Watch Don Lemmon get b***h slapped for his race baiting.

The full interview is available on YouTube but this clip is PRICELESS.

I have been showing this youtube video for a while, in the hope that libtards would see that in the US anyone can make something of themselves, it only takes them to find their God given gift and excel. Problem with the libs is that they have been told that their is no God and also have been victimized by the very liberals they keep voting for, and once a victim very hard not to blame someone else for their failures. Morgan Freeman started dirt poor and with his God given talent became a very rich and talented man, who has become very famous. Until you stop being a victim you wont make it anywhere in the world.....

This man started off dirt poor but he became famous also.

The full interview is available on YouTube but this clip is PRICELESS.

How the fuck do you get "b***h slapped" out of that? Kind of requires a fucked-up mentality don't you think?

And wtf is "b***h"? "Birth"? "Belch"? Just write what you mean.

Wait, I got it --- "Bench". Somebody got bench-slapped. Johnny Bench is back.
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The full interview is available on YouTube but this clip is PRICELESS.

As I said before, in 1976 I started working at McDonalds as a fry cook, making $2.10 an hour and couldn't work full time because at the time the fulltime was for older employees. So I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order cook and still was making $2.10 an hour. After 6 months of training and was able to open the store and handle the mid afternoon rush, alone, the store manager gave me a 15 cent raise, because that was what I was worth and he wanted to keep me. 1 year later the Democrats decided to raise minimum wage to $2.25 an hour, so here I was making entry level wages again, and the manager couldn't give me a raise. I saw that I was going no where and decided to go into the military and get skills fixing Aircraft. 9 1/2 years later got out, and used my skills overseas in Saudi Arabia, where I was making $70,000 a year, tax free. Also had stock options and made a small fortune. Too many liberals wont leave their comfort zones, so will stay local and not make their way in life..

The full interview is available on YouTube but this clip is PRICELESS.

As I said before, in 1976 I started working at McDonalds as a fry cook, making $2.10 an hour and couldn't work full time because at the time the fulltime was for older employees. So I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order cook and still was making $2.10 an hour. After 6 months of training and was able to open the store and handle the mid afternoon rush, alone, the store manager gave me a 15 cent raise, because that was what I was worth and he wanted to keep me. 1 year later the Democrats decided to raise minimum wage to $2.25 an hour, so here I was making entry level wages again, and the manager couldn't give me a raise. I saw that I was going no where and decided to go into the military and get skills fixing Aircraft. 9 1/2 years later got out, and used my skills overseas in Saudi Arabia, where I was making $70,000 a year, tax free. Also had stock options and made a small fortune. Too many liberals wont leave their comfort zones, so will stay local and not make their way in life..

Wow. We have VERY similar backgrounds.

The full interview is available on YouTube but this clip is PRICELESS.

As I said before, in 1976 I started working at McDonalds as a fry cook, making $2.10 an hour and couldn't work full time because at the time the fulltime was for older employees. So I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order cook and still was making $2.10 an hour. After 6 months of training and was able to open the store and handle the mid afternoon rush, alone, the store manager gave me a 15 cent raise, because that was what I was worth and he wanted to keep me. 1 year later the Democrats decided to raise minimum wage to $2.25 an hour, so here I was making entry level wages again, and the manager couldn't give me a raise. I saw that I was going no where and decided to go into the military and get skills fixing Aircraft. 9 1/2 years later got out, and used my skills overseas in Saudi Arabia, where I was making $70,000 a year, tax free. Also had stock options and made a small fortune. Too many liberals wont leave their comfort zones, so will stay local and not make their way in life..

Wow. We have VERY similar backgrounds.

Unless you are like the Kennedy's with a silver spoon shoved up your ass, most of the US citizenry has at one time worked minimum wage. But and there is always a butt, at some point in time, you either realize that being a victim of liberalism isnt the way of life, and move to bigger and better employment, or stay a victim, get welfare and forever be a hole in society.

The full interview is available on YouTube but this clip is PRICELESS.

As I said before, in 1976 I started working at McDonalds as a fry cook, making $2.10 an hour and couldn't work full time because at the time the fulltime was for older employees. So I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order cook and still was making $2.10 an hour. After 6 months of training and was able to open the store and handle the mid afternoon rush, alone, the store manager gave me a 15 cent raise, because that was what I was worth and he wanted to keep me. 1 year later the Democrats decided to raise minimum wage to $2.25 an hour, so here I was making entry level wages again, and the manager couldn't give me a raise. I saw that I was going no where and decided to go into the military and get skills fixing Aircraft. 9 1/2 years later got out, and used my skills overseas in Saudi Arabia, where I was making $70,000 a year, tax free. Also had stock options and made a small fortune. Too many liberals wont leave their comfort zones, so will stay local and not make their way in life..

Wow. We have VERY similar backgrounds.

Unless you are like the Kennedy's with a silver spoon shoved up your ass, most of the US citizenry has at one time worked minimum wage. But and there is always a butt, at some point in time, you either realize that being a victim of liberalism isnt the way of life, and move to bigger and better employment, or stay a victim, get welfare and forever be a hole in society.

A hole for sure but also a dedicated dimocrat voter for life.

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