Watch: Free Tommy Robinson rally at London parliament

Dear Tommy: As an American, all that I can say to you is THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU BRITISH! What a wonderful sight to see. You folks have been magnificent. We in the U.S. are undergoing a national humiliation. It is so heartwarming and encouraging to know that you Brits still have got our backs. To every person in this picture, I wish to send to you my heartfelt thanks.

BTW: I am so sorry that this U.S.A. madman disrespected HRM Elizabeth II.

He didn't. It wasn't a state visit.

He did not follow protocol. But he's a monkey and a whore, so I guess he can't be relied upon to know proper behavior.

Gratuitous name calling.

So you have no argument.

Keeping the Queen waiting. Stepping in front of her at the review of the Coldstream Guards? Can't we Americans send folks to represent us who are more knowledgeable of diplomatic protocol?

Again, a million thanks sent to you by this American for stepping out to defend your nation against the humiliation that is now ours in the United States of America.

I'm in the USofA right now, and I don't sense any humilation.

We should be grateful to Trump for exposing those juvenile loons in their febrile attempts to humiliate the UK.

If you want to demonstrate, you could at least be dignified about it.

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have absolutely NO gratitude for someone who purports to represent us on the international stage and humiliates us at every turn. It is up to us to deal with the gutter scum that now "leads" us.
He didn't. It wasn't a state visit.

He did not follow protocol. But he's a monkey and a whore, so I guess he can't be relied upon to know proper behavior.

Gratuitous name calling.

So you have no argument.

Keeping the Queen waiting. Stepping in front of her at the review of the Coldstream Guards? Can't we Americans send folks to represent us who are more knowledgeable of diplomatic protocol?

Again, a million thanks sent to you by this American for stepping out to defend your nation against the humiliation that is now ours in the United States of America.

I'm in the USofA right now, and I don't sense any humilation.

We should be grateful to Trump for exposing those juvenile loons in their febrile attempts to humiliate the UK.

If you want to demonstrate, you could at least be dignified about it.

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have absolutely NO gratitude for someone who purports to represent us on the international stage and humiliates us at every turn. It is up to us to deal with the gutter scum that now "leads" us.

We're done then. :19:
He didn't. It wasn't a state visit.

He did not follow protocol. But he's a monkey and a whore, so I guess he can't be relied upon to know proper behavior.

Gratuitous name calling.

So you have no argument.

Keeping the Queen waiting. Stepping in front of her at the review of the Coldstream Guards? Can't we Americans send folks to represent us who are more knowledgeable of diplomatic protocol?

Again, a million thanks sent to you by this American for stepping out to defend your nation against the humiliation that is now ours in the United States of America.

I'm in the USofA right now, and I don't sense any humilation.

We should be grateful to Trump for exposing those juvenile loons in their febrile attempts to humiliate the UK.

If you want to demonstrate, you could at least be dignified about it.

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have absolutely NO gratitude for someone who purports to represent us on the international stage and humiliates us at every turn. It is up to us to deal with the gutter scum that now "leads" us.
Oh fuck lady! If you are humiliated it says more about your anti American treachery than it does anyone else!
He did not follow protocol. But he's a monkey and a whore, so I guess he can't be relied upon to know proper behavior.

Gratuitous name calling.

So you have no argument.

Keeping the Queen waiting. Stepping in front of her at the review of the Coldstream Guards? Can't we Americans send folks to represent us who are more knowledgeable of diplomatic protocol?

Again, a million thanks sent to you by this American for stepping out to defend your nation against the humiliation that is now ours in the United States of America.

I'm in the USofA right now, and I don't sense any humilation.

We should be grateful to Trump for exposing those juvenile loons in their febrile attempts to humiliate the UK.

If you want to demonstrate, you could at least be dignified about it.

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have absolutely NO gratitude for someone who purports to represent us on the international stage and humiliates us at every turn. It is up to us to deal with the gutter scum that now "leads" us.
Oh fuck lady! If you are humiliated it says more about your anti American treachery than it does anyone else!

I'm "anti-American" because I don''t back a whore and conman? Are you serious? The traitors are the whore who sits in the Oval Office and those of you who back him. You people have turned your backs on the nation that raised you. Most of us Americans were NOT raised in bars and filth. Sorry. I come from a PATRIOTIC and DIGNIFIED American family.
Gratuitous name calling.

So you have no argument.

Keeping the Queen waiting. Stepping in front of her at the review of the Coldstream Guards? Can't we Americans send folks to represent us who are more knowledgeable of diplomatic protocol?

Again, a million thanks sent to you by this American for stepping out to defend your nation against the humiliation that is now ours in the United States of America.

I'm in the USofA right now, and I don't sense any humilation.

We should be grateful to Trump for exposing those juvenile loons in their febrile attempts to humiliate the UK.

If you want to demonstrate, you could at least be dignified about it.

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have absolutely NO gratitude for someone who purports to represent us on the international stage and humiliates us at every turn. It is up to us to deal with the gutter scum that now "leads" us.
Oh fuck lady! If you are humiliated it says more about your anti American treachery than it does anyone else!

I'm "anti-American" because I don''t back a whore and conman? Are you serious? The traitors are the whore who sits in the Oval Office and those of you who back him. You people have turned your backs on the nation that raised you. Most of us Americans were NOT raised in bars and filth. Sorry. I come from a PATRIOTIC and DIGNIFIED American family.
You’re a pos anti America
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

If he had banned it you would have been on his back about restricting freedom of speech. The only reason you hate Khan is that he is
A - A socialist, albeit of the mild variety
B- A Muslim, who you hate because of the actions of a few.

You have no mature contribution to make to this conversation because of your bovine views.
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

If he had banned it you would have been on his back about restricting freedom of speech. The only reason you hate Khan is that he is
A - A socialist, albeit of the mild variety
B- A Muslim, who you hate because of the actions of a few.

You have no mature contribution to make to this conversation because of your bovine views.

Don't post to me.

Stick to your principles.

Did I say principles? :abgg2q.jpg: :cow:
Why cant you celebrate such a big turn out ?

Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

Bur you are willing to cheer that the people who call themselves president and vice president of the U.S.A. are primitive juvenile sexual perverts? You support trump and pigpence? Two little tribal sex boys?
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

Bur you are willing to cheer that the people who call themselves president and vice president of the U.S.A. are primitive juvenile sexual perverts? You support trump and pigpence? Two little tribal sex boys?

Do you always put words into people's mouths?

You're nothing if not persistent. :19:
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

Bur you are willing to cheer that the people who call themselves president and vice president of the U.S.A. are primitive juvenile sexual perverts? You support trump and pigpence? Two little tribal sex boys?
The short answer is yes.
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

Bur you are willing to cheer that the people who call themselves president and vice president of the U.S.A. are primitive juvenile sexual perverts? You support trump and pigpence? Two little tribal sex boys?
The short answer is yes.

Tainant. You vile disgusting pig. No wonder you're a USMB legend.
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

Bur you are willing to cheer that the people who call themselves president and vice president of the U.S.A. are primitive juvenile sexual perverts? You support trump and pigpence? Two little tribal sex boys?
She cheers them because of their anti muslim policies. She probably deplores their piggery in private but is being pragmatic about it.
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

Bur you are willing to cheer that the people who call themselves president and vice president of the U.S.A. are primitive juvenile sexual perverts? You support trump and pigpence? Two little tribal sex boys?
The short answer is yes.

Then we know what you are.
Copied from an American lady :-

Madame Prime Minister, our President visited your nation, representing all of us, the people of the United States. When YOU visit Washington D.C. you are received as a lady and respected because WE RESPECT the people of Britain. YOU ALLOWED THAT PUNK Mayor of London TO TREAT OUR PRESIDENT LIKE GARBAGE, THUS YOU HAVE TREATED ALL OF US LIKE GARBAGE. Now, I have watched all day what the British press and the people say about him, and they all see him as a buffoon and a CLOWN. I have seen the British people APOLOGIZING ON YOUR BEHALF MADAME, FEELING BAD FOR YOUR POOR JUDGEMENT AND HOW YOU HAVE TREATED OUR AMBASSADOR; for our President IS our Ambassador. He came there, he treated you with respect, MORE RESPECT THAN YOU DESERVE, BY THE WAY. And you respond by a balloon of him in the streets. People protesting, that is their right to do so, as Americans we honor the right to say what we feel. Now, I normally do not get involved in the politics of another nation, but since your Mayor feels it is his right, and since so many feel it is their right by protesting, let me give you my opinion as one American. YOUR PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT, THEY GAVE THEIR OPINION WHEN THEY GAVE THEIR VOTES. WHEN YOU ACCEPTED THE JOB YOU SAID YOU WOULD HONOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, AND SINCE THEN YOU, LIKE THE DEMOCRATS OF THIS NATION, HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. MADAME, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE WHAT THEY SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT KNOW OR BELIEVE, THEY HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN. DO YOUR JOB, FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE, AND IF YOU WERE NOT WILLING TO DO SO YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Pres. Trump may not be liked by YOU or your sorry Mayor who has destroyed an amazing city, a city that was among the jewels of Europe, and YOU LET HIM DO IT. But 65 million Americans like me love him, we love President Donald J. Trump very much.
Your "American lady" is a piece of trash and does not speak for all of us. I am an "American Lady." This piece of scum does not speak for me. As matter of fact, the 80-year-old "American lady" who lives downstairs from me ,years my senior, pronounced trump, on last Thursday and in my presence, to be a "fucking moron."

I'm the one who is disgusted.

That London has a mayor who permits such primitive and juvenile abominations.

Bur you are willing to cheer that the people who call themselves president and vice president of the U.S.A. are primitive juvenile sexual perverts? You support trump and pigpence? Two little tribal sex boys?
She cheers them because of their anti muslim policies. She probably deplores their piggery in private but is being pragmatic about it.

Carry on, if it's the only thing you can do to get negative attention.

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