Watch Live: House GOP Press Conference featuring Jim Jordan, James Comer, Virginia Foxx + others Say They Will Launch Biden Family Investigation


Let the Senate launch an investigation into Ivanka and Jared Kushner
They were investigated for 4 long years by The Obama 666 New World Order Goons in The FBI and DOJ as well as Nazi Pelosi's and Moscow Mueller's Witch Hunts.
Found Nothing, kinda like what we find in your empty skull if we could examine it.
You don't think a few democrats wanting to challenge Biden in 2024 won't get in on the game?
No one cares about the top spot. Trump is the Republican nominee. You could run a dog against him and beat him.
This is about the House GOP spending all its bullets on snipe hunts over the next two years..and getting cleaned out in 2024 for it.
STFU Traitor.
I'm going to be saving all these types of threads and posts so I can shove the following fact in your face come 2024:
are the reason your team lost, and YOU are the problem w/the Republican Party.

Keep it up bitch.

I'm really hoping for 50000 hours of hearings on Hunter Biden's laptop.


Well golly gee....that'll fix the economy and gas prices, won't it? :heehee:
The problem is that isn’t being televised, and most of the “useful idiots” are unaware.

But the Republicans will have the House in January, and the investigation starting now will move to impeachment proceedings early next year. Unlike the witch-hunt over Trump, though, the lame media will refuse to cover the hearings in an effort to continue to keep the useful idiots ignorant.
No one cares about the top spot. Trump is the Republican nominee. You could run a dog against him and beat him.
This is about the House GOP spending all its bullets on snipe hunts over the next two years..and getting cleaned out in 2024 for it.

Democrats sound nervous, I guess that's because this investigation will be based on facts and evidence as opposed to the Russia, Russia, Russia pee pee hoax...
I'm going to be saving all these types of threads and posts so I can shove the following fact in your face come 2024:
are the reason your team lost, and YOU are the problem w/the Republican Party.

Keep it up bitch.

Remember. when you show up at Paul Pelosi's house in your underwear with a hammer to please use lube, and not hit Paul on the head with it afterwards because he tried to stiff you for services rendered!

Gay Hammers don't Hammer People.
Gay Illegal Alien Prostitutes Do!
The xiden crime syndicate is about to have the bright light of oversight shined on their corruption
But it’s got to be covered! Is the WaPo covering it? The NYT? CNN? MSNBC?

How can we get the truth out to voters when the Left is so determined to hide it from them?
and the investigation starting now will move to impeachment proceedings early next year
If Republicans had a 50 vote margin in the House like they bragged they would have, impeachment was on the table

With a single digit margin, they will never get the votes
What role have members of Biden's family played in his Government during his time as President? Which ones did he hire?

Hunter is selling his finger drawings to enemy countries for $500,000 a piece, and his bank account is co-mingled with Joe Biden.
But it’s got to be covered! Is the WaPo covering it? The NYT? CNN? MSNBC?

How can we get the truth out to voters when the Left is so determined to hide it from them?
even if they covered it, the dembots still wouldn’t believe it
Hunter is selling his finger drawings to enemy countries for $500,000 a piece, and his bank account is co-mingled with Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden is a great artist
Better than Picasso
They were investigated for 4 long years by The Obama 666 New World Order Goons in The FBI and DOJ as well as Nazi Pelosi's and Moscow Mueller's Witch Hunts.
Found Nothing, kinda like what we find in your empty skull if we could examine it.
Are you sure you are talking about something in the US and not something in the UK? Again?

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