Watch Live: House GOP Press Conference featuring Jim Jordan, James Comer, Virginia Foxx + others Say They Will Launch Biden Family Investigation

If Republicans had a 50 vote margin in the House like they bragged they would have, impeachment was on the table

With a single digit margin, they will never get the votes
You need to learn what impeachment means. All it takes is a simple majority in the House to bring impeachment proceedings. The House has the votes as of Jan 2023.

The Bidens’ dirty laundry will be revealed for all the world to see.
I'm talking about you being a Shill for The DemoFascist New World Order, World Economic Forum and 666 Sustainability Green Horse Shit coming out of OBden's and Klaus Schwab's ass.

There's a chance he is sitting in a cushy government office somewhere drawing a fat check doing his job of spreading propaganda for the radical Elitist Left.
So, yeah, you may be right that he is a Shill for the Left.
I'm talking about you being a Shill for The DemoFascist New World Order, World Economic Forum and 666 Sustainability Green Horse Shit coming out of OBden's and Klaus Schwab's ass.
On a board chuck-full of deranged far rightwing nutjobs, you're CHIEF amongst them.

You need to learn what impeachment means. All it takes is a simple majority in the House to bring impeachment proceedings. The House has the votes as of Jan 2023.

The Bidens’ dirty laundry will be revealed for all the world to see.
All it takes is 1-2 republicans to vote against impeachment, and it's off the table.
Remember, unless yall can come up with "legitimate" charges, like you catch Biden trying to blackmail a foreign leader by cutting off military aid, or trying to overthrow the government, a lot of republicans won't want to answer to their constituents why they voted to impeach for purely partisan reasons.
On a board chuck-full of deranged far rightwing nutjobs, you're CHIEF amongst them.

We don't want your 666 Sustainable Development, Green Energy Horsehit, Global Warming Cult Religion, Global Tyrannical Freedom Squashing Government. Get Bent Fascist Marxist, Nazi Pig.
Who is the Big Guy?
Joe you live under a rock?

Hunter Biden’s biz partner called Joe Biden ‘the Big Guy’ in panicked message after Post’s laptop story​


President Biden is the 'Big Guy' in Hunter Biden's laptop emails, report says​

Joe Biden is the big guy. You are talking about some other big guy though. How was your date?

Have you thought that Hunter was just making up, that he was paying his father, in order to convince people he held sway over his father, and make more money on top of that?

It's the perfect scam. People pay him because they think they think they now how proof of bribery against Joe.

It's like the ex-judge who grifted people into getting a cut if he "fixed" their parking tickets. He ran a company staffed by other ex-judges, and
people thought the company had influence over the system.

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