Watch live & discuss: Jan6 hearing about Trump's "connections" to white supremacist Oath Keepers & Proud Boys who wrecked Congress on that fateful day

In other words, you want me to hold your hand & point them out to you.
Yes, that's how things work in this forum. If you make a claim, then it's your job to produce the evidence. No one is fooled by these progr games where you make skeptics prove your case.

You're a fucking moron.
Prove me wrong, cement head. Prove that Trump got more votes then Biden. Let's have it or STFU. What you got? Something like:

Bamboo from China?
Italian lasers?
Dead people voting?
Ilegal immigrants voting?
Ballot stuffers?

Know what you got? Nothing, nada, zilch, zeeeeero! :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, am I getting paid by Soros? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to your debate rules, it's your job to prove him right.

Watch live & discuss: Jan6 hearing about Trump's "connections" to white supremacist Oath Keepers & Proud Boys who wrecked Congress on that fateful day​

Really? An election is stolen and liberals are concerned about American citizens wanting their voice heard?
Yes, that's how things work in this forum. If you make a claim, then it's your job to produce the evidence. No one is fooled by these progr games where you make skeptics prove your case.

You're a fucking moron.
Yes and most of them NEVER provide proof.
OK, here's an unsolicited opinion:
My avatar kinda likes that the poster Original Tree is on this site as a representative of Don Trump supporters.
He sorta personifies that level of political partisanship.
I say that because...well, because no other Trump supporters come here to say....'Well, we ain't ALL like Original Tree."

For example: (ps...this is all from just one single thread!)

I love this bar.

Tehe biden family is very weird. Some of those images are very suggestive.
They were never Trump's people. What part of that don't you get?
His staff, his appointed attorney general, people that worked in his white house, that he worked with. What part of that don't you get?
His staff, his appointed attorney general, people that worked in his white house, that he worked with. What part of that don't you get?
Trump should have known he was appointing far left Marxists but they are good at lying and obfuscation. Most of US thought the FBI was honest, until we found out they faked evidence against Trump.
His staff, his appointed attorney general, people that worked in his white house, that he worked with. What part of that don't you get?
Just a few worked for him the majority worked against him. How many came out publicly to do that? A shitload.
Trump should have known he was appointing far left Marxists but they are good at lying and obfuscation. Most of US thought the FBI was honest, until we found out they faked evidence against Trump.
Huh? You are way out of touch with the FBI. Of course you seem to have not posted any evidence to prove anyone of the agents are dishonest, and that is the evidence to prove you are the dishonest one.
Huh? You are way out of touch with the FBI. Of course you seem to have not posted any evidence to prove anyone of the agents are dishonest, and that is the evidence to prove you are the dishonest one.
The FBI refuses to tell us how many agents were there. Why is that?
Rhodes in his own words, interview last year.

Oath Keepers founder and leader Stewart Rhodes does not see a perfect president when he looks back at former President Donald Trump's time in office.
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes speaks during a Wichita Falls meeting Thursday, June 24, 2021.

Rhodes and his group, often called a far-right militia, have been known for their support of Trump, but Rhodes sees ample flaws in the former president.

"He didn't understand the Constitution enough when it came to that," Rhodes said during an exclusive interview in Wichita Falls ahead of a speaking engagement in late June.

Rhodes said he did not agree with Trump's backing of red flag legislation or his statement about taking guns away first and then worrying about due process later.

Red flag laws allow courts to remove firearms from people deemed a danger to themselves or others.

In February 2018, Trump made a statement that surprised many.

"I like taking guns away early," he said in the wake of a mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. "Take the guns first, go through due process second."

Rhodes said, "That's not how our constitutional system works."

In general, he thinks Trump loved his country and was "a sincere America First person," Rhodes said.

“That's why he gained a lot of support. That's why he got elected in 2016. So I think that he was legit, but he wasn't as staunch of a constitutionalist, as well-versed in the Constitution, as he should have been," Rhodes said.
He added, "I might get some hate mail over that from Trump supporters, but it’s the truth.”

America First policy calls for not intervening in other nations' affairs and for an emphasis on nationalism.

The Southern Poverty Law Center describes Oath Keepers as among the largest radical antigovernment groups in the United States. The group is known for showing up visibly armed to events.

Rhodes rejects the militia label, saying members are mostly retired and current military members and law-enforcement officers acting together to deter trouble.

Because of a gun accident, Rhodes wears an eyepatch. He graduated from Yale Law School and is a former Army paratrooper. Originally from Montana, he now lives in Texas.
He came to Wichita Falls to speak during a meeting June 24 at Red River Harley-Davidson.

Rhodes said he encouraged Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and carry out "a mass declassification and data dump of all the dirty secrets" held by the CIA and the National Security Agency. The dirty secrets are how corrupt politicians are being controlled.

“Who are the people that have been bought out, whether it's by Wall Street or foreign governments, whether it's Russia or China, or whoever? Who are the people that have been compromised … controlled? You know, our intelligence agencies know that," Rhodes said.

He said Edward Snowden is a patriot.

Now in Russia, Snowden leaked highly classified information from the NSA while a civilian worker.

"This is one of Trump's failings. He should have pardoned Snowden," Rhodes said. “He should have pardoned his own supporters who were arrested after Jan. 6. Why didn't he do that?”

Trump should also be raising money for their legal defense, Rhodes said.

“These are his supporters, and they're being charged and persecuted. And it doesn't ultimately even matter if you think they're guilty. There's presumed innocence until proven guilty," Rhodes said. "They have a right to counsel."

At least two Oath Keepers have pleaded guilty in a conspiracy case.

The FBI alleges 16 members of the Oath Keepers conspired at the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol to keep Congress from certifying election results.

Rhodes said some of the group's members entering the Capitol was "a massive mistake" that he had no knowledge of at the time, but there was no conspiracy.

The New York Times reported July 9 that Rhodes has voluntarily submitted to an interview with the FBI although he has not been charged and denies any role in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

Rhodes also subscribes to Trump's unproven claims the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent.

"So many Trump supporters . . . don't consider Biden legitimate, and I'm one of them. I don't consider Biden a legitimate president," Rhodes said.

Who would Rhodes like to see in the next presidential election?

"I would want to see Rand Paul run. Like his dad, I think he has the best understanding of our Constitution and the best devotion to it of anybody that's currently in political office," Rhodes said.

Rand Paul is a U.S. senator from Kentucky who describes himself as a Libertarian Republican.

His father is Libertarian and former Congressman Ron Paul, who was also a two-time Republican presidential candidate.
A Libertarian, Rhodes volunteered for Ron Paul's presidential campaign in 2008.

That is, Rhodes would support Rand Paul unless Snowden obtained a pardon and returned to the United States.
"I would vote for Edward Snowden for president, absolutely, because he proved up by blowing the whistle," Rhodes said.

"I look for someone who has put themselves at risk to do the right thing. You can't show me that, I'm a little skeptical. I think Rand Paul's been pretty good. He's been in the hot seat politically. Not as good as his dad but pretty close," Rhodes said.

"I would want someone that I think is going to take it seriously," he said.

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What a crock of shit.

There are NO "radical anti-government groups" on the right. Not even one.
Not that common. Trumps own people told him it wasn't and that he lost.
See? ^^^

What do I keep telling you?

Until we have election security, it's he said/she said.

What the hell does it matter what people SAID? Or what they THOUGHT? Security is not about speech or thought. It's about robust and traceable AND PUBLICLY VISIBLE chains of custody.

You can argue till you're blue in the face, no part of it is the truth. You don't KNOW the truth, and you will NEVER know the truth, until you have election security.

If you're comfortable with Big Brother's word, that's on you. I'm not.

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