Watch live & discuss: Jan6 hearing about Trump's "connections" to white supremacist Oath Keepers & Proud Boys who wrecked Congress on that fateful day

Jan. 6 committee to say at this hearing that Trump directed far-right groups to obstruct Biden’s certification with a 19 Dec 2020 tweet about a “wild protest” — and will play the most compelling parts of Cipollone’s testimony.

Too bad the FBI Whistleblower leaked documents prove the FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys, & the FBI's own internal memos report the Proud Boys never entered the Capitol....totally destroys the 6 Jan Committee's narrative...and this thread

The Republican white-wing lives by lies.
Ah, those malleable moments of a pliable past!

And the hits just keep on coming - bamboo ballots, Italian satellites, and Whispering Ray, the man who controls weak minds.

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Says the weak minded leftist.
Lashing out with childish ad hominems is a nifty way to avoid honestly confronting reality for some.

If the discredited Cry Baby Loser is to be finally brought to justice, my guess is that it'll be over his fake electors scam. The Loser had pressed Republican-controlled state legislatures to override the will of their voters and appoint Trump lickspittles instead, but no state legislature agreed to his sleazy scheme. Trump’s cult contrived to move the plan forward anyway, having Trump toadies sign bogus certificates claiming to be the true electors from their states and sending them to Congress. That pathetic attempt to subvert democracy failed as well, of course.
The KKK endorsed Hillary several times over the years. Should we investigate her 'connections' to White Supremavist Organizations such as the KKK?

Democrats have supported, defended, and even encouraged more violence from left wing domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM - terrorist groups that bussed terrorists into communities which they looted, vandalized, burnt, destroyed, attacked, murdered, and even tried to burn federal agents alive in federal buildings...

Should we hold similar GOP-run hearings to investigate Democrat 'connections' to these domestic terrorists that perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the country?

Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and other Democrats called for the criminal harassnent of and violence against Republican politicians and USSC Justices, inciting TWO assassination attempts, one resulting in Rep Steve Scalise being shot...

These Democrats have personally threatened USSC Justices, called publicly for Insurrection, have incited over 60 liberal domestic terrorist attacks against churches, family planning centers, and Pro-life centers....they have defended and protected domestic terrorist groups like 'Ruth Sent Us' and others while refusing to enforce existing laws that provide USSC Justices with protection from these threats.

Perhaps after November Republicans should create committees patterned after and operating like the Democrats 6 Jan Committee to investigate the seditious criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats and their obvious connections to so many national security-threatening domestic terrorist groups...

If Democrats and snowflakes approve of and defend the 6 Jan Committee there is no way they could oppose such investigative committees patterned EXACTLY after the Drmocrats' 6 Jan Committee and run EXACTLY how Democrats have run theirs...
Lashing out with childish ad hominems is a nifty way to avoid honestly confronting reality for some.

If the discredited Cry Baby Loser is to be finally brought to justice, my guess is that it'll be over his fake electors scam. The Loser had pressed Republican-controlled state legislatures to override the will of their voters and appoint Trump lickspittles instead, but no state legislature agreed to his sleazy scheme. Trump’s cult contrived to move the plan forward anyway, having Trump toadies sign bogus certificates claiming to be the true electors from their states and sending them to Congress. That pathetic attempt to subvert democracy failed as well, of course.
I just told you the truth you're a mindless leftist.
The KKK endorsed Hillary several times over the years. Should we investigate her 'connections' to White Supremavist Organizations such as the KKK?

Democrats have supported, defended, and even encouraged more violence from left wing domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM - terrorist groups that bussed terrorists into communities which they looted, vandalized, burnt, destroyed, attacked, murdered, and even tried to burn federal agents alive in federal buildings...

Should we hold similar GOP-run hearings to investigate Democrat 'connections' to these domestic terrorists that perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the country?

Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and other Democrats called for the criminal harassnent of and violence against Republican politicians and USSC Justices, inciting TWO assassination attempts, one resulting in Rep Steve Scalise being shot...

These Democrats have personally threatened USSC Justices, called publicly for Insurrection, have incited over 60 liberal domestic terrorist attacks against churches, family planning centers, and Pro-life centers....they have defended and protected domestic terrorist groups like 'Ruth Sent Us' and others while refusing to enforce existing laws that provide USSC Justices with protection from these threats.

Perhaps after November Republicans should create committees patterned after and operating like the Democrats 6 Jan Committee to investigate the seditious criminal acts perpetrated by Democrats and their obvious connections to so many national security-threatening domestic terrorist groups...

If Democrats and snowflakes approve of and defend the 6 Jan Committee there is no way they could oppose such investigative committees patterned EXACTLY after the Drmocrats' 6 Jan Committee and run EXACTLY how Democrats have run theirs...
Hillary claimed she was a proud Goldwater girl.
Lashing out with childish ad hominems is a nifty way to avoid honestly confronting reality for some.

Snowflakes would know - they do it all the time to avoid reality / facts...

After Hillary lost in 2016 you crazy fuckers went as far as creating a web site that provided news and existed based on the altetnate reality that Hillary HAD won...

I just told you the truth you're a mindless leftist.
Trump bum kissers lash out at all the conservative Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders offering sworn testimony regarding their Loser's perfidy, so being targeted for the aspersions the whiners spew at most Americans is of no consequence.
Trump bum kissers lash out at all the conservative Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders offering sworn testimony regarding their Loser's perfidy, so being targeted for the aspersions the whiners spew at most Americans is of no consequence.
Dude you've been mindlessly believing conspiracy theories since the Russia bullshit started in 2016.
Dude you've been mindlessly believing conspiracy theories since the Russia bullshit started in 2016.
Two Republican-led Senate special investigative committees confirmed the findings of the FBI, the NSA, and the CIA that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton. I have no reason to pretend it isn't true, although I recognize that some remain in pathological denial.
Trump bum kissers lash out at all the conservative Republican officeholders and Trump regime insiders offering sworn testimony regarding their Loser's perfidy, so being targeted for the aspersions the whiners spew at most Americans is of no consequence.
Poor snowflake still falling for that Russian disinformation bullshit.

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