Watch live & discuss: Jan6 hearing about Trump's "connections" to white supremacist Oath Keepers & Proud Boys who wrecked Congress on that fateful day

"My friend Donald was wronged! I'm not watching"! :206::206::206:
I'm a libertarian, you fucking disgusting piece of partisan trash.

You picked a fight on multiple fronts. Now you're going to have to fight it. Good luck
Awaiting Thompson's indictment of almost every Democrat on the J6 Committee and in Congress who refused to accept Clinton's 2016 loss
Your attempted diversion fails miserably.

When Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016, the record confirms that she graciously conceded within hours, didn't call on goons to attack the Capitol, didn't threaten any Secretaries of State who refused to fake the vote for her, didn't rave inanely about fictitious fraudulent voters, didn't try a fake electors scam, didn't set up Vice President Biden for lynching, and didn't piss and moan for twenty months about an absurd "stolen Landslide!"

Her first words
: “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.”

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 5.27.45 PM.png

"One must be able to lose with dignity.
So true!"
Trump, December 23, 2018
I ask all Americans..Is this a "fair, balanced and unbiased" inquiry about what happened on Jan 6 ???? If the answer is no, they would be correct. If the answer is yes, they would be a fool. America does not need fools. America needs patriots that reject unfair, unbalanced and biased "inquiries ". True Americans want to know the truth.....Schiff, Pelosi and company want to feed you a dog and pony show that distorts the truth. Any evidence of wrong doing by Trump will always be overshadowed by the court that was exclusively made up of kangaroos.
Always a 'witch hunt', because magaturds try to gaslight rational Americans into believing they never do anything wrong. :auiqs.jpg: 2020 proved how well that worked. Magaturds are naively stupid.
It's always a witch hunt because it's always a witch hunt. That's what Democrats do.
Always a 'witch hunt', because magaturds try to gaslight rational Americans into believing they never do anything wrong. :auiqs.jpg: 2020 proved how well that worked. Magaturds are naively stupid.
If Repubs or Trump did wrong, we just don't get that Progs are virtuous by the media's ignoring any potential issues a political individual does except if he/she is served up as a sacrificial lamb. That election was stolen. We are now back in the swamp where the globalists want us.
Your attempted diversion fails miserably.

When Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016, the record confirms that she graciously conceded within hours, didn't call on goons to attack the Capitol, didn't threaten any Secretaries of State who refused to fake the vote for her, didn't rave inanely about fictitious fraudulent voters, didn't try a fake electors scam, didn't set up Vice President Biden for lynching, and didn't piss and moan for twenty months about an absurd "stolen Landslide!"

Her first words
: “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and a chance to lead.”

View attachment 669447
"One must be able to lose with dignity.
So true!"
Trump, December 23, 2018
Clinton did none of those things. She paid Christopher Steele to create a phony Russia dossier.
I'm a libertarian, you fucking disgusting piece of partisan trash.

You picked a fight on multiple fronts. Now you're going to have to fight it. Good luck
You're a Trump bedwetting asslicker. He's guilty as sin but you're too ignorant to see it.
In other words, you want me to hold your hand & point them out to you.
This ^^^ person is the nastiest fucktard on the forum.

I ignored it for a while because I wasn't interested in its value system.

Now I'm going to crush it though.

This fucktard here ^^^ is going to be out of a job pretty soon
So now you're an oracle, are you? LOL. The vast majority were peaceful and unarmed and the only person shot was an unarmed white girl murdered by a cop. On the bright side, you suddenly support the police! How cool is that! And how long lasting. Long lasting it's not, LOL
So the majority didn't take part in the violence. So what? That has what to do with what Trump did before & after 1/6 in his plot to overturn a lawfull election?

Where's your concern for the cops who were bludgeoned by Trump's marauding mob?
Barry Hussein invited the "New Black Panthers" to the W.H. after the Feds declined to prosecute the gang for intimidating voters with nightsticks and shotguns and gestapo uniforms. Good old Barry also invited the parents of a freaking traitor who abandoned his post in Afghanistan and went with the enemy. Trump's alleged connection with the "proud boys" is just more left wing bullshit.
Fuck you, shit for brains.

You're in no position to tell me who or what I am, partisan fucktard.

Eat shit and die.

That's rich. A leftard accusing others of being ignorant. :p
There's no partisanship when someone like Trump tries to overturn a lawfull election using lies, violence, intimidation & agencies of the Federal Govt. to stay in power, you ignorant gullible low I.Q. shithead.

At least with people who have a brain, nitwit.
This ^^^ person is the nastiest fucktard on the forum.

I ignored it for a while because I wasn't interested in its value system.

Now I'm going to crush it though.

This fucktard here ^^^ is going to be out of a job pretty soon
Scared of you. :abgg2q.jpg:
There's no partisanship when someone like Trump tries to overturn a lawfull election using lies, violence, intimidation & agencies of the Federal Govt. to stay in power, you ignorant gullible low I.Q. shithead.

Right. Says the fucktard who thinks Biden got 81 million votes. What a fucking idiot.

At least with people who have a brain, nitwit.
I guess that excludes you.

AND the people who pay you.
We will continue to destroy everything good about America if we are unwilling to address the mistakes of those political leaders we like with as much honesty & energy as those we dislike. There are plenty in both party's that support only there own interests, And can in no way relate to an average American. they have been in the cat bird seat to long.
Clinton did none of those things. She paid Christopher Steele to create a phony Russia dossier.
The record shows that Clinton graciously conceded within hours, despite winning the popular vote by 2.8 million.

It's far to well documented for you to try denying.

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