Watch live & discuss: Jan6 hearing about Trump's "connections" to white supremacist Oath Keepers & Proud Boys who wrecked Congress on that fateful day

The committee is presenting evidence that the idea the violent mob's actions were a spontaneous escalation of a peaceful protest is bull crap.

Evidence of firearms in Jan. 6 crowd grows as arrests and trials mount

Some of the startling revelations of the recent blockbuster Jan. 6 House committee hearing came in snippets of police radio traffic captured during President Donald Trump’s rally on the Ellipse and from Trump’s purported response to being told there were armed protesters just outside a secured area.

The chatter included reports of a man with an AR-15 in a tree on Constitution Avenue who was accompanied by two men with pistols on their hips. Another officer radioed, “I’ve got three men walking down the street in fatigues carrying AR-15s, copy, at 14th and Independence.”
The recordings aired during the June 28 hearing in which former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump reportedly “was angry that we weren’t letting people through the [metal detectors] with weapons.”

The full picture of how many among the crowd were armed before the riot occurred is unclear, but court records, trial testimony and accounts from police officers and rioters have supplied growing evidence that multiple people brought firearms to Washington for Jan. 6, 2021. Six men were arrested that day for having guns in the vicinity of the U.S. Capitol, and a seventh who arrived after the riot ended was arrested the following day. Despite some instances in which alerts about people with guns turned out to be false alarms, accounts from police officers and rioters indicate that many firearms were spotted on Jan. 6 but were not seized as law enforcement focused more on defending the Capitol than on arresting gun-law violators.

More and more we are coming to the understanding the 1/6 riot was not a protest that got out of hand. The violence was the plan all along as evidenced by all the weapons the mob brought to the Capital.
So where are all these firearms that the Dims claim were possessed by the crowd? Some on he radio saying they saw a firearm if proof of nothing.
I ain't watchin your idiotic dog and pony show.

Talk to me about election security, I'll listen

But I do not care what Trump did or didn't do.

Because I'm a security expert. I know how these things work. I know MORE and BETTER than any Congress critter, left or right.

These hearings are a complete waste of time. Their purpose is to knock the opposing front running candidate out of the box, nothing more
"My friend Donald was wronged! I'm not watching"! :206::206::206:
If Republicans did this, Democrats would be screeching. If Democrats didn't have hypocrisy, they would have nothing. They are also racists
They don't say anything about it because they participate in it. What kind of people allows for an Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby in their ranks like that encouraging the total mind rape and sexualization of our children?

Democrats. that's who. They never denounce pedophilia. They make our children their sex toys. They look the other way, and then want to see pictures and hear details when they think nobody is watching them.

Why do you think Anthony Weiner and Hunter Biden had all that Child Porn on their laptops?

To share it with their friends and family members The Clintons and Bidens, that's why.
Answer the question: why would any rational person "participate" in a witch hunt? We know Demo scum like you don't want to hear that.
Always a 'witch hunt', because magaturds try to gaslight rational Americans into believing they never do anything wrong. :auiqs.jpg: 2020 proved how well that worked. Magaturds are naively stupid.
They don't say anything about it because they participate in it. What kind of people allows for an Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby in their ranks like that encouraging the total mind rape and sexualization of our children?

Democrats. that's who. They never denounce pedophilia. They make our children their sex toys. They look the other way, and then want to see pictures and hear details when they think nobody is watching them.

Why do you think Anthony Weiner and Hunter Biden had all that Child Porn on their laptops?

To share it with their friends and family members The Clintons and Bidens, that's why.
Hey halftard, didga know that your Orange Blob donated money to Weiner's campaing, bedwetter?
"My friend Donald was wronged! I'm not watching"! :206::206::206:
Why did Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater take naked showers with his sexually mature teenage daughter?
Bet every Democrat would tune into that and watch Joe run his naked soapy hands all over his daughters sexually mature curvy body.
You bet The Demo Perv Alphabet Pedo Lobby would watch that.
Hey halftard, didga know that your Orange Blob donated money to Weiner's campaing, bedwetter?
Why was your dirty diaper god, EmperorShitzHizPantz aka Pedo Peter The Hair Sniffing Child Eater in the shower with his sexually mature daughter naked and no doubt washing every inch of her sexy body with his bare hands?

Why won't you denounce a person like that?
Hey halftard, didga know that your Orange Blob donated money to Weiner's campaing, bedwetter?
Did you know that Hillary Clinton's Emails that she committed perjury about were on Weiner's laptop along with child porn Hillary sent he and Huma?

Do you oppose grooming and child molestation of children or not?
Good luck with that.

So now your idiotic committee can subpoena anyone they want, a d Trump can't talk to them?

Fuck you, Stalinist pig.

You're leaving town.
Stooooooopid man child Trump just stumbled on his own dick again setting himself up on a witness tampering charge. Fucked himself- again! :auiqs.jpg:
YOU claimed there were guns, it's your job to back it up. Obviously you're far more at the secretary level than the having a secretary level
You Trump asseater's will claim they're fake anyway.

Eat shit, I'm not playing your "fake news" bullshit game.

You are still hanging on in there... You lost it years ago... You are the rube getting played...

You still believe the Big Lie... Fuck it do you think Santa is real too..

Yeah, it's the "big lie," that's why you couldn't allow a defense, you're so confident, LOL. What a racist and a tool
You Trump asseater's will claim they're fake anyway.

Eat shit, I'm not playing your "fake news" bullshit game.

So now you're an oracle, are you? LOL. The vast majority were peaceful and unarmed and the only person shot was an unarmed white girl murdered by a cop. On the bright side, you suddenly support the police! How cool is that! And how long lasting. Long lasting it's not, LOL

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