Watch live & discuss: Jan6 hearing about Trump's "connections" to white supremacist Oath Keepers & Proud Boys who wrecked Congress on that fateful day

Terms like "fight like hell" are used by people who want their goons to "fight like hell" - and if you didn't want them to, you would not pleasure yourself by watching them do so for three hours, ignoring desperate pleas from your minions, family, and Fox News enablers, to call them off.

SUre. I mean you could easily fine plenty of dems who have used such terminology while whipping up hate in the antifa and blm mobs, who have quite a nice history of rioting and killing, thus "goons".

BUt Trump supporters do not have that extensive history of rioting and killing. Even now they don't. ONE riot does not a pattern make.

SO, it was completely reasonable for Trump to call for a peaceful protest and use normal political rah rah, language,

and only a completely dishonest person would pretend that that was an incitement to violence.

This bit where you are pretending we are the bad guys because of a non existing history of rioting and violence,

on some level, that has to feel really wrong to you. Because you are the people that have been using street violence and mob attacks SUPPORTED BY THE POLICE, to silence and intimidate your political enemies.

Which by the way, is classic brown shirt fascism tactics.

If you claim that we are the bad guy based on a description of YOUR behavior, that means that in your own head, by your own definitions,

you know that YOU are the bad guys, and we are the good guys.
Why would he fuckin' give credibility to that shit show in the House?
Why did he give credidibilty to crackpots like The Kraken Lady, Rudy, Bannon, Flynn & the rest of his ball washers who told that jerkoff Trump exactly what he wanted to hear?

Oh, & guess what? Trump was the mastermind, The Mob Boss who was behind the whole plot, whether you like it or not.

Pull you head out of your own ass & wise up, Rockhead.
How did he do that? Calling someone who did not answer his call? Very intimidating!

Think Trump called that person to ask how they were feeling, Trump asseater?

Just a coincidence, right? Know why your boy called? He's hit the panic buttom & can't control himself because DOJ is going to rattle his cage worse then the committe is.

I hope you enjoy it.
You're the ass hat clown who just said Trump can have a defense if he does it your way, other than that, you're sticking with blowing the Democrats for not allowing him to have any defense at all. It's just how you roll, pathetically and sadly
Trump is too much of a coward & no lawyer in their right mind would allow a pathalogical liar like Trump to testify under oath about ANYTHING.
Why did he give credidibilty to crackpots like The Kraken Lady, Rudy, Bannon, Flynn & the rest of his ball washers who told that jerkoff Trump exactly what he wanted to hear?
Trump didn't realize Powell was just looking to fatten her wallet. Rudy let us down, we expect more from an experienced lawyer.
Trump is too much of a coward & no lawyer in their right mind would allow a pathalogical liar like Trump to testify under oath about ANYTHING.

LOL, yuck a puck here thinks you can speak for Trump. What a jackass .... and a racist .... you are
LOL, yuck a puck here thinks you can speak for Trump. What a jackass .... and a racist .... you are
You'll be eating a shit sandwich if you think Trump will EVER testify. The only way that asshole testifies in anything is if a judge orders him to because he's a compulsive pathalogical liar.
Trump didn't realize Powell was just looking to fatten her wallet. Rudy let us down, we expect more from an experienced lawyer.
Yea, right. Trump wanted to appoint her special counsel because he was too stooooopid to realize she was conning him?

Are you for real?

Rudy? He haden't seen the inside of a courtroom in over 10 years when all this happened. He was too busy lining his pockets by milking the 9/11 terrorist attack. Gimme a break.
You'll be eating a shit sandwich if you think Trump will EVER testify. The only way that asshole testifies in anything is if a judge orders him to because he's a compulsive pathalogical liar.

WTF? You heard that??? WTF would Trump testify? Something I never said, meant, or thought? You denied him a defense. You think he's going to HELP you??? LOL, what a nasty boi you are, you live in your own gay world

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