Watch: Free Tommy Robinson rally at London parliament

It wasnt breach of the peace. It was contempt of court. He jeopardised a trial that involved multiple defendants.He had already been convicted of a similar offence and given a suspended sentence.

He pled guilty.

Fuck him.
What I saw in the film directly from the cops mouth was that he was arrested for breach of peace!
EDL founder Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court

You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
What I saw in the film directly from the cops mouth was that he was arrested for breach of peace!
EDL founder Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court

You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.

Keep trying. :19:

You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.

Keep trying. :19:
What bit are you struggling with dopey ?
You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.

Keep trying. :19:
What bit are you struggling with dopey ?

Your usual.

No argument or counter argument. So resort to expletives. Lazy and sloppy.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.

Keep trying. :19:
What bit are you struggling with dopey ?

Your usual.

No argument or counter argument. So resort to expletives. Lazy and sloppy.
I posted a link. Which bit did you not agree with ?
In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.

Keep trying. :19:
What bit are you struggling with dopey ?

Your usual.

No argument or counter argument. So resort to expletives. Lazy and sloppy.
I posted a link. Which bit did you not agree with ?

Don't even go there. You're not an honest debater.
What I saw in the film directly from the cops mouth was that he was arrested for breach of peace!
EDL founder Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court

You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!

You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.

Keep trying. :19:
What bit are you struggling with dopey ?

Your usual.

No argument or counter argument. So resort to expletives. Lazy and sloppy.
I posted a link. Which bit did you not agree with ?

Don't even go there. You're not an honest debater.
You are laughable.
You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?

Need you ask?

You do enough of it.
You're just pushing your own agenda. You always do.

Truth is an alien concept for you,.
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?
He’s imprisone and you can’t talk about it. Sounds like censorship to me! How long did it take them to lift the ban?
Oh dear. Thats pretty much a speech for the Cutnpaste Queen.

In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?
He’s imprisone and you can’t talk about it. Sounds like censorship to me! How long did it take them to lift the ban?
We are talking about it here and 2000 of his mates marched through London attacking the police today.Who is being censored ?
In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?
He’s imprisone and you can’t talk about it. Sounds like censorship to me! How long did it take them to lift the ban?
We are talking about it here and 2000 of his mates marched through London attacking the police today.Who is being censored ?
The guy rotting in prison and the press!
In America we report on court cases in progress every day! Yeah? It’s what freedom looks like.

A court order is in place to prevent any reporting of the details of the trial in question. Another court order preventing reporting of Robinson’s arrest and the subsequent court proceedings was lifted on Tuesday after a challenge by Leeds Live and the Independent.
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?
He’s imprisone and you can’t talk about it. Sounds like censorship to me! How long did it take them to lift the ban?
We are talking about it here and 2000 of his mates marched through London attacking the police today.Who is being censored ?

Why don't you mention the peaceful majority?
This isnt America. There are proper reasons for this and the main aim is to protect the right to a fair trial. Where there are multiple defendants the court will order a blackout until the trials re complete. There are obvious reasond for this and they outweigh the need to report every detail as it happens.
What happens in the courtroom is the thing and not what is splashed on a tabloid front page.
So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?
He’s imprisone and you can’t talk about it. Sounds like censorship to me! How long did it take them to lift the ban?
We are talking about it here and 2000 of his mates marched through London attacking the police today.Who is being censored ?

Why don't you mention the peaceful majority?
Ok. Here they are.

So in essence you censor free speech! Thanks!
How is free speech being censored ?
He’s imprisone and you can’t talk about it. Sounds like censorship to me! How long did it take them to lift the ban?
We are talking about it here and 2000 of his mates marched through London attacking the police today.Who is being censored ?

Why don't you mention the peaceful majority?
Ok. Here they are.


Desperate, aren't you?

To convince me of something?
You need to know where Clayton is coming from, though. By indulging in these scurrilous accusations, he is hoping to intimidate people into silence who would otherwise oppose the rape of children.

The leftists in this forum play this game quite intentionally.

That's pretty much the game that the left wrong has been playing for quite some time, especially on issues of sexual morality, with a disturbing amount of success. They push positions that are immoral, insane, and outright evil, and use accusations of hatred and bigotry to intimidate those who oppose these positions. This is how the homosexual/transsexual agenda has been promoted, and now, this is how the pedophilia agenda is being promoted. Shamefully, too many otherwise decent people are falling for it, allowing themselves to be shamed and intimidated into tolerating and upholding what they know very well to be wrong.
This isnt [sic] America.

No, it sure isn't.

There's a good reason why we kicked you filthy savages out of our country more than two centuries ago. And sadly, tragically, in those two centuries, you still haven't caught up to where we were back then, as far as basic human rights.

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