utter this lie. Real wages have fallen every month for nearly two straight years under his administration as historic inflation swamps nominal wages and destroys living standards. According to the most recent data, annual inflation is rising 50 percent faster than average wages. The truth is that Americans are getting poorer, something we are reminded of every time we visit the grocery store, where prices have increased by 20 percent since Biden took office.
    2. “We have created a record 12 million new jobs.”
    Biden tries to count the jobs backfilled post-pandemic as “new” jobs, but these positions were already created and merely temporarily abandoned due to COVID-19. In reality, Biden has created 2.7 million net new jobs above what Donald Trump created. This job creation is only 60 percent of the 4.5 million net new jobs that Trump created in his first two years in office.
    3: “[I have presided over] the largest deficit reduction in American history.”
    Again, Biden is trying to take advantage of the moderation from the unique pandemic baseline. In reality, Biden has presided over the largest two-year deficit — $4.2 trillion — in American history. While it’s true the annual deficit is lower than during the once-in-a-century pandemic in 2020, due to the expiration of pandemic-era spending, that’s hardly something to cheer. In fact, Biden’s reckless spending has prevented the deficit from falling below the outrageous $1 trillion mark in 2022.
    4: “Two years ago, our economy was reeling.”
    President Trump presided over the fastest economic recovery in American history, with the economy expanding by 11 percent in his last six months in office. Unfortunately, instead of simply continuing Trump’s policies and riding his coattails to a rapid resurgence, Biden seized the opportunity to pass several trillion dollars’ worth of unnecessary spending that fueled historic inflation, putting a tremendous burden on small business owners and ordinary Americans.
    5: Oil companies have “invested too little of th[eir] profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down.”

    Oil companies would like to expand production to take advantage of high oil prices, but the Biden administration’s green energy policies make this very difficult. According to Heritage Foundation energy analyst Katie Tubb, the administration “has proposed or finalized regulations that restrict nearly every aspect of the oil industry: financing and private-sector investment, exploration and production, pipeline construction and operation, and consumer use.” Biden has issued the fewest drilling permits since the end of World War II. As a result, oil production is still lower than before the pandemic, and gas prices are far higher.
    6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”
    The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That’s up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden’s claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden’s bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.

    6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”
    The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That’s up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden’s claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden’s bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.

    7: The wealthy don’t “pay their fair share.”
    This stale Democrat talking point seems to make it into every stump speech. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. The top 1 percent of highest-earning Americans pay nearly 50 percent of the nation’s income taxes — about twice their “share” of national income. According to a WalletHub analysis, the top 100 American corporations pay an effective tax rate of nearly 20 percent. (Smaller businesses pay even more.) These liabilities don’t include the high tax bills paid by companies’ shareholders and executives. The American tax system is one of the most progressive in the developed world, with job creators paying far more than their fair share, despite Democrats’ nonstop claims to the contrary.

    Don’t expect the mainstream media “fact-checkers” to call Biden out on these lies. These are left-wing opinion journalists masquerading as independent truth arbiters to help advance the Democrats’ agenda. For example, the Democratic Party broadsheet known as the New York Times claimed, “Mr. Biden’s speech contained no outright falsehoods.”
    Yet, judging by Biden’s low approval numbers, the public can see through his lies just fine. His State of the Union address is no exception.
    Alfredo Ortiz is president and CEO of Job Creators Network and author of “The Real Race Revolutionaries: How Minority Entrepreneurship Can Overcome America’s Racial and Economic Divides.”

    The seven biggest lies Biden told this week
  • Edit: removed irrelevant links

They don't care.

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